Make Dead by Daylight Great Again

Night_Ryderr Member Posts: 1
edited October 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'd like to preface this post by saying that this is fore the Dead by Daylight team.

So, what we all came here for …

I don't normally post on forums or anything like that but I needed a place to provide my feedback on this game. Don't let the title fool you. I love this game. I'm a long time player. I started all the way back at the end of 2019 and instantly loved it. I'm not a horror game fan but this game held my interest longer than anything I've played in a long time. It was fascinating to see all the characters and the way a game of team work mixed with hide and seek could be played. I couldn't believe my eyes. The lore behind the characters seemed so in depth. It was so interesting that my friends and I started creating little stories about some of the other characters like who would be dating who and what they like to do when sitting around the campfire and not in a trial. It added a little more fun to the characters we played. I can go on about all the fun things that make this game amazing but I'd be here forever if I did. So, if I'm not here to talk about how great the game is, then why am I here? That is a great question. In my many years I've lived I have learned that if we love something as much as we say we do, we must be able to criticize it if we'd like to see it do better.

I have watched this game transform from a strategic game of hide and seek to a game of "which survivor will be the first one out." There are so many perks that allow the killer to find you through seeing your aura and the ones that allowed survivors to see the killer have been transformed into borderline useless. There is way too much engagement from the onset of the game with a perk that allows the killer to see your aura from the start of a trial, any time one is hooked, and so on. This game is no longer hide and seek; it's a game of cat and mouse and unless you have friends to help you the cat will almost always win. I'm not a very good player with the killer but if I can pick it up and win games with minimal effort, the reward for winning feels less than satisfying. If you coulpe this with some of the maps becoming darker and harder to see in, it becomes much harder to navigate especially with the killer being able to read your aura at multiple points in the game.

The fog has cleared in this game and the more it clears, the less fun it becomes. A lot of changes have been made in this game. Some have been absolutely amazing, some not so. I know you can't please everyone and I'm just one person but I want the brighter maps back. I want to be able to counter these aura reading perks that killers have besides Distortion. I want to be able to have the chance to escape when I'm the last person left in a trial instead of having the killer mori me when I'm the last one downed. I want to be able to escape through the hatch mid match. I want the healing speed to be returned to the way it was 3 years ago. I want the levels of rarity of the items to mean something and not have the same amount of harges as every other level of rarity. I want to enter the fog and have it work in my favour. For if the fog can't save me from the entity then what can?

I love this game. I hope it lasts forever. I want to see a movie, a Netflix adaptation, a real life game (without the actual killing obviously), and everything else that will have this game live on for eternity. Maybe a classic game mode. Let's make Lights Out permanent. Maybe even 2v8. Let's make this things happen. Let's make Dead by Daylight great again.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope some of the things I mentioned can come to the game soon.


  • Feneroe
    Feneroe Member Posts: 306

    The game will never return to hide and seek unless you manage to erase everyone's memory of the game. It didn't turn to cat and mouse because of perks, the perks are a result of the game turning into cat and mouse because survivors learned that was the most effective way to play. As long as looping remains effective and survivors know looping is effective, the game will always be cat and mouse.