dbd community is so hypocritical when it comes to killer

recently skilled chucky players found an actual tech that allows them to double scamper and get hits, but of course there is outcry about it ,.to get rid of it, fine then.
but then why is stuff like "heal tech" allowed? why is crouch "tech" allowed. they barely qualify to be considered techs but apparently they're fine cause it benefits survivors. id agree and also say they're fine, they're interesting plays, but why is it when its a killer tech, they just get outright removed?
we gotta have a double standard guys.
On Heal Tech, it's not a bug. It's just how BHVR programmed survivor-killer interactions. As far as I'm concerned, it's intended behavior and the only time it really matters is in very niche situations at the exit gate.
On Crouch Tech. This is likely a bug and not all bugs are quick fixes.
On Chucky. This sounds like a bug and will likely get fixed.
I don't think there's a double standard here.
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You realize heal tech's and crouch tech's are basically just jokes people make when doing something basic and somehow works making the killer wiff. The scamper tech is basically a bug and getting a free hit isnt some little deal like crouching is.
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It is not a "Tech"… it's a BUG because it's not supposed to happen and not intended so learn to use the right words.
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This. I am so tired of people calling bugs "techs" and getting upset when the devs fix them.
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It is a bug, not a "tech".
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so then u agree on fixing crouch bug since its a free miss
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a free miss? There's nothing free about it. A crouch tech is no different from you swinging at a window too early and missing your swing or a survivor spinning you because you cant keep track.
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still dont think its unfair?
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As fun as it is to flick after a scamper it basically removes the counterplay of a scamper vault and allows Chucky to basically have zero trouble with windows and pallets. Not to mention S&D’s are already nearly impossible to dodge if used at the right time and position by a skilled Chucky.
I’m all for techs like Blight and Oni’s 180 flicks, but this one isn’t it. Regular slice scampers feel more satisfying to hit because they’re already difficult to hit due to their limitations and is the best form of skill expression for Chucky since it has counterplay for both sides.
I’d be chill with making the flick always guarantee a one-time 360 in order to vault back because that could actually give some interesting plays, but. Don’t think they’d be willing to take the effort to do that though and not to mention with Chucky’s buggy kit being stabilized with popsicle sticks and snot, I don’t see it happening.
As for survivor techs, heal tech is too niche to be fixed and it does at least have partial counterplay by standing over the downed survivor to avoid the heal tech. Not too sure about crouch tech but it’s definitely annoying to get CTRL’d.
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Heal tech is when you take away the killer's prompt to pick up a survivor, because they can't be picked up while healed. They usually do this at the exit so the downed person can crawl out just in time.
Crouch tech is abusing the bad sounds and fov at a window or something to make it seem like you ran one way, but then you just vault back behind the killer. It's framed as a tech, but it's really just exploiting the bad tracking killers are given.
I get what you meant. "The stand still tech! The vault tech! The do gens tech!" But the above-mentioned techs are actual well-known techs.
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so then u agree on fixing crouch bug since its a free miss
still dont think its unfair?
It can be frustrating for the killer, it can be nice/fun for survivor to avoid a free hit (or an instantdown). But it is not bugged (surprisingly) & it is not unfair.
Everybody don't use it properly/constantly. And it probably can be anticipated as a common Dead Hard & it can be countered.2 -
Its funny how bugs are always being claimed as techs if its on killer side. This forum never fails to betray expectation on being biased.
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unless they changed it the "tech" that you're talking about btw is bugged as hell if you know what your doing you can stay in scamper infinitely and on top you can double reactivate scamper at any time yeah it need to be fixed
on top that you're talking about make no sense "heal tech" and "crouch tech" has nothing to do with bugs it's laterally the basic function of survivor gameplay ppl just call it "techs" for the lols they arent
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Hold W tech should no exist, amirite?
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Play survivor and do the same then
Everybody can do it, including you :)
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lmfao basic functions are a tech now
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dbd community is so hypocritical
I agree
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Did you ever see a crouchtech from killers perspective? You can touch and being pushed away by the survivor because touching the survivor is apparently not enough for a shred to hit lol (same with billy). And we don't even talk about the fact you can/were able to crouch at shack doors to be near unhittable by blights xD (don't know if the blightchanges fixed the door trick. I think that also worked with billy, but I'm not sure xD)
Heal tech is just abusing the fact killers and survivors can't interact with the same objection at the same time, it also doesn't have anything you can do about it. It doesn't even make the killer miss, at least not if you mean that what most people understand under "heal tech", so healing a downed survivor at the door to let them get out.
Crouch tech is considered a bug that wasn't fixed until now if I remember correctly: crouching is supposed to make your upper hitbox smaller, but not your hitbox at the sides (the reason why it takes away hits that should've worked).
Heal tech is just bad gamedesign but at least not a bug, yes.
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Crouch tech also takes a lot of skill to pull off with hits being killer sided.
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Yeah. Title should be this, OP. Its not just one side, even if its your side.
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Isn't Chucky considered one of the strongest killers in the game now? This bug makes him able to handle godpallets by perfectly controlling his movement after using scamper on top of his already strong slice and dice in loops. This doesn't seem balanced to me.
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It is literally a tech
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This community has been traumatised to the point of believing that obvious glitches and basic game functions are "Techs" and I don't know if I am allowed to laugh
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I blame Blight's release for that.
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Least out of touch survivor DBD player
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If Killer rely on a cheezy way to get hits not as intended you bet it will be removed. Survivor "tech" don't work all the time and Killer can still manage a hit. Locker "tech" was removed because truly unavoidable in coordination.
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How exactly will a survivor push a killer. I play killer quite alot and the only killers ive ever been crouch tech'd are when I play blight or billy, ive seen people do it against demo, but Ive never played him and none of them have ever pushed the killer. If you'd actually learn your killer you'd know that even if a survivor crouch tech's, if you actually know where to aim you'll almost never miss. More then a few video's on youtube explaining that. Crouching is supposed to make your hitbox smaller, but near unhittable by blights? Blight's skill kit charges accuracy for speed. Its only obvious that it'd be harder to hit a target when the hitbox is smaller. gl perfecting your timing.
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First of all you can aim exactly in the middle of the survivor at doorframes with blight and you will miss entirely and swing into them stopping you, but they still don't get hit. So that isn't a question of the timing, you can only counter it by looking down and then attack near inside them.
Second: I don't mean pushing in the sense of really pushing you to the side, you just touch the survivor physically but don't hit them and because of that you get pushed to the side. It's like running into a barrel at the side and it doesn't stop you but instead pushes you to the side ^^
And yes you can hit crouchtechs, but as soon as you don't hit perfectly in the middle with billy or demo you'll miss even if you touch them (and it gets even more impossible if they are behind a corner), with blight at doorframes even that doesn't work, only the thing I've wrote above xD
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Why exactly should touching a survivor guarantee a hit? And hitting right in the middle? You realize how much bigger killers are to survivors? You have to actually aim down when they are crouching. Surprise surprise, and idk what you are expecting about getting pushed to the side, a killer cant just move you. That's kinda the reason why even if they dont crouch a killer has to hit you to move. How else would you body block. Their special attacks are flashy and exaggerated, it wouldn't make sense if they could hit you with them just as easily as a normal m1.
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Well I don't know why a litteral claw in your head should injure you badly, try crouching beside a tiger and see how he misses you xDDD
You shouldn't have to aim down to hit them (not to mention blight, demo and I think even hillbilly all aim automatically up without a chance to move it while using their power), it doesn't make sense that you miss so easily especially if you think about the fact wesker still hits easily at same conditions xD
And I'm not surprised a survivor pushes me away under this conditions, I just find it funny because it doesn't make sense at all.
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Right, because video games are supposed to be completely realistic. Id like to see how easily you'll be able to use your shoulder after getting thrown on a hook. Or when killer just kicks a gen and it blows up in their face they take no damage. Or when we jump off a two story building and we dont break our legs. If you made the those attacks have such a wide area of attack they'd basically never miss and the game wouldn't be a survival game. It'd be a killer's game. If you wanna be realistic you should let survivors be able to kill the killer and fight back. Sure most of them would win hands down, but alot of killers wouldnt be able to hold their own if survivors could defend themselves.
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I don't understand your point crouch tech wasn't possible before as far as I know, it randomly appeared and therefore it shouldn't exist xD
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Surprised no one has mentioned window tech how a survivor can pass through a killer hitbox as the killer is vaulting.
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Just so I understand this right, you're saying that when a killer's attack makes contact with a survivor's hitbox, it's ok that it slides off instead of doing damage because... you don't want realism in your video games? Thats the argument?
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I've seen BHVR employees say "heal tech" is intended i'm pretty sure
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It should exist, but it shouldn't be so effective. But to curtail that, we'd have to talk about making killers faster or survivors slower at base, which this community lacks the maturity to even get into civilly.
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I get what you're saying. There's a lot of fluffing up of survivor gameplay that makes it sound like it's skill when it's really not. They make up terms, and then deny the existence of others when it doesn't suit their narrative. But yes, shift W is a tech or rather a strategy.
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Don't put words in my mouth. If you attack hit the players hit box you'd have hit. The issue is you didn't. The killers body and the attack hitting the survivor are two different things. I even said that in my post that they have to hit them to make them move. Your you don't want realism in a video game is condending and also not what I said. Realism to extreme levels makes no sense when you pick and choose what should be realistic to benefit only the killers.
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You have to actually aim down when they are crouching.
problem is - Blight, Demo and Billy can't aim down in the middle of their charge. Their camera gets locked vertically in one position. So, the only way to hit with your power survivor, that is using crouch tech in certain places, is to hit them the moment you started your charge, since you can aim down before using it, and the game won't be fast enough to force your camera up
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and the funny part is they call basic functions of the game like running and healing a "tech" this is disturbing tbh