I miss old movement so much.

Aceislife Member Posts: 473
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

I want to talk about some things that I think shouldn't have changed. Let's start with survivors model movement, the animations. Before the Silent Hill chapter your survivors model would react to wherever you moved your mouse, whether it was to the left, up, right, down, in any instance as long as you weren't locked in a different animation. Then the Silent Hill chapter happened. How do I remember this, well I still remember the disappointing discovery of how your characters head would no longer move up or down when you're crouching, moving while either crouched or stood up, or running. Now I know the animations have changed further since then, but all of what I'm saying still stands.

Yes, the survivors did get a better posture, they were no longer hunched, looked more natural. That part improved. However by not making the character react to up or down movement is the opposite of improving, rather it's just lowering the interactivity of the model. It wouldn't react to certain movements anymore. To this day they haven't "fixed" it, and to this day, it bothers me. I had so many funny or cute moments, still saved up on my PS4, where this kind of movement was utilized.

Another thing that was changed (afterwards, if I recall correctly), was survivor movement. I don't remember when exactly it was done, but they made the maximum speed of how fast a survivor can turn, slower. I can see what their motivation with this was, it was to help (no offense), bad players fare better, since they probably had issues with 360s. But actually by making the movement more sluggy they affected the skill ceiling of the entire game. Even back before the movement was nerfed, good players barely ever got 360'd. But now it became even more rare to succeed at one, and hitting a survivor as a killer became easier. A little less freedom, a little less skill expression, just to help players that perform worse.

Speaking of a little less skill expression, it's time to move on to the last thing I wanted to talk about. Flashlight saves. Sigh. You know, if you make things quite easily achievable by even the newest of players, you make the game a little less to look up to everytime, by taking that tiny margin of possible skill improvement needed to perform something, away. Flashlight saves used to take skill, you had to time them correctly in a rather short and an accurate window, you'd have to blind the killer late enough so they wouldn't still be in the pickup animation, but early enough so they couldn't look away in time. Now, even if you blind some time before the animation ends, you get the save. This means that even for an average player it is relatively easy to time it correctly. It also won't cause a sense of accomplishment as big for succeeding.

Old DBD was without a doubt broken. There was OP things on both sides, survivors were far stronger back then. Tiles were far better, and spawned more frequently. But some things would just have been better off left alone in my opinion. I still have fun by playing the game. But a game doesn't go by where I don't miss how these things were before they were changed. Especially the nodding. God, how I miss it.

*Alright looks like when Silent Hill came out, you could still nod somewhat properly, at least when crouched, not sure about running when being injured. So that part was misinformation, the changes happened after that at some point.

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