The Nightmare On Elm Street chapter is kinda getting reworked?

So, based on the latest roadmap (and the previous one), every single perk from the chapter—except for Bloodwarden—is getting changed. Freddy is finally getting another rework (hopefully they won’t repeat the mistakes from the last one), and I remember hearing that the Badham Preschool maps were on their list for adjustments. Unless that’s already been done and all they did was remove the one dead end room. It really feels like BHVR is somewhat reworking the chapter. Personally, I’m hyped to see Freddy's name on the roadmap finally.
I'm so bummed Wake Up is on that list. It's such a good perk as it is, I wish they'd leave it alone.
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And yet Pharmacy isn't.
I still miss old Pharmacy.
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Oh that's actually kinda cool, I didn't realize the first time I read it that those were all perks from that chapter and they're coinciding with the Freddy update.
I wonder if that means they'll wait on the Pharmacy update until then too.
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Yes exactly. So how does that fit within "such a good perk"? Making it sound like a 4/5 perk.
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the perk is really bad tho
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give Freddy and Quinten outfits pls
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Unless that’s already been done and all they did was remove the one dead end room
they reverted it already 😅
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Maybe we're also getting a Badham rework?
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They were supposed to tweak it in november update, now I'm 100% sure if they're still gonna change it though, since they delayed tweaks for cenobite and plague
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don’t worry it says perk tweaks not “updates” it’s just going to be small changes
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Looks like we might be in for something big. Here's to hoping this is the update where Freddy finally gets to shine!
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Im curious if remember me will now decrease the meter for opening the gate.
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Pharmacy is on the old roadmap from a few months ago
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Trade? Maybe they'll fix Pharmacy and leave Wake Up alone. I just see them doing to Wake Up what they did with Calm Spirit, give it buffs it doesn't need just so they can attach an unnecessary downside.
This. Not surprised by the reaction, it's an underrated perk that most players won't give a chance because it's a survivor end game perk that doesn't do anything for health/chase.
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watch it be
“For every 30 seconds spent in a Chase, Wake Up Charges +1 Token, up to a maximum of 3 Tokens.
- Increases your Gate-Opening speed by 15/20/25%. Depending on how many tokens you have.”
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i doubt it, i bet they'll omega buff it like 100% gate opening speed. freddy chapter has to be like worst selling chapter ever because every single aspect of freddy chapter is TERRIBLE. the perk are terrible and Killer is terrible. so it makes sense that they're reworking chapter. it is just that bad.
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I think pharmacy was on the previous roadmap, they might be doing it in November
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I've said this before, As a Quentin main who uses Wake Up I need them to please leave my perk alone.
If you knowhow to use it, its a perfect perk. Myself/my duo/the randoms, we escape more often then not with this per.
Leave it alone
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I think they need permission from the license holders to rework killers. If they are reworking Freddy, I think they got to an agreement with the people who own A Nightmare on Elm Street, which I hope means we are finally getting some Freddy cometics.