I just went against a Knocked out deerstalker game and I'm pretty surprised

I'm surprised because yesterday i was watching a video of a youtuber doing an experiment to see how effective slugging and no hooking is. I was like damn that sucks and was glad that I never came across a killer like that. Then I got one. I had WGLF so I was picking people up but even then it was terrible and it was a Dracula too so anytime we got any distance he will just turn to bat form. Anyway we all bleed out at 5 gens. Crazy how youtubers trying to highlight how dumb something is causes it so be used more.
True. I tried this myself for an evening and it was very effective … but boi did I get salty and loaded responses; THIS survivors were not happy about this playstyle in the least.
But the content creator to the side, this here highlights a much bigger problem: with how fast gens fly and how much time hooking wastes and how dangerous it is in terms of flashlights and how long the hook timer nowadays is with the extra +10s (and potential Reassurance and Camaradery) and how many strong survivor perks get activated and powered via hooking/unhooking … we now arrived at a point where it is legit more beneficial for the killer to never go hooking, but to keep everyone slugged.
If I were just concerned with winning, I would make this my main playstyle. I didn't, but really, hooking has become more and more an asset to the survivors, all this "a hooked survivor isn't doing gens" sayers be damned.
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I think we are well past time for a base kit answer to slugging. It's pretty insane that this type of game play is tolerated.
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Playing like this is mostly saying I'm not good enough to 12 hook and still think i need to win all my matches.
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I only use the slug build as ghostie for fun, once I get everyone down I just dance around a little then let everybody get up and leave, only really do this if I've reached iridescent 1. If someone uses it genuinely though it is quite annoying to go against but I can't really blame content creators though as they need to come up with things.
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Yeah it was not fun at all. I play more killer but as of late i been playing survivor since I neglected it for a while and realized its pretty fun. I understand slugging in some circumstance's such as it being power related ( Oni, myers etc ) but playing the game from the start as slugging is crazy.
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12 hook games are very hard without Nurse, Blight, Billy or Spirit.
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yeah, let's constantly punish strategies in existence as a bandaid for not being able to take care of the core of the problem, and in return make the game become even more unhealthy and toxic
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The main problem is that most players prioritize fully heal before picking their teammates up. I remember a game during the 2v8 event where I practically had to pick everyone up by myself, because they stopped to heal in groups of two and the game never progressed. As soon as you notice that someone has been lying on the ground for a considerable time, you should move to pick them up immediately or slugging is going to be difficult to control.
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I think that this is the most tonedeaf answer to the problem, because its ignoring and turning away from the underlying problem and reason why 1) killers slug and 2) its more effective then hooking.
Over time Killers options got fewer and fewer, eith many playstyles becoming obsolete and umviable. While the elimination of undesirable playstyles is a good thing on the surface level, it also leads to frustration and the feeling of loss and being forced down one specific way.
While I am not defending the full on slug build, the community is very fast with issuing nerfs, bans or basekit solutions for everything. But every basekit option dilutes the perk variety and cements the meta further.
I think that we should either sweeten the deal for killers or work a way out to incentivice then down the more desirable actions. Let's Make Hooking Great Again.
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I agree hooking should be made great again. Perks like bbq, grim, pain, and pop have all been nerfed and even though not by much it sends a message overall that hooking is less desirable.
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I don't believe that slugging is the new meta. Survivors have a huge amount of tools to go against slugging. Either with Plot Twist, Unbreakable, Boon: Exponential and Tenacity - other Healing or Endurance perks can help too! f.e. We are gonna live forever, Boon: Circle of Healing, Botany Knowledge, Buckle Up, For the People.
So even if it would be meta, it would never be a strong meta honestly as long as some perks like these are in the match.
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You cant Plot Twist a slugger, you have to down your self for it.
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Against a dedicated slug build unbreakable aint going to do anything. You pick yourself once and lets say you have WGLF and pick others up you will get downed again. and lets say you have MFT so you dont go down thats already 3 perks to counter a serial slugger. People don't run unbreakable, soul guard, WGLF because most of the time you don't get value so ppl bring maybe 1 like i did. But even with that 1 it was not enough to bring the game back. Were not talking about normal slugging that killers do were talking about killers loading in with no intentions at all to hook with 4 slug perks. To add to the injury when a good killer does it its basically game over. Dracula also had sloppy butcher so healing was constantly interrupted and he would hear us out with the bats.
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One Boon: Exponention is enough to counter it. Like I said if some survivors bring the usual perks in a match even then it's no big deal. Of course there are different factors, like u said, a dracula has more slug potential than a bubber. Also the map can make it easier or harder. A Exponention on Midwich is stronger than on Swamp. It's just a question of how meta slugging is or will be. If it is turning into the new big meta, people will naturally adjust, expect and counter it. Especially since Survivors have a lot of tools to counter it.
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Well people can talk about meta this and meta that and statistics/viability etc but I think we should start thinking with fun in mind since it is a video game.
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Then what's the main topic here? That slugging is not fun? Then my comment still stands that we have counters. If it's about viability: Still the same.
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Idk what to tell you. Just wait till you go against deerstalker +knocked out + infectious fright+ sloppy butcher on blight or any strong killer since YouTubers are making vids on it
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This is why I feel the "hooking isn't worth it" arguments are blown way out of proportion.
- BBQ: Last nerf was more than two years ago and they only removed the BP bonus (6.1.0). The most recent change was a buff to increase the aura read from 4 → 5 seconds in 7.1.0
- Grim was giga buffed in 7.1.0 to work on every token, not just after all 4 had been hooked and they increased the block duration at the 4th token. This was barely touched in 8.0 and they only reduced the first 3 tokens by 2s. This is still a massively buffed perk.
- Pop: they undid the buff from 20 → 30% in 7.0. Not mentioned in any of these discussions ever, is that they've also made 5% of the total gen progression base kit and stacks with pop. Pop is now objectively, mathematically better on gens under 50%, and strangely, wasn't "so bad we'll blow up the forums" before the buff that was reverted. We're also talking about, at most 5%, which is about 4.5 seconds at the best use case.
- Pain res: also giga buffed from 15% → 25% in 6.7.0 and they walked some, but not all, of that buff back in 8.0 to 20%. Again, this is, at best, about 4.5 seconds on one gen we're taking about here.
This isn't about the nerfs themselves, and stop trying to pose it as such. It's entirely because most killers in this forum can't handle the fact that they aren't inundated with buffs every single patch, and are outraged that any kind of change would ever be walked back, even slightly, and even if some of those perks are now partially *base kit* as compensation.
The inclusion of BBQ here shows just how much you're looking to be outraged. The perk hasn't changed in years, and all they did was remove BP.
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Dead by Daylight released 2016, slugging was always a thing. Doesn't matter what shiny new Perk gets released or which big YouTuber releases a "new" slugging build - It was always a topic, a strategy and there are many, many Videos about it. So let's just move on since this is just cold coffee by now.
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And the slugging Killer will adapt too: Slot Shattered Hope to destroy the Boon Totem completely.
People will adapt to the current meta strategies, but the question is if those meta strategies are any fun to engage with in the first place.
The core of the problem is that a slugged survivor has zero chance of being picked up on their own.
(though I suppose technically that the real core is that dying survivors can't help each other up, though if they could, then there's a question on if the survivors mobility penalty while in the dying state still allows the killer too much time-efficiency should slugging two or more survivors at a time ever become common).
This allows the Killer to skip the pickup/hook step, increase their time-efficiency, and get survivors into a state where none are able to help one another recover (thus all being setup to die), all while retaining the time-efficiency of skipping all pickup steps.
Adding incentives to get the killer to pick them up and hook them instead are band-aids.
To be frank, slugging isn't fun as Killer for me. And I'd assume most others too, especially those with any empathy, or simply pride in being "better than you" that you didn't even need to do it. Slugouts are really only done by those trying to prove a point, or are just mean-spirited.
I remember way back when when I introduced the game to my brother for the first time, we had a Myers that wasn't super good at the game, but once we were the last two, Myers ended up slugging me and him out over the course of like ten minutes as both of us were able to pick each other up, and he couldn't down both of us at the same time or find the other while the person he downed was recovering (and he didn't try to camp a slugged survivor either). But we neither had a key for the hatch (as it could be opened with one at the time), and working on generators while one of us was in the dying state would mean a death sentence if they were caught off guard and downed while the other was still in the dying state.
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I mention BBQ for veteran players that might be salty about it. so worth mentioning even if briefly. DMS was also kinda nerfed since it’s only on one Gen. It’s for a long time for sure but doesn’t go on multiple gens no more. Also nerfs don’t help even if small. Killers were already complaining about Gen speeds before any nerfs so obviously there not going to be happy after them.
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Gurly it's not me not wanting to hear or talk about it, it's you who is not happy if someone actually bring arguments to the table. Like if all you want to hear is "Yes, omg slugging is not fun." then talk to your friends about it. I am not saying that everyone should like being slugged or that it's not valid to be unhappy about it. But your post never had that topic to begin with, so maybe make it more clear.
I am not saying that it's wrong to feel a certain way about it and I totally agree that it's not fun. But all I can say right now is that we have enough counter potential to minimize this aspect. Heck, No Mither is the anti-slug perk.
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Band-aids band-aids band-aids. That's how you create perk metas when there is a mechanical vacuum that only a perk can fill.
If there is a base-kit pickup added, I don't want it to be better than the current perk offerings, or being better than being picked up by other survivors, it just needs to be there as an option.
As it stands, if for some reason no other (non-dying/hooked) survivor can reach you as a downed survivor, you're SoL.
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It's an unsolvable problem, which is currently not so prevailent in the grand scheme of things. It happens more to some than others. For me, it's extremely rare, but does happen (had it happen once today).
It's unsolvable, because it doesn't matter what incentives Killers get for not slugging, there will always be some players who will slug regardless. Even if those players had the most powerful version of each gen-related perk available, it only takes some pressure, a perceived BM by a Survivor, or something else for them to slug again.
Whichever side somebody is on, be it Killer or Survivor, if there is a way to make the other side unenjoyable, then there will always be some who will do it. Perceived unfairness - gen speeds, healing nerfs, whatever - will always only be excuses to do these things. Even if it's fixed, there will be another excuse.
It's still not common in the grand scheme of things. It'll be when idiot influencers start promoting it in more detail that will be the problem. Maybe they'll recommend it as a tactic. Maybe they'll do it under the guise of pointing out a problem, when it's just for their views. People ultimately have a choice. It's been proven time and time and time again playing for slugging isn't needed for Killers to win, and it says more about the players skill than anything else.
If ever it becomes too common (and I hope it won't) the only option is basekit Unbreakable. It's a poor response, but there is no reasoning in this. The best thing is to just have some empathy and actually understand the pretty clear difference between being honour and just being a dick.
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Once a Survivor has recovered to the point they need to seek help, they can either wait for another survivor, or seek to prostrate themselves before the entity: Underneath a Hook, survivors can recover fully, but become Broken until they next enter the dying state.
- Removes the possibility of survivors leveraging hook distance for free self-pickups, as they'd need to be under hook
- Adds additional time to the self-pickup by necessitating the Survivor must be under a Hook, which they would likely need to crawl to
- In the case of multiple slugged survivors, one can perform this self-pickup, then try to recover the other survivors
- Survivors as disincentivized from leveraging this over healing a dying survivor due to the persistent Broken status.
I would not expect this to be a common occurrence. Just as an exit strategy for the semblance of agency should this scenario occur.
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Mmhmm then they cry nerf nerf.
Complains on tunneling= told to use ds otr we do= nerf it
Complains on slugging= told to use anti slug perks specially already complaint wglf= we use it= it needs nerf
complains on aura reading= told to use distorton= nerf it
Complains on slow down= told use gen perks = nerf it
We just cant win either way.
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deerstalker should be base kit
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I’m getting way more killers now who are running knockout just to 4 man slug and bleed people out at 5 gens. It’s ridiculous and unfun. I’ve started tabbing out or just taking the DC penalty during the matches. Literally just meant for people to be a jerk and troll others.
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This is the exact cycle I’m always seeing here.
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Its almost as if the game would be much more fun for both sides if the game was balanced around hooks instead of kills. But people keep saying that tru3ta1ent doesn't know what he is talking about…
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"They hated him because he told the truth"
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For real though, the guy is sometimes a bit unsufferable with his rages and rants, but he was spot on with this one. Hooks would be a so much better metric to go by. Imagine a world if any hook on every survivor filled the hook meter, and once the killer got 8 hooks, the next survivor hooked would be sacrificed, no matter if they got hooked one time or by some fluke of fate, 7 times.
Then gen rushing could be handled and finde tuned in a similar way and the game would probably so much more fun to play.
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This is precisely how i think they should do it.
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You got this on the nose. It's not worth hooking due to time expense, perk procs, not getting enough payoff, and sabo/flashlights. BHVR needs to buff killer hook perks or reduce hook time.
Right, because survivors haven't weaponized every basekit change they got for anti tunnel.
They hated Tru3 because he spoke the truth
I feel like a lot of this is just survivors whining about killers adapting to ######### and finding something that works
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Is it true you can only use the perk twice per match?
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tbh tt liking the idea of balancing around hooks is one of the biggest broken clock moments in dbd
also the fact you attribute "balance for hooks" to him explains so much lol
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That'd be the worst possible way to "fix" the problem.
I don't think there would be any option left to adapt after this. We could be faced again with a situation where killer are leaving (for real, not just ranting).
Then what would inevitably come is a massive nerf for survivors, with all the consequences.
All in all it'd be bad.
Better fix the problem at the source: make hooking viable (part of the problem) and/or slow down the gens (part of the problem).
The suggestion of making games about hooks may be the solution. (Like already said in this thread.)
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It certainly beats a basekit Unbreakable scenario. Maybe further limit to only being able to be used if either 2 Survivors are down, or there are 2 left and 1 has been slugged. I can imagine a well-coordinated SWF could use it to their advantage if only 1 downed Survivor was needed, and it allows the Killer to punish those moments when Survivors wrecklessly mob to save the fallen.
Otherwise, it's better than anything I could come up with. You may very well have taken my idea of it being unsolvable, and shat on it!
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Yeah, thats true. You can use Plottwist once at any time to down yourself and heal, and the perk will deactivate after this. Then, once the 5th gens pops and the exit gates are powered, the perk activates again and you can use it a second time, often handing you a cool, free escape unless the killer has Deerstalker or just is extemely lucky and stumlbes over you.
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I just saw a video a few days ago of a Survivor using it to down themselves like 5 times in a row and allowing their teammate to heal them. Is that a glitch?
The Claudette intentionally got hit by the Killer, then her and a friend ran to a different part of the map and the Claudette would plot twist and the teammate would recover her as though she was farming altruism points.
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It only deactivates if you pick yourself up fully, so yeah that would work.
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also for things like basekit bt, it's still better to chase the unhooked survivor bc both survivors are 2 hit but one is closer to death.
If we really want 12 hook games to be the ideal way to play then we need the game to change so that killers are rewarded for 12 hooks. Sadly hooking does very little if it's not used to make someone dead.
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I’d prefer to keep the activation conditions simplistic, so not having a requirement of multiple survivors.
Thinking about SWF and endurance stuff, it should also add Deep Wounds to the survivor on that self-pickup too, so they couldn’t take advantage of it (endurance effects), and further add a time penalty for that survivor performing the basic self-pickup.
Broken, Deep Wounds, needing to position under hook, and fully recover. Think that might make it as unappealing as possible, while still being easily identifiable as a last resort.
- Fully Recovered, under hook, can recover the last 5%
- Becomes Broken, and suffers Deep Wounds
Though if you can elaborate on possible swf strategies I’d be more than happy to hear them.
This idea is a cumulative chimera of sporadic consideration of the topic over years. And certainly could use more facets of consideration to complete it.
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The SWF tactic I'm thinking of is distracting the Killer enough for the downed survivor to nearly recover, then get to a hook with the Killer being unable to pick up due to the people around, threatening with flashlights or Head On or whatever, and then timing the get up, so someone can block for the recovered Survivor.
It's why I think there needs to be a limitation such as I previously mentioned. Just to stop such a thing from happening. If you have a possible solution for this, it would be good to hear.
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So, fun fact, as I’ve obstinately done this as Killer myself: if you spam the hook button while picking up a survivor underneath a hook, you can initialize the hook animation before the stun window opens for survivors with flashlights. (At least I’m nearly certain about this, could also be latency).
That could be the criteria for the zone in which a survivor can pick themselves up: where the Killer would also be able to perform an immediate hook. (Possibly also making the location stricter too for survivor, to prevent moving in and out, and some visual particle effects/flair to indicate to the Killer and the survivor that the survivor is in that zone).
The last 5% could also reset itself if the survivor stops recovering, meaning the survivor would always have to have some small time commitment. As well as the rate of recovery for that 5% being lowered as needed. The Killer can take advantage of/that survivors would need to body-block for. At which point it kinda just becomes like picking up the survivor for that last 5% like a regular pickup.
Post edited by AssortedSorting on1 -
It is literally what he says every time balance comes up. I'm not attributing it to him, just pointing out that its something that he says, and everyone who is against the idea brings him up for some reason.
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The most frustrating killer playstyle to play against to me. Knockout is an obnoxious perk.
Luckily I haven't played again it much recently. Only time during the event was a Nemesis using sloppy to slow down the pick ups. Fortunately I was using Botany Knowledge, Strength In Shadows, Inner Focus and Sprint Burst. The new Inner Focus gives aura reading of the killers location for 6 seconds whenever a survivor loses a health state so was easy to find the slugged survivors and battle through sloppy with Botany. We all got out. Was just a happy coincidence I was testing out the rework to Inner Focus and had Botany otherwise I have no doubt we all would have died early.
Also, nothing was worse than the teleport spamming Sadako of a year or 18 months ago using Knockout and Third Seal with the add on that spread condemned to survivors when they interacted. Game would go on for ages and eventually everyone would die if it was full solo queue. Thank god they changed that!
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I would say that it is very likely that there will be a solution against slugging at some point. Simply because Killers are overdoing it, nothing is wrong with slugging for pressure or to avoid getting hit by DS or a Pallet Save. And nobody with a decent mindset complains about that (e.g. you wont see many Survivors complain that a Killer slugged when they did not pick up a Survivor under a Pallet when another Survivor was nearby).
But what Killers are currently doing with starting to slug at 5 Gens, like slugging the first Survivor they down and then going for another Survivor or simply slugging the whole team until bleedout is something which is not ok and I am very sure that BHVR will implement something against that. And if this is the case, Killers will obviously complain about BHVR being survivor-sided (even if Killer has just become easier over the years and nowadays you should have your 60% Killrate as Killer if you are somewhat decent), but it is in fact people who overdo it who will cause it.
But apart from that, Knockout needs to be changed anyway. The Perk has no real strategic value anymore and is only used for griefing nowadays. Especially when we consider that more and more Killers are released who usually dont M1 to injure or down people. We got so many Killers with good powers to damage Survivors, sometimes Killers are even going out of their way to slug someone and make them affected by Knockout.
That the Perk also hinders Solos way more than SWF is just the cherry on top.
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i slugged people before it was cool