Since resident evil has the highest player count in dbd history

Do you guys think fnaf might beat it and become the next highest player count in dbd history? It has the most liked post in dbd twitter so maybe it might has the high player count
I personally hate the idea of FNAF making it into DBD, but then again; they added that goofy "Naughty Bear" skin to Trapper, so BHVR might be okay with trying to get the IP into DBD.
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I think that depends on what characters they actually choose and how well they picture fnaf as killer as a concept in dbd.
I'm don't know much of the story of fnaf and I don't play or watch it regulary, but with that I hope it won't be spring trap I've always found him increadible boring and I personally don't think of him first if I hear fnaf xD
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It's no longer a question of if they're okay with it. They confirmed that FNAF will be coming next year.
We don't know if it'll be a chapter or a cosmetic pack, but like… I mean if that IP of all things got added as just a cosmetic pack, let alone after being teased a year beforehand… I mean I almost want it to happen just to watch the meltdown of epic proportions. But let's be honest, it's gonna be a chapter.
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Oh, really. Well, I guess there's no pointing in hoping for their exclusion now. RIP.
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Mathew said its a chapter
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I could be wrong, but he was asked directly as to if it's a chapter and his response was "What do you think?"
Which probably means "I legally cannot say yes but yes"
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Yes. I also think it will have a sharp drop off in players not long after as everyone gets sick of going against Springtrap every game
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A large amount of people "like" fnaf but only a small amount "love" fnaf enough to play nothing but fnaf characters for the rest of the years. I personally was ready to be a simon belmont or shanoa main from castlevania until they just... never made it into the game and were turned into clothes. Im also still a Rebecca main but it gets boring when you get absolutely no new cosmetics for eternity. So it also depends on how they handle the chapter.
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It will certainly lower the average age of the playerbase.
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i think it will be the same as always
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Hard to answer, but rather yes, than no.
Depends on what ability the killer will have and new perks which will come with both survivor and killer.
If killer's ability will be similar to "old SM" - inflict of players will not hold for long. :D
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Probably. Mathieu has basically confirmed it's been the most requested license for years. Unofficial surveys confirmed that too. He's emphasised multiple times now that it will be big.
It's very relevant. A lot of fnaf fans are internet gamers so they are likely to know about DBD. The FNAF youtubers will definitely be playing it. The 2nd movie comes out in December.0 -
The announcement tweet got 300k likes alone, which is now the DBD twitter's biggest tweet ever. I'd say: yes. People have been waiting ages for this.
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Given that we've sat thoroughly roughly 3 years worth of people either requesting, demanding, or coping for FNAF to be in DBD, I'd be willing to bet money I don't have on it breaking the player count harder then RE or Project W did
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That's it, I will only ever play the fnaf characters once they release
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As long as the killer is fun to play as and fun to face. That is the case with wesker. Not with alien and chucky which is why the player counts did not rise there
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FNAF will be the most popular license added to DBD. It's probably the most influential horror IP in recent times. I also don't think Killers like Jason, Candyman, etc. Would even come close in popularity, lol
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I just hope it doesn’t bring more people who will complain. We already have a lot on both sides and dealing with a 13 year old kid saying Freddy should be buffed because blah blah blah.
I don’t care how many people play or how often I see the killer as long as they are chill.0 -
It's most likely will be SpringTrap since he is the killer from FNAF and he's mostly the sole reason why all the other animatronics through out the series are haunted and/or programed to kill. Even killed his own kids unintentionally with his creations.
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I imagine yes but I'm more interested to see how long it lasts.
I have a feeling it'll be popular and break numbers but will probably fall off rather quickly once the newcomers who are only coming for FNAF quickly realize DBD isn't for them.I personally don't believe we'll see much player retention from this but who knows until it gets here.
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There’s no doubting FNAF is super popular, but saying it’s influential is surely a stretch
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Fnaf's gameplay ended up becoming an entire subgenre of horror game and now there are many upcoming horror franchises taking inspiration from the series (Bendy's, Poppy's, etc.)
Even though the quality of some of these games are extremely shoddy, the Mascot horror genre is pretty massive and FNAF basically built the foundation of it. Even Alien jumped on the bandwagon for a mobile game spinoff of isolation with FNAF gameplay (still salty about that).
If that isn't influence, I don't really know what is. That said, I do think killers like Candyman and Jason would be pretty huge, especially among the community.
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Fnafs fan base could indeed rival REs.
In addition, dbd could prove to be the perfect home for Speingtrap much like how dbd became Bill's retirement home.
I don't have a horse in the fnaf race but even I can't say that seeing fnaf 3 Springtrap doesn't intrigue me. I don't care much for fnafs old game style or it's jumpscare aspect but I think there's potential for this to be a hit like Stranger Things. Lots of us have no idea who Steve, Nancy or Demo are but lots of us love them anyway.
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FNAF is basically the indie horror game. It kicked off successful sequels, books, spin-offs, merch, supported fan games, it's own sub-genre of game, cameos, and even a full-length movie, while still staying relevant a decade later. Even big AAA companies wish they could pull something like that off. I actually can't think of a modern horror game that comes close.
I'm very curious to what the player spike will look like once it's released, maybe matches will be chill for a few days even
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Resident Evil is one of the most successful video game franchises of all time. The series has sold over 160 million copies. As far as I can tell, FNAF has sold around 7 million. They're not comparable.
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Oh now it makes sense that everyone wants him, I just saw him from gameplay perspective where he always was pretty boring to me xD
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It's my understanding fans are largely children.
I'm not eager to see a swarm of kids buffing our ranks. There are enough immature players already (not to mention forum users).
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My guess is that a lot of them will come when the chapter releases, and most of them will quit almost immediately.
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I'm sure a lot of them will just quit mid chapter cause of how the game is ATM.
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Agreed, I lost interest in FNAF after the first one, I felt the first had a budget game charm, that did a lot with the little it had to work with. The premise was simple, easy to understand and effective for what it was…
I'm not a fan of what the series became and I feel like the convoluted plot and paranormal rules kinda kills the original premise… kinda that rule of the mystery is more compelling than the answer… but I also can't argue with it's financial success.
I have since watched breakdowns of the story after it was announced for DBD, just to understand what exactly we were talking about/ dealing with, and yeah, Springtrap is the only person who even makes remote sense to be the killer for DBD…
Post edited by UndeddJester on2 -
Is Resident Evil an indie horror game? I said FNAF is the indie horror game, which it is, not that it’s the horror game.
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I'm not that invested into FNAF. Is it really so popular with children? I figured since it's horror as well it would be marketed towards young adults, which is probably the average for DBD's playerbase too.
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You said even big AAA companies wished they could pull something like that off
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It is what it is.
Hopefully after we get it people will shut up about it though.
Me personally, I don't care. Was never able to get into it. I didn't buy DND or Castlevania (though for different reasons), so this won't be any different.
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Probably with a bunch of little kiddos joining in, yes. Even though I still hope this being just a prank. Worst thing to happen to DBD.
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It's got a good chance, judging from a few polls about "most requested license" saw FNAF at the top (it was either FNAF or Friday 13th winning). Resident Evil has the history, but FNAF is a modern favourite and sits in the current popular trend of "Mascot Horror" (I think it was the first big game to really bring it forth).
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you said AAA games wish they could compete with it lmao
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What about the rabbit mascot in Silent Hill 3?
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Well, a tidal wave of kids will temporarily inflate the playerbase, likely to levels around the RE chapters (then leave shortly after getting tilted beyond belief when they get destroyed and BMed relentlessly for being new and having no perks) and the sheer frequency of whatever FNAF Killer will show up might drive people away for a bit (add in the Finisher Mori which will make people see the FNAF mori in most games after waiting on the ground for 4 minutes so people will be sick of it in a couple days).
Then, depending on the quality of the Killer itself and if it's a health hazard or not, the situation will either stabilize or a few players might leave (temporarily or permanently). It's very likely the playerbase will temporarily massively increase but the game isn't exactly known for it's new player retention so it'll likely stabilize much faster than Wesker's chapter.
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I feel like some people are exaggerating how young FNAF fans are simply because they don't like it or aren't familiar. It has some kid fans, sure, but I doubt they'd even be able to get onto DBD or play it. FNAF has a large amount of adult fans that grew up with the series which I imagine would be the main pool of people that would play a game like this.
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Some reason people think a game that came out in 2014 are still the same age today and cant age
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I dig the idea of it coming to the game honestly it’s pure nostalgia bait for me I’m 20 years old and I was a child when the first 4 games came out people like me will definitely flock to dbd to check it out
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Resident Evil has a lot more success but FNAF has a lot more "frequently online" fans, so it is possible. Depends on how good the characters, perk, and map(?) are though, if they're awful I can see people taking a break until the hype dies down.
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Robbie existed before Mascot horror was even a thing, and n9thing followed beyond that. Robbie just had a couple of cameos.
He's a bit like The Beatles Helter Skelter song: it was perhaps the first ever heavy metal track, but it sat alone for a bit, before bands like Black Sabbath came in to properly define it.
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Most people asking for FNAF in DBD are already DBD players. No kids will swarm the game because: 1. the folks who grew up with FNAF are adults now 2. like I said, the people asking for FNAF in DBD are already DBD players. And kids don't spend a bunch of money in a game they do not even know how to play AND a paid DLC for said game just because they like a character in a DLC. Or if they do, they are likely to get frustrated quickly because DBD's gameplay is highly different to FNAF's and they will sooner than later quit.
You guys need to cut it out with the children nonsense already. I'm close to 30 and I'm super hype for FNAF. I understand not liking the idea of FNAF in DBD, but you can't just call everyone who likes it a child. Lol.