Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Please revert distortion.



  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    The point of Distortion was to make it harder for the killer to locate you with aura reading perks its need to be reverted to how it was. Killers have plenty of perks to counter distortion and one I like to use is called Gearhead. Add that to Barbacue and leathal well no one is hiding that easily. for Behavior to keep nerfing things for no reason needs to stop. You can even use nurse's calling as well as another way to find suriviors. They all gotta do gens to escape so locating some shouldn't be that hard in my honest opinion. Even Star Struck, Friends to the End and few others there are plenty of killer perks to counter the old distortion. Not every player out there are good at looping and running killers. It was a nice perk that got nerfed way to hard. It helps newer players get used to the flow of the game. I mean even Legion can eat through Distortion or Meyers. I can see from both sides of gameplay. I rather look for the surivior then be handed them so easily it makes more fun locating them. Seeing as they nerfed it too hard makes way to easy now. I rather not play killer much since getting kills to easy. Yhea I think distortion needs to be reverted honestly give me back that challange of finding suriviors.

  • Member Posts: 898

    well here's the catch. If killers have "so many" aura perks that burn through Distortion tokens, rendering it "useless", why are yall complaining about it being nerfed then? If it was so useless, yall would barely even carry it into your matches knowing the tokens will be burnt easily?

    Oops, it's just an old "they are taking all the fun away from us" and "they are taking the only good perk away from us" type of argument over and over

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2024

    You don't know what killers are going to use vice versa. Distortion has reasons to be the way it was. It helps teammates get unhooks and other things. If I can't see an aura of a surivior when I hooked someone and they get an unhook for there teammate nice means there playing as intended going for saves and trying to objectives and not just straight hiding or trolling for example. Do you want killers to see Aura's nonstop and intercept others from getting people off hooks? I rather them help the other player. It gives more points that way as I see it. Longer the match more points to earn. Games are meant to be fun. That's what games were created for originally. This is not competition level or Esports. Distortion needs to be reverted and that mori the last person how much easier do we need it honestly? There's no catch. Not every killer is going to play the same builds.

  • Member Posts: 855

    Maybe. but being in a chase is something that distorion is doing to avoid. Its counterintuitive to distortion gain stacks during a chase, especially that new predator counters it totaly.
    And conspicious actions is something survs have to do. If they only try to immerse and wait for others to die, then they will not get stacks.
    Previous distorion was gaining stacks when in TR, which means immerse survs could do nothing whole match.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Killers with stealth negate Still Sight, Poised, and other perks that let survivors see the killer. Why should survivors not have the same benefit?

  • Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2024


    I love your idea, I'm going to add it to my post here:

  • Member Posts: 142

    Disingenuous argument, a survivor doesnt have to find a killer to do their win condition.

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