We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

So meta is still a thing

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,641

Before you say "Well it's the meta it's the best perks to use" yeah but it's not fun when I have to face the meta all the time when choas shuffle was out I just played that before I knew the meta wasn't showing up plus isn't choas shuffle also supposed to more test killers and survivors with trying new perks and expanding their horizons but guess not. Overall blah blah blah meta is boring to face when you deal with every match and no I don't use the survivor meta because 1. No idea what it is 2. I prefer my meta of perks I feel comfortable with but will sometimes swap them out currently I swapped one perk out with wake up.

Also another thing is something I don't get. A killer will constantly use their power Hillbilly, Nemesis, Trickster, ect. The ones with proper damaging powers and then DC(not promoting it) because they weren't downing survivors fast. A match I had against Trickster ending with him doing bye bye because he wouldn't stop using his power. Sure I was at a safe pallet so I would just vault to the other side and heal up as much as I could but I mean you kinda have to break the pallet or try swinging at that point. It's something I never got why constantly use your power then DC when you can't down anyone.


  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 112

    I don't like meta builds

    That's okay.

    I don't use meta survivor builds, because I don't know what it is

    You can just google it, or go to "nightlight . gg" and look at the perks mostly used there.

    I prefer the perks I like

    That's okay, too. Nobody is saying you have to play meta perks.

    Killers ragequit

    The mysteries of salty Killers. Who knows why they do it? It could be children, upset at your vaulting prowess. Who knows. Probably best to not overthink it.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,458

    Dbd players in general cannot handle defeat. Should I learn how the killers power works and try fun tricks? No the killer is underwhelming, I DC and complain online. Should I learn how the power works so I can counter the killer? No I just go next on hook/Dc and complain how op the killer is.

    As someone who has played since 2016, this actitude has always been a staple of dbd, players would rather ignore all tool the game gives you if that means they dont have to admit they might be having a skill issue. That trickster player you mention and the people who give up once they fail a chase/get a killer they dont like, are prime examples of the dbd player archetype aka someone who cannot handle the game not being an easy win.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,249
    edited October 15

    why constantly use your power then DC when you can't down anyone.

    My friend sometimes tries to do my killer dailies (I just let them build up and ignore them for the most part), and he'll go stare at an exit gate mid-match because he's not used to the killer's power and can't get the ritual done. Nothing to do with downs, he could play as an M1 killer and get downs if he wanted, but he has absolutely no interest in downing or hooking, his only goal is finishing the daily ritual.

    I've gone against some killers who do nothing but use their power, and they'll struggle and get frustrated and stop playing. I assume they're trying to learn a killer they don't play or they're doing a daily ritual on a killer they don't play. Either one is a sucky experience. Oh, depending on the killer it could also be a Tome challenge. I went against a few very dejected Tricksters during one Tome who I think were ecstatic when a survivor knew what they needed.

    Edit: These things are of course not always the case, but they are certainly sometimes the case as to why a killer gets easily frustrated. Certain maps can also make performance issues worse on console, and if you're playing a killer that gets really harmed by performance issues then sometimes you just can't play out the match. Even as survivor I've had matches where I couldn't do anything, I had to beg to die because I could not play. Couldn't hit skill checks, couldn't maneuver while running. I can't imagine what it would be like playing a ranged killer in those conditions; jeez, I'd cry.

  • jamally093
    jamally093 Member Posts: 1,641

    The difference is also when the power also hits when clearly on my screen it doesn't example Nemesis at tier one swings and hits me even though clearly it doesn't on my screen. Now should the killer not use their power? No that's dumb. For me I find using it at times or for other purposes but also using it as intended leaves that unpredictability example. When I play Hillbilly sure I try downing with the chainsaw but I mainly use his chainsaw to travel across the map. For me it's when the killer constantly uses their power over and over 50% of the time the match can be boring because theirs no guessing of oh will he use his power the other 50% is mainly the killer using both their power and weapon. It's sorta similar to how I feel about the meta I have fun when the killer brings other perks besides the meta because it keeps me guessing and let's me practice against those perks once I see Pain res or Grim active once I know it's the meta. I know my fun isn't their priority but to me it's fun when I see something I don't usually see. If I play Nemesis I use his whip sure but I also use his fists to keep survivors guessing. If play Trickster I don't hug the survivors and constantly throw knifes I will throw knifes but also use the weapon. Overall it's just the idea of use both the power and the weapon to keep em guessing and be unpredictable.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 307

     It's something I never got why constantly use your power then DC when you can't down anyone.

    Better endure a short penalty than deal with four tbagging monkeys in the endgame chat.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,002

    It depends on what kind of player it is. Some people play games just to get a quick win to feel good. Absolutely understandable. There are a lot of games that provide this type of satisfaction without the player having to try. While there are still some aspects and mechanics in dbd, that offer victory with little effort, I would not recommend the game to a person like this.

    It's not Souls level difficulty by any means, but at higher levels, both sides have to try harder and perform a bit better than average to win.

  • Ziemniaczana
    Ziemniaczana Member Posts: 33

    Then what do you propose? It's not like BHVR is overnerfing perks or buffing the weak perks is a sensible way.

    There is only so much perks before you realize that most of them are extremely bad.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    Sure is easier for killers than survivors huh. Survivors have to learn how to counter 37 different killers while killers have to learn to counter...one survivor with maybe a few different perks that dont really make much of a difference. Oh and flashlights and flashbangs. Wonder why so many survivors give up these days.

    SAWII Member Posts: 107

    If you don’t know what the survivor meta is, then how can you be sure you’re not using it?

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,458

    If you genuinly think this I am baffled, yes there are 37 killers but not 37 are unique, knowing how to loop will singlehandedly counter all m1 killers bar spirit, then you have dash killers, whose counterplay mostly involves using the limited turning rate or obstacles to avoid a hit, not all of them are the same but avoiding their attacks is very similar. Poryectile killers? The baiting and dodging is mostly the same, if fact some of them are outright easier to face once you face another killer, if you know how to dodge a huntress unknowns UVX is painfully easy to dodge.

    Both killer and survivor have things they have to learn, to think like that is honestly very rookie mentality at best or just plain dishonest at worst.

    Also survivors give up for lost of reasons, some legitimate like your team griefing or a killer thats purposely doing obnoxious things, but other are just entitled players, I have had people DC on me as no slowdown no addons slinger in badham because they got sniped, those people are 100% delusional in their view of the game.

  • doobiedo
    doobiedo Member Posts: 271

    Loop in the maps with non-existent loops? And every projectile killer is exactly the same? Okay. Anyone who uses the word entitled unironically I know not to take seriously about anything anyway.