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General Discussions

We need penalties given for closing the game in Offering screen

Many times killers or survivors disconnect during offering screen to cancel the match either because they don't like the offering or the survivors last second switching loadout.

This needs to be dealt with posthaste.

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  • Member Posts: 1,166

    No, please

  • Member Posts: 2,667

    I actually only purchased maps for the visuals. Not everyone is lying.

  • Member Posts: 999

    Maybe the issue are these offerings (mainly map offerings) and the developers should fix them instead of giving players a penalty for not bein part of a probably stupid match. Also, if they would punish players for doing this, then the players would give up during the match which would result in even more miserable experiences.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    I know its a bit of a tangent, but my vote has always been on separating the map offerings into [Indoor/outdoor] and leaving it at that. That way for killers that specifically need indoor or outdoor (or survivors who specifically prefer one over the other) it would be a good medium vs cherry picking specific busted maps. We got rid of shards ages ago, its time to do something about map offerings, I agree.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    Thats not bad, actually, and way better then what we got now.

    BTW, I would go a step further and make getting an indoor map basekit for Scratched and Banged-Up Mirror Myers. We can't let that guy down :D

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  • Member Posts: 1,166

    Sometimes, I want a random map, but there is always a survivor that uses Eyrie

    Or a killer that want to play a boring jumpscare build and uses lerys or any indoor map

    No thanks, I will close my game and try again

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Itโ€™ll never happen. They canโ€™t tell from their end if the dc is intentional or not. The only way to tell is to have spyware installed in the system, which is something thatโ€™ll never ever happen.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    Midwich is the closest map we have that embodies the spirit of old dbd

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    I gleaned that information from the fact that you are so often "forced into a loading simulator". I could be mistaken, and in that case, "sowwy", but yeah, you come off like someone who is kinda salty that their map offerings got canceled so often, that they made a thread about it on the DBD forums ^^ So even if I am mistaken, I guess that I am pretty okay and my reasoning ain't unreasonable.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    As do I most of the time, but I take the map offering as an open daclaration of war and show neither mercy nor respite and most survivors I play against call this cringe or sweaty or unfair or unfun or feel the need to express that my parents never loved or โ€ฆ or โ€ฆ or โ€ฆ โ€ฆ โ€ฆ

  • Member Posts: 1,166

    I don't care if I get those maps when it is random, but when someones uses the offering to go into those maps, I will close the game

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    I personally love Iri Moris and try to get "Blood on my Face" whenever possible.

    The only time when map offerings are somewhat okay is when a new map releases: there is always an achievment tied to the map, and waiting for a certain map to show up via RNG with the 40+ maps we got right now is a futile attempts. But there should be another way of tackeling that issue. Maybe declare each day or twice a day one map that will have boosted pickrate, so that you could plan reasonably ahead for this kinda stuff. But the way Map Offerings allow for pre-building and organising for a certain map is just very unhealthy and toxic and will forever lead to this kinda mysterious router problems during startup.

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    I'm not blaming you but I don't understand.

    Mori can only happen instead of a death hook and usually waste more time for the killer.

    That looks like an advantage more than anything.

    I couldn't have said it better.

    I do the same, with one exception: "MacMillan" offerings are "OK" in my book.

    Any other map offering will turn as a very bad game for the survivors.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    If the killer managed to eek out a mori at 5 gens, then thats not the killer thats playing spectacular, thats the survivors messing up big time. At least one of them should be on a gen so far away from the action that they could finish it in that time. I mean, not saying that it feels comfortable to get mori-ed at 4 gens, but 5? Common! At least try doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 207
    edited October 2024

    Nah, the last thing this game needs is even more reasons for its playerbase to feel dread when booting up.

  • Member Posts: 9,039
    edited October 2024

    I donโ€™t really see it as an immediate issue itโ€™s not like the olden days where someone quitting in the loading screen would result in 3 people loading into the match

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I never dodge map offerings. I don't use them very often because most of my favorite maps have already been reworked, but if someone uses them I am okay with it. I won't leave and I won't change my playstyle either.

    It takes a lot to make me rage quit from a match. Only the most insufferable things, like Old Legion, being stuck on a hill thanks to that glitch years ago, and Wesker were enough to make me DC out of frustration.

  • Member Posts: 2,667

    Because during the anniversary I want to see BP cakes ๐ŸŽ‚

    If everyone is getting tunneled and mori then the Killer gets the benefits of the survivors cakes without contributing.

    Also, they could have gone to the regular queue if they wanted to bring a mori.

  • Member Posts: 190

    I agree with many of the comments that most map offerings deserve to be dodged, especially considering there is no penalty for it. I would LOVE for BHVR to share how often games with map offerings donโ€™t make it past the offering or loading screen.

  • Member Posts: 10,290

    The disconnecting process on that screen just needs to be better. Why would you have the rest of the players wait in a loading screen that will never lead to a game... for 2 minutes as opposed to 15 seconds? If there's no longer enough players, what is there to load? It's never made any sense to me.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    No need to penalize people, just remove the offering screen since it's unnecessary. Leave finding out what offerings were played to the end game screen when you find out everyone's load out.

  • Member Posts: 542

    That's good that you like to not dodge map offerings, but on the odd occasion that a killer brings Midwich and I'm on my phone not paying attention to the offering screen... It more often becomes a situation where the killer has a very strong advantage (Midwich is one of the strongest killer maps in the game) and I don't like to play on lopsided disadvantages.

    Yesterday (I wasn't paying attention), a Huntress brought Midwich with iri hatchet and a full aura reading build along with the add-on for undetectable. It was a miserable game as you have figured out and it's not privileged for me to want to play a game where we load into a match and RNG decides what realm we go to.

    If I load into Midwich or Haddonfield, I'll obviously try my best to win the game but in cases of the one I said prior, I don't like to sit around and being absolutely steamrolled because the killer decided to want an extreme advantage for an easy game. I actually like to queue up and it be a back and forth, rather than loading in predicting that it's either a stealth killer or a killer with oppressive add-ons to make the game a drag to play. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Similarly to you, I like to bring bloodpoint offerings and when we're playing an event and everyone is bringing rods, cakes, and bloody party streamers - I think it's quite privileged to think that a killer should have the ability to choose what map we go to when they already have a high chance of winning due to the high killrate killers have now.

    Survivors already don't get as much bloodpoints in general compared to killer and survivors won't burn a sacrificial ward (maybe a map) but I don't get mad when a killer dodges a Badham offering for example and I don't think it's them being privileged either.

  • Member Posts: 989

    I won't encourage DC'ing during loading screen because it's not allowed, but I certainly understand why people do it. Map offerings simply provide one side a very big advantage depending on the map, and until that unfair advantage is removed, I think there ought to be some way to avoid it.

  • Member Posts: 36

    they could tackle the problem instead of applying a bandaid fix of a penalty, yet again.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2024

    Because the result is no different.

    Maps don't determine the game, evidently because you would still play out a game that randomly ended up on the very same map. If the cards were in fact being stacked against you, then the advantage would be universal and you would give up the moment you loaded into Eyrie or Badham, offering or not.

    If you would play out a game on Eyrie without an offering because you rate your chances, even if you consider it to be more of a challange, then you would stand exactly the same chance with an offering.

    In general, the gripe people have with map offerings is a case of confirmation bias and confusing correlation for causation. You don't have a tougher time against SWF because they bring a map offering, you have a tougher time because they're a SWF.

    And solos bringing a map offering should be regarded as a small step at attempting the level the playing field.

    The impact they have is greatly overblown and I don't consider them to be any more impactful than seeing a medkit or a flashlight in the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 460

    It isnt even a tougher time. SWFs only escape 4-6% more the soloQ. And there numbers are 1000's of times smaller then SoloQ games.

  • Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2024

    If the devs wanted to, they could limit offering to anniversary cakes only in the seperate gamemode but the same time, I agree with @Senile_Grandpa and @Seraphor

    There shouldn't be a 'want' or a 'need' that's what grandpa exactly mentioned; privilege. Everyone should have the freedom to choose to bring their offerings regardless of how the match goes but quitting is not an option. If our ancestors quit, we wouldn't be sitting here playing this game.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Question, why specifically should players not be allowed to disconnect if the survivors last second switch to idk 4 flashlights or 4 toolboxes or 4 medkits all on the same character. That's not really fair honest gameplay there its trying to pull a fast one and get a cheap win.

  • Member Posts: 1,154

    That's true we should just delete them completely, no one plays map offerings because the map looks so nice anyways xD

    I don't have a problem with getting bad maps by rng, but after the 8th eyrie offering the day it get's really awful xD

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,107

    because they don't like the offering or the survivors last second switching loadout.

    This is fair, and saying anything otherwise is just being a no brain survivor main. Don't want killers cancelling the match? Remove quickswitching loadouts.

    That said, the other point is fair. DCing on offerings is not fair.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I've been constantly told we can't punish people for not wanting to play as a justification to hook suicide so the same logic should follow for quitting during loading.

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Why don't they just show the offerings burnt during the initial start of the match, when our characters spin around?

    The trial is loaded at that point, so no new penalties would need to be added in. I agree that last second survs swapping nonsense should be gone though.

  • Member Posts: 542

    Why is dcing on the loading screen a privilege, but if four survivors are running bloodpoint offerings that the killer takes advantage of not an inherent privilege?

    Isn't that the definition of privilege?

    You can run anniversary cakes and bloody party streamers and a killer will still actively play the way that they play, but the survivor dcing on the loading screen is an issue? Get a grip.

  • Member Posts: 342

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