Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

You gave killers a lot of adventages in the void, but survivors still can't leave while slugged

Killers now can use their power, being undetectable and survivors are broken and exhausted in there, but still didn't give survivors the ability to leave the void while downed?

Killers can just slug in there because they now another survivor needs to go to pick them up, but oh surprise, killers can know when a survivor enters the void.

Why can't survivors exit the void while slugged?

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  • Member Posts: 1,394

    Maybe it didn’t cross their minds.

    Perhaps they could leverage the hatch interaction conditions (from a technical perspective), if they’re looking to reuse code to allow survivors another interaction method while in the dying state with the Void Portals.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    The status effects make little sense tbh.

  • Member Posts: 768

    Killer knows if someone is in the Void.
    He can reach platforms without using the vault (just using a M1) as survivors have to do.
    Void contains no objectives for survivors, killers is rarely following/chasing someone in the Void…
    Funny thing, even if survivors have a lot of pallets here, I usually think the tiles are short, square-shaped where a hit can easily from the top & the most of them results a free hit. The only 'safe pallet I've found here is between the 2 big strairs in the middle. All the others are meh.

  • Member Posts: 768

    Yes but this isn't specifically the goal of this zone I guess. If someone is slugged in the Void, he is probably already dead if killer doesn't want to pick him.
    The Void contains a different - and 'infinite' - ressource (a offensive projectile for killer, a defense weapon for survivor) as long as you have spent time to collect enough Energy.

  • Member Posts: 768

    You are right and as the title of the thread is 'You gave killers a lot of adventages in the void', I'm not convinced the 'advantages in the void' are enough for anyone to go in.
    Anyway, this event is weird, this added zone is strangely designed. It could be so easy to add a gen inside & to let all the other mechanics to work inside this zone. I don't even know if you can sabot hooks into the void & I have noticed any locker, any chest & any totem…

  • Member Posts: 32

    It should have though, and too much stuff doesn't cross their mind already. Too many busted mechanics get through the cracks during these events, that any one of us could have said was obviously a terrible idea.

    They need to playtest these things more.

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    This is far from a busted or obvious mechanic and you’re being melodramatic.

    • Survivors can still see the dying survivors aura to navigate towards them in the void. They can still help them recover.
    • If the Killer is hanging out in the void with the slug, that’s free time on gens. And survivors have a handy tool to obscure their movement that they can access while the Killer is standing on the slug to try and make the pickup safer
    • If the Killer abandons a chase to re-enter the void if they see another survivor enter it, then that’s less pressure on the rest of the survivors, increasing their efficiency

    I will agree with it seeming odd that the Survivor can’t exit the void while in the dying state.

  • Member Posts: 32

    I'm not talking about the void specifically.

    In this events case, it's the complete lack of cooldown on the haunts. Literally everyone else would have pointed out the need for at least a small cooldown, and the fact that remote hooking in the Anniversary even made it past conception is baffling. Remote hooks felt so unfair I would walk to the hook before using to feel less cheap.

    All these issues would have been incredibly obvious if BHVR play tested their games more.

    The Void's issue is that you're expected to engage in it at the expense of doing objectives, and if you're opponent is just playing to win, then you have to either ignore the void or throw the game. Again, obvious problems that would should have been picked up ages ago.

  • Member Posts: 1,394
    edited October 2024

    Ah, gotcha.

    I tunnel visioned on this posts topic.

    But to be frank I’m glad they’re iterating and not being too afraid to see how things work in a live environment to collect data and feedback.

    These events are temporary, after all.

  • Member Posts: 162

    This. I find it funny that survivors still haven't figured this out yet after 8 years

  • Member Posts: 196

    idk why any killer who wants to win would enter void anyway, its pointless waste of time you cant spread map pressure or reduce the pallets, so far every game i played in this event i won without ever entering void , dont care about stupid ghost attack or something like that.

  • Member Posts: 396

    Why do DBD people always have to bring up "the other side"?

    Could have just said "Why can't slugged survivors not leave the void" instead of including completely unrelated whining about killers using their power and being undetectable in there.

  • Member Posts: 3,936

    A big whirlpool you can fall into to take you back from the void would be an idea.

  • Member Posts: 898
    edited October 2024

    alr now honestly, even though i have been enjoying the event at first, it's just insufferable now. In about 90% of my matches, everybody barely even uses event objectives unless it's for optimizing their strategy to win, while i am always like some clown kicking pumpkins, opening portals, entering the void and actually doing event objectives. It really gets boring after so many matches where people on both sides just care about two things and nothing else: hook, kill, repair gens, leave.

    My rant after having 6 back to back matches where i had around 70k+ points in each, while everybody else has less than 25k

  • Member Posts: 768
    edited October 2024

    In the Void, after a missing M1 from an high platform, the killer can even land on a dropped pallet, on the edge of the zone. Funny moment.

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