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Something needs to be done about the last 2 survivors taking killer hostage



  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 415
  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,534

    Considering how little points survivors get compared to killers as it is? No? lol

    Killers shouldn't have to/be able to slug for the 4k, and survivors shouldn't be waiting for hatch either. I feel like maybe a timer should start and a 1v1 should happen maybe like the void where the final survivor and killer faceoff and if the timer runs out the survivor can escape. Something more fair than just omg hatch.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    How? 5 minutes is longer than the bleedout timer. So even if you tried to slug one survivor and wait for this mechanic to activate, the other would easily find the hatch before that happens.

    This has been brought up several times but nobody actually explained how they came to that conclusion. Please explain to me how a killer would use this for slugging for the 4k.

  • Yoshirama
    Yoshirama Member Posts: 415

    5 minutes, that means the slugged survivor is gonna die, then killer can find hatch, now one minute pass and boom, survivor is found and ready to go down.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    Hard tunneling doesn't get stomped by good players, though. Obviously tunneling is more dominant when a survivor is easy pickings and can be removed from the game at 5 gens, but tunneling a player to death before engaging anyone else is meta across the board and there's no better killer strat even in comp play, because achieving the 3v1 ASAP is the most consistent way to shift match momentum in the killer's favor, whether it's a win-more strat or it's the only option the killer has.

    The only time tunneling from the start is a bad idea for the killer is when the survivor they're trying to tunnel is an extremely strong looper. In that case, tunneling isn't the problem, it's that they have the wrong target. And if each one of the four survivors are a bad idea for the killer to tunnel, then the killer is just outmatched and should lose. If a killer gets stomped by counter-tunneling, then they get stomped no matter what they do… exceptions made if every survivor is running every anti-tunnel perk on the book, but that situation doesn't realistically happen. It takes very on-point teamwork to counter tunneling long enough to matter, not just skill but strong communication and game sense (for when it's worthwhile to take a hit vs when it's just wasting time and doesn't buy the looper anything so you should be on gens.) Frequently I see survivors' attempts to counter tunneling work in the killer's favor.

    That said, tunneling is not an easy issue to address (because what's overkill against bad survivors is mandatory against good ones and any one-size solution on this is going to screw over some bracket of the game), and not the purpose of this thread anyway. My point was that I think it's reasonable to give survivors a big gen boost for a 3v1 at 5 gens because they are 99.999% of the time guaranteed lost and have no incentive to try - especially if that boost falls off as gens are completed. It's not going to suddenly make survivors start winning these games with any regularity. I almost never see more than 2 full gens get completed in a 3v1 game; the loop of chase-hook-heal breaks down quite quickly as resources are expended, assuming the looper could loop long enough in the first place. And for most players, who are solos, their teammates falling over to a single poke or ragequitting immediately is scarcely their fault for 'being bad', and I'd argue that having games routinely be completely screwed so early, through no participation of your own, on is part of what makes this game unhealthy, alongside a flawed matchmaking system and toxic/antagonistic player culture. And I think it's unhealthy that killers are incentivized to chase this unwinnable game state - which is not an issue with killers, but rather an issue with game design, that the optimal strategy is not very engaging to play against.

    Giving 3v1 survivors gen speed at 5 gens doesn't badly affect high level gameplay because 3v1 5-gens don't happen against the survivors where killers actually need to tunnel to win. I guess I just don't see the issue. Inefficient players will still lose, the killer still has a huge advantage and boosted gen speed is only going to really matter at less than 3 gens remaining (whereupon I don't want to give any significant boosts), but they at least get the illusion of being able to progress the match to a competitive point. The point is to get survivors in lost games out of lockers and onto gens, where the killer can actually find them - if this comes with nerfs to stealth, as proposed, this feels not only balanced to me, but more QoL to the killer than punishing them.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 845

    yes it does get stomped because you can rarely get hard tunneling to work. You'd need to find your first chase very quick, chased survivor would have to make a serious mistake in chase and get downed very fast so that they could be immediately tunneled off hook, but even then you have to be careful. Team will probably greed tunneled teammate on hook to buy themselves 60s of not having to worry about teammate they are about to unhook go on the 3rd hook and die. There are way too many variables for hard tunneling to make it work against strong teams.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    So you wouldn't find the hatch in ONE ENTIRE MINUTE? Seems unlikely. Mind you, even if the killer finds you, you still have extra time to look for the hatch because they need to get to you and down you before you reach it.

    But if that's your main concern, then how about it deactivates once there is only one survivor left?

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 462

    The other reason people hide instead of do generators is whoever touches the generators is guaranteed dead. I remember a round where it wa just me and the other one that was hiding all game, i sat on generators anyway, he found her, let her go, moried me with her beside him, and then let her have hatch. Saying i shouldve been hiding too. When there really is absolutely no way to get the generators done with only 2 people the only way to "survive" as "survivor" is to try for hatch. Bringing hatch back with 2 survivors left wont solve the problem either as they would stop gens and look for keys and the hatch lol. Though ive seen rounds where the last 2 making it take forever. Usually in far corners or 2nd floors.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    Get rid of killers slugging, and actually make it possible for two men to get out at the end with an alternate escape. Nobody's wants to get killed when they still have a chance.

  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 725
    edited October 2024

    why should we freely reward survivors for their mistakes?rewarding survivors for losing a match is the same as automatically killing 2 random survivors at the gate when all 4 survivors escape

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 375

    Exactly! Players are hiding because of slug and seek. I had this happen to me as killer it did drag the game out but with patience you can find them. As survivor yes its annoying when your the last 2 and nothing is getting done. I don't care and will jump on a gen. But something needs to be done with 2 players left any slug and seek, it's really boring. It's gotten worse with the Mori.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 783

    This kind of mindset just cements that the game is over even though two Survivors are still alive. So why does the match even continue then?

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 288

    The Finisher Mori basically encourages bad behavior

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    No it's not, the Devs have already confirmed it many times. Slugging has a timer no different to hook timer, that timer is progressing the match even if it's not as fast as you would like. I'm my experience when in 2 v 1 situation it is the survivors that actually hold the game hostage by refusing to do gens for over 30min and simply hiding waiting for the other to get caught first so they can get the hatch. That does not progress the match and is confirmed to by the Devs as holding the game hostage.

    As you have already said at that point the match is over, killer won so maybe if the remaining survivor came out of hiding the killer wouldnt need to slug the 3rd to allow time to find the 4th. Therefore if the game is held hostage don't blame the killer for slugging, blame the last survivor that refuses to do gens, refuses to heal you and refuses to progress the match.

    when in 2 v 1 situations that's exactly what I do, slug the 3rd to give time to find the 4th. When I find and down the 4th I hook them and go back to hook the slug. It gives me 4min to find the last remaining player, faster I find them, faster the game ends.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    Refusing to do gens? At that point gens are a decoration. Its impossible to get them done and doing them means getting killed. The match isnt against the killer anymore, but the other survivor on who tries to get hatch. Its simply a horrible design for a game that pushes to try and survive. The killer isnt your only enemy in a two man with multiple gens, and unless the dev's address that issue, survivors are not gonna quit doing that.

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 111

    So you are part of the problem.
    As a survivor don't mind being killed, but being slug is boring.

    If killer just hooks me when the chase end, I could do gen and try, but as long as I know the killer is gonna slug me for 4K I stay hidden.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    I agree to an extent but I would say survivors worst enemy is their own team not just in 2 v 1 especially with the suicide on hooks and the hiding the whole match leaving people die on 1st hook. But it's the game we choose to play, and contrary to belief it's not survivor rule book that makes the rules, its BHVR. And while they say avoiding gens is against the rules that's the way it is.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    You say I'm part of the problem but when the killer has clearly won the match why should they essentially let the survivor get the hatch preventing a 4k? The killer won. Sounds like the survivor hiding to get a win when they couldn't do their objective is the problem not the killer doing his objective. You can stay hidden but I can say if that happens with me then I'm more than happy to keep both of you alive and bring it to 1 hour server end time. I'm sure you would find that more boring

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 111
    edited October 2024

    Yes you are part of the problem.
    When its a win 100% and ppl just go next : killer cry
    When its a win and survivor, try to hide and take hatch( AS THE GAME SUGEST TO DO ) : killer cry

    You know dont need the 4K for a win, 3K is a win and even the hatch is a draw for the survivor not a win.
    So , no we dont need to do something for last 2 survivor.
    If they are afk they have craw otherwise just try to find them .

    Edit :

    The problem is that victory is based on your escape and not on the team.In my opinion, it should be a victory for the 4 survivors from 3 escapes and a defeat for 1 or less escape.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    Killers don't cry if survivors go next, I have only heard of survivors cry about that because they let the rest of the team down. Personally I don't care if survivors wants to go next, makes no difference to me.

    The game suggests taking the hatch when the hatch is available. If it's not available then the objective is do the gens. The fact is even the Devs say avoiding gens is reportable, even in 2 v 1 situations. If your willing to accept it's ok to break the rules because you disagree with the rules set out by BHVR then you can't complain when others also break the rules when they disagree with them. Rules like body blocking or flat out cheating

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 111

    First : As i can read its an hide and seek game.

    2nd : on the same site i can see a tutoriel that say " you will chase down, capture , and hook survivors " not slugs them.
    3rd : on the in game rulebook its say killer objectif is to hook . Hook not to slug them.
    4th : i just did the tutoriel to be sure, but the game say i need to hide when killer is near.

    could you pls give me source about dev on the 2V1 ?
    I didn't find anything but I'm interested, if its true , and i dont think you lie, i would read the interview

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    Avoiding gens is against the rules? Where exactly is that in the rules, because it sounds like you just made that up to justify an ez 4k. DBD's a hard snowball game, but no matter how hard survivors snowball, a killer can always have a chance to come back. Ive gotten more then a few games where I only get like 1 or two hooks the entire match and then 4k them all with only the exit gates without noed. Comebacks are always possible for the killer, but why isnt that the case for survivors? How exactly is not slugging also giving survivors the hatch? A killer will always have a higher chance to find the hatch considering they are significantly faster. At the current state of the game 4k's are almost guaranteed if a game goes south for survivors. Frankly even if reporting gen's was bannable, how are you gonna judge that? Maybe my plan is to tap it every 5 minutes to avoid detection.

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 111

    I think that hiding from the killer while waiting for the other to be found is therefore not included in it.
    I've already seen players try to keep the game hostage, and it wasn't the same as hoping that the other would be found but hard to prove

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    Hiding for a period of time is fine, can hope the other survivor gets caught and wait out the hook timer or slug timer then go for hatch. But if both survivors are hiding for a prolonged period (exact timeframe isn't clear) that's where the issue is as it can and does result in the game being prolonged to server end time when both survivors get automatically sacrificed. Personally I think after the acceptable timeframe of hiding (whatever that is) both survivors should get crows or something so the killer can find 1, down them and either hook them or slug them then the countdown to find last survivor begins. It would save a lot of time in a match that should have been over way sooner and would prevent the rule breaking from even taking place.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    So your opinion is make the game harder for survivors when they are already at a massive disadvantage? Killers sure will do anything they can to justify an ez 4k. It's already too ez for the majority of all dbd games played. Only SWF's can routinely outplay killers, but even top of the line games killers still average about two killer per game. The dynamics are busted right now and what you suggested isn't a solution. A far better option would be if no gen progress is made after a certain amount of time the hatch just opens and whoever finds it get it. A default no way out once closed would also be fine or a default noed with no totem if the hatch is activated in that way. But just giving a killer a straight buff with no counter play isnt sensible in the slightest.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 845

    not even touching gens and constantly hiding counts as refusing to progress the match aka. holding the game hostage :D

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    I thought we were in an agreement to just not message each other, but to that point, it wouldn't exactly be considered holding the game hostage considering that once a game reaches 2 survivors and multiple gens left that hiding is the only survival option left. It's also unprovable to say they are holding the game hostage at that point considering there's no real alternatives to survive besides giving yourself to the killer on a silver platter.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 845

    video proof showing how none of the gens have been touched by survivors along with ingame report is an instant sign of being held hostage in the match and leads to ban.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    Guess what, touch the gen even once in that video and your plans a bust. Video or not you'll just look like a fool to the dev's and the survivor will be on their way and you'll have wasted your time for nothing. There's no set time, so how long is too long? You're just lying to yourself if you think the final two will get banned. Ingame reports will also show they didnt do nothing since they had a full game before that were they were actively doing objectives. But I digress, talking to you is pointless so ill just stop.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    My opinion is simply abide by the Devs rules... If people don't like the rules they have the choice to not play the game. But disregarding the rules because someone doesn't agree with them is what leads to cheaters and hackers. As the Devs have stated it's against the rules to avoid gens, that's the way it is and should be followed like it or not. Your way is hand the survivors another chance at winning a match they lost while denying the killer the 4k they have rightfully won through the progress of the match. It would also encourage slugging all 4 from the start of the match to prevent the hatch being an option. Slugged survivors are far less likely to be able to crawl to the hatch. If the hatch is a viable option at the end of the match it will result in killers doing what they can to prevent it

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72
    edited October 2024

    If you opinion was simply abide by the rules of the devs, then you wouldn't have made the suggestion about crows. Your opinion was to reinforce the abilities of the killer to increase their chance of a 4k. My opinion is to increase the balance of the game so it's not just a snowball fest for the killers. As I said before, no matter how much survivors snowball a killer can make a comeback. The same should be true for survivors. How are you gonna say the last two are avoiding gens. By definition they have to slow down if they do wanna try winning. There's no breaking devs rules in that scenario. Ive read the rules multiple times and avoiding gens isn't one. Your posts from devs are ambiguous and change with each dev. If your rules are not even clear then it's their responsibility to clarify them officially. Not to hide them in a random post. Actual cheating and this are not the same thing. Your comparison is like using a hammer vs a flyswatter to kill a fly and simply an incomparable statement. A game should always have the chance to escape regardless of the stage the game is in. Since you think that shouldn't be the case, the game might as well just automatically kill the last two if three gens are still up since you are so worried about saving time and guaranteeing that killer 4k. There's nothing deserved about an unbalanced mechanic.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    I follow the rules I read, the Devs have clearly stated on multiple occasions avoiding gens is not doing the objective unless hatch is available. Until it spawns it's not available. Otherwise all survivors could hide the the whole match avoid gens waiting to be last one remaining to get the hatch which is ridiculous. The words clearly state avoiding gens for half hour is reportable as it's no different than body blocking. If you have a dispute with this then you should take it up with the Devs. I have yet to see anything saying it's not reportable. I don't care much about the 2 v 1 situation as it is really because I can wait the 1 hour server time and keep both survivors alive so they get sacrificed anyway so avoiding gens just prolongs the inevitable 4k. but any solution that results in survivors getting another chance at a game they lost will result in killers going further to prevent it.

    You say the game should always have an escape no matter what stage... Ok so they fail to do gens and acknowledged it's impossible to escape, they get offered a hatch instead. If the hatch gets closed so it's impossible to escape, should they have another way out? My point is at what point is it enough? When should survivors acknowledge the match is a lose and how many chances should they get? They already have ample chance to do gens from the start, I don't see the killer getting free noed when all gens are done and all survivors are remaining. Even when freed from the hook they still get a shield and speed boost to fly past to the exit gates. Bottom line is survivors have their chance to do gens and escape, if they fail they fail, better luck next match.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    Since you cant tell the difference between rules and just subjective opinions of which the dev's are not immune to, ill post the rules and show what they actually are.


    • Insults, intimidation, hateful speech, repeated harassment

    In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL


    • Working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates
    • Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience
    • Holding the game hostage

    In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL


    • Advertising exploits
    • Exploiting bugs, errors in design, or undocumented features to gain access to what otherwise would not be available or to obtain a competitive advantage

    In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL


    • Botting
    • Lag switching
    • Disconnects (leaving the match before killed or sacrificed) - DO NOT REPORT

    For both Botting and Lag switching, in-game reports are REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL


    • The acquiring of any in-game cosmetic through any means other than Official Dead by Daylight channels (ie. codes, giveaways, etc.)
    • The possession of legacy cosmetics without earning them. The cutoff to earn legacy cosmetics happened on November 24, 2016. If a player has obtained legacy cosmetics after this date, then it is considered cheating.

    In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket REQUIRED


    • Using any 3rd party software or other methods to cheat your save file or any measure of progress contained within your save file. This includes using someone else’s save file.

    In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket REQUIRED


    • Excessive or serious threats against someone, including DOX threats, life threats, disclosing private information, etc.

    Reminder: everything that happens outside of the game should be reported to the appropriate platform. (ie: Twitch, Discord, Steam, Sony, Microsoft)

    In-game report REQUIRED / Customer Support ticket OPTIONAL


    • Using 3rd party software or other tools to gain any kind of unfair advantage that wasn’t intended by the game.

    • We do not ban for the use of communication apps.

    Some dev's may see not doing gen's as holding the game hostage and they could potentially have the right to ban. But its subjective to the dev in question and will vary massively on the circumstances. What you are saying is not a rule, but a guideline and you should learn the difference.

    Frankly though your argument of just do better next time is rather lacking though. Maybe we should just massively buff survivors to unfair levels and see how well killers like it. But doing so is not beneficial or fair gameplay and that's the underlying issue. The fact that you cant see that that's the case for survivors right now show's you're taking this from a shallow perspective. If the game is in all practicality over, yet a match could be dragged on for upwards to an hour with 1 survivor possibly still having the chance to escape. Then it show's a massive flaw in the current state of the game. I didn't suggest just letting the last two to escape and since when does closing the hatch guarantee a kill. It allow's you with one alternative to escape which ive done multiple times as the last survivor from gate after hatch is closed. If the killer gets hatch first he's rewarded with having an even larger advantage of stopping them at the gate. In no way has the ability to escape been denied in all practical sense's like it is now in the current state. If a killer can dominate reward them for it. But complete denial isn't an acceptable reward no matter what point of the game you're in.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    You say the rule explanation of the evidence I posted (the Devs post) is ambiguous... Yet it gives more detailed description of the particular issue we are talking about than the actual rules you have shown. 2 survivors hiding not doing gens is considered holding the game hostage as it doesn't progress the match. The rules you have shown simply says holding the game hostage is griefing... That alone is open to interpretation so the dev clarified it by giving a more detailed explanation of what holding the game hostage actually entails.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    It is ambiguous, there's no set time limit for how long is too long to hide from gens or just trying to find chest/totems and not all players have easy access to reading individual hidden posts on a forum. If it's not on the official rules list it's upto the individual dev's opinion on how it'll be handled. That's not a debate, but a fact. If ruin is active there's no way to prove they are not going to the gens and hiding immediately or just focusing and trying to find all totems and chests. If you as a killer 3 gen them, it's reasonable to hide until it's safe. If it's never safe, then that's not them not doing objectives, but actively being stuck in a stalemate. Until the gens are clear they cant attempt them. As a two man they'd be massively slower if they still wanna try winning. It holding the game hostage is just your killer baiting opinion since you're just having trouble finding the final two and no dev would ever just ban for that. So yes, your whole argument is subjective and opinionated.

    Should a survivor be forced to do a gen with a killer actively standing over it? Good luck explaining that one. That's the issue with the final two. It's not that they're not doing gens, but the game's stuck in a stalemate where its impossible for them to act in a reasonable and tactical manner. You're just ragebaiting because you think it's the survivors responsibility to have to put themselves into the unfavorable position. Maybe if the killer stopped patroling gens and looked in weird spots they might start doing gens again. You cant prove they are holding the game hostage because they are not. They're simply acting in the only manner left for them to possibly win. Just because you dont like that their only strat that's left is tedious means that its the survivors fault.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    Lol it's not my opinion it's come from the Devs that it's holding the game hostage. Although there is no exact time frame it does specifically say "half an hour" which is far more detail than the standard base line set of rules you have shown. It's astounding that you basically say a Devs explanation of a rule is equal to your own lol. It's unreasonable to expect a huge book explaining every little aspect in very fine detail to people. So they post a rough guide on what the rules are then if need be they clarify in more detail. I have never come across game where it gives such detailed descriptions of an offense in the basic rules like you seem to expect. Regardless of what your opinion is, your method of hiding doesn't accomplish anything because the killer can still get 4k by waiting until server end time... And I see nowhere that says that is against the rules and it still gives killer the 4k. so if you want to hide for the whole time have at it risk getting reported because it really doesn't solve anything.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    Nice job only reading half a post, but that example of 30 minutes is highly ambiguous and subjective, but also gave a specific circumstance of where it'd be an issue. It once again is showing you cant differentiate guidelines to rules or see the difference between circumstances in individual games. As a killer you have no idea what the perspective of a survivor is. You cant tell if they're just waiting for you to leave or not. If you're never gone they can never try. As was said earlier, this is a game of hide and seek, survivors hide and you seek. Just because you cant fulfill your portion doesn't mean survivors should be required to forsake theirs. All your oh the killer still gets 4k point proves is that the killer won the endurance battle, not that the survivors were not still trying to win. It's a stalemate and it's not their job to break it to their disadvantage. It's not risking anything. Do you risk walking down the street. There's no shame in risking a ban for playing the game strategically within the games rules.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,376

    As others have mentioned while speeding up the 2v1 part is a good idea generally, it would have to come with a change in mechanics. As it is just revealing auras/killer instinct or whatever would just lead to the match being over at 2v1, in turn leading to strategies that aim at removing one player at a time as fast as possible becoming the absolute best strategies (and they already are). - That in turn leads to an even worse surv experience.

    In a 2v1 situation survivors need a viable option to continue playing the match; imo the best way to do that is that at 2 survs left it's "every (wo)man for themselves" and survs have a mechanic that allows them to individually escape / creates a small window of opportunity for both to escape. Idk, something along the lines of progressing surv objectives and being in chase gives points (similar to the event) and once the bar is full you can interact with the gate to open it for a short time (5 seconds?); when you start interacting with the gate your aura is revealed to the other surv (maybe only if their bar is full or they are currently in chase) so they have a shot at sneaking out as well. Since this would put the two survs at an advantage if many gens are left (just circle around; barely touch and move on, play it slow) I'd also be all for killer instinct after every 30 seconds of not-interacting with an objective. The chances of one, or even both, survs escaping that way are pretty slim, I'd say - especially since the map should be a massive deadzone at that point - but it gives a proper incentive to actually try. — For all I care hatch could then also be done away with, since the last surv has a viable way to get out without it. — Survs would need some kind of basekit UB/other mechanic to counter excessive slugging though. Once it's 2v1 the match should be over within two minutes max. There should also never be perks that affect that stage of the match (i.e. speeding up or slowing down the bar fill)

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    2 minutes is rather fast, but the direction is very reasonable. As it stands now, the game mechanics by design favor just trying to outlive the other survivor for hatch. Acknowledging that and making moves that just make is so killers solidify their 4k without comeback potential is nothing but detrimental to the game and majority of the game's player base experience. It's an exhausting experience having to explain to killer mains why they shouldn't just be given even more capital for free kills where survivors have no counterplay left.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    I spent 2 years as survivor main before I was killer main and I still play survivor occasionally so I do know the perspective of survivor pretty well. You seem to throw around the terms ambiguous and subjective to disregard almost anything that goes against your argument but the same could be said in reverse. For example, "this is a game of hide and seek" is very ambiguous and subjective. Yet you base your whole argument on this vague general description of a game. It makes no sense that survivors hide and killers seek because survivors have gens to do, not hide. So your whole basis of hide and seek argument is flawed as it completely ignores the core aspect of gens. If survivors won via hiding yes I would agree with you but the fact that survivors get automatically sacrificed if they hide too long without escaping is clear as day that simply hiding is not the goal of the survivor. That's how the game has been from day 1. Like I said you can hide as long as you like but I don't understand to what end as I have already explained if you hide too long the killer will win.

    Also in hiding you risk your other teammate from ratting you out which happens a lot in 2 v 1 situations. Reason being 1 survivor wants the match to end but the killer is keeping both alive until they are both found and downed. So they lead the killer to the hiding survivor to get the match over with. Now aiding the killer is definitely against the rules but aiding the killer or "working with the opposite team" as it is said in the rules is such an ambiguous description and how will you prove that the survivor aided the killer in finding you if you were hiding and not just looking to be healed or running away from the killer? If you can't see how your own argument can be used against you then there truly is not hope lol.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,268

    I have been playing for 2 years and luckily this has never happened to me for longer than 10 minutes. 😅

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 845
    edited October 2024
  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    No, because the rules I posted are the rules from this forum. Dev comments are not rules, and what I said isn't not engaging in normal gameplay, in fact it's the only viable normal gameplay left to survivors.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 72

    I keep using ambitious because that's simply the current state of your point. This is a game of hide and seek, but an objective based one. But it's literally on their marketing page that this is the case. You're right that if you only hide you'll lose. But hiding isn't all they are doing, and you can still do gens and hide at the same time if you're tracking the killer well enough. Obviously that wont always workout.

    Aiding the killer is something that only takes one second to prove. Sure what ive mentioned can at times be used against mr, and ill bear burden of proof to prove it. But when it clearly says helping the killer is bannable and someone's taking the killer around for a walk to find me makes the reporting process very easy.

    Gald you're playing survivors, but you're ignoring the elephant in the room, and that's the issue. Your point about helping the killer is clearly in the rules. My point on hiding in 2v1's isnt . You have to take the most vague rule on the list and bend it to suit your needs for it to actually work. If you cant see how that's an issue then you're the one without hope. Glad we had this chat, but its redundant at this point. Clearly there's no progress being made so it's better to just end it.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 845
    edited October 2024

    rules you found on the forum are literally shortened version of rules in general, you are literally defending holding the game hostage by acting like "a word of dev < rules i found on forums" while the rules literally mention holding the game hostage, which means every instance of prolonging the game indefinitely while not progressing the match.

    And it isn't the only viable normal gameplay left to survivors, 3-gen is something you can prevent and majority of people choose NOT to prevent because they literally just keep doing first gens they see.

    P.S. I hope you are aware that you are lowkey advertising that kind of behavior, which is also punishable.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 649

    I think that's exactly where your going wrong and why you fail to understand literally anyone says regardless of any proof given to you... It's insane to think that Devs comments are merely just comments. They are not random people making up their own rules, they are part of the development team for the game… they know the rules and in no way would they make up a rule saying something is bannable when it's not. It's like a random person with no knowledge of law trying to tell a judge "your wrong, that's not law that's your opinion"

    As previously mentioned the rules you follow like a bible (the official rules) only says griefing which includes holding the game hostage... That is a vague term which does need expanding and clarifying on what exactly holding the game hostage is. That is what the devs have done. They explained more on what the griefing rule is. If someone is confused about something the official rules say how else would they get clarification? The answer is ask the dev team... They know.

    Until you understand the rules, who has authority on explaining the rules and not claiming that's someones opinion even when it comes from a member of the development team from the game then you will never accept anything that gets said regardless of who's saying it.