We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Give Eruption incapacitated back



  • HexAvadaKedavra
    HexAvadaKedavra Member Posts: 40

    "Pain res and Pop are still giving the most value from what I've garnered."

    Yea pain res and pop are basically "Every gen perk sucks so we're going to stick with the least worst options". Pop at 20% is terrible, but it's all that is left. There's a reason it got buffed UP from 20% the first time it was here, because it sucks.

    "Yeah… Makes me wonder why killers keep trying these builds instead of experimenting and trying other things. Is running the same type of build over and over really something you find worthwhile? Its almost like BHVR wants regression to to shift to a backseat a bit. I digress, its not the topic. Apologies."

    They keep using gen regress because the game isn't winnable without gen regress if the survivors are even half competent. Gens are the main objective and without something to actively slow them down faster than the measly base regression speed, then they will get slammed out. And then you have the problem of, oh well they nerf every gen regress perk, people start using other perks… and then they nerf those too???

    Grim embrace, DMS, and deadlock to be more specific. Every gen slowdown option has been nerfed, while gen speed has stayed the same.

    "I dont see multiple gens being erupted a bad thing… at all. Your reasoning here is so confusing to me. Your killer lens is just something I dont understand I suppose. The aura is a side effect and honestly, you could cut it and eruption is still fine."

    You stated that if I erupt a gen and I can't see their aura it means they are in a locker or behind the gen, my point is that if you erupt multiple gens at the same time, and you don't see an aura on any of them because the aura is useless most of the time, than you won't know which gen to actually go to, to contest it.

    It becomes a guessing game.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,528
    edited 5:32AM

    Pop was 25% right? Or was it 30? I can't recall atm. It's a significant cut if it was 30, but pop is far from useless. Thats baffling to me. But again, I defer to those who use regression, as I don't.

    They keep using gen regress because the game isn't winnable without gen regress if the survivors are even half competent.

    Ugh… This is just untrue. I've never used regression and I still get 4ks consistently. With ONLY Trapper. This isn't an opinion I will ever be able to be onboard with, as its just untrue in my experience. And I only hear it here on the forums. Its never like this in face to face or discord conversations. The only thing I can think up is… yeah, its the forums. Maybe some people do think they suck at the game if they don't use regression, but I feel that's just selling yourselves short. Just keep at it and try new things. 'Enjoy' the game.

     Every gen slowdown option has been nerfed, while gen speed has stayed the same.

    Yeah… BHVR seems to think you should try new things too.

    Every time I bring that up, I get met with 'No, its pointless.' or something akin to it. Why? Why do you think regression is -all- there is?

    Currently, if you replace your regression build with an aura build, you'll stomp. SWF or not, you'll stomp. There's nothing survivors can do about it currently except run Object.

    "I dont see multiple gens being erupted a bad thing… at all. Your reasoning here is so confusing to me. Your killer lens is just something I dont understand I suppose. The aura is a side effect and honestly, you could cut it and eruption is still fine."

    You stated that if I erupt a gen and I can't see their aura it means they are in a locker or behind the gen, my point is that if you erupt multiple gens at the same time, and you don't see an aura on any of them because the aura is useless most of the time, than you won't know which gen to actually go to, to contest it.

    It becomes a guessing game.

    The aura read should be ignored. Eruption does its job even without an aura read. And unless you've an aura build, I doubt it'll make or break the match.

    The fact it becomes a guessing game now, more than ever, is a good thing imo. There are little to no mind games anymore with the new perk roulette BHVR did, as perks like predator simply reward the killer for losing a survivor. Im not saying there aren't problems with killer than need fixed, because there's tons. But the state of the game currently is survivors are at an extreme disadvantage. Hot take? Eh, maybe.