The 4 other Killers revealed on the chopping block

The 4 Killers revealed to be nerfed or buffed Vecna, Wesker, Chucky and Ghostface
Chucky:100% to get nerfed i expect them to revert the power back to old recharge speed of 16s with his bugs fixed as well
Wesker: Deserves a nerf hes just an annoying frustrating spam power like chucky he needs longer recharge time and more punishment for missing along with his power hitbox shrunk along with his Hug techs getting removed.
Vecna: I have no idea hes neither good nor bad idk maybe another mage hand nerf? and buffs to magical items?
Ghostface: Probably a buff and some tweaks to their inconsistent reveal
Idk about the chopping block ive heard or seen nothing about the killers till they got put on it. Id guess that most of them are getting buffs / small qols more than nerfs.
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Welp, Chucky is gonna get nerfed. There is no way around it. The only question is, will they actually make him a more fun killer overall or will they slaughter him? I hope they'll increase the cooldown but bring back flicks. Oh, and maybe bring back scamper for vaults.
For Vecna I honestly have no clue. It's not like they can buff him that much without breaking him but he definitely doesn't need any nerfs.
Wesker is fine in my opinion. Maybe some of his addons could be touched.
Ghostface will get a buff. Or at least they'll try to buff him. If they mess with reveal mechanics this could end up as a major nerf where you reveal him when he's not even on your screen.
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Pyramid Head still hasn't gotten an addon pass he desperately needs, but lets change these 4 first instead (three of which have already been changed multiple times).
This game is frustrating sometimes11 -
Chucky is in a tough spot. 110 killers are tough to balance in a way that is fun for both sides.
I'd leave Wesker alone.
Vecna…I don't know. I'm biased. I strongly dislike this killer, but I don't think they're OP by any means.
Ghostface is my main these days, so I'll take any buffs they throw his way. Can't imagine they'd intentionally nerf him.
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Imagine that the forums one time are not overdramatic about some changes done to Killers. Impossible.
You dont even know WHAT will be changed, let alone that it will solely be Nerfs. Threads like this should be deleted, seriously. There is 0 point in doing them.
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Majority of players want Chucky gutted ghost face is getting buffed and wesker and vecna are leaning towards nerfs. yknow if devs somehow buff chucky itll face huge backlash so my assessment is a somewhat accurate of what the community wants and Devs should listen towards.
Sorry your upset people like to speculate. i also believe Devs should remove extremely bias takes should be deleted but iknow they wont
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Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with this thread. OP isn’t overreacting to anything, aside from maybe the title There’s nothing wrong with giving a prediction. There’s nothing Us vs Them about it and don’t seem to be complaining about any of it and just giving their opinion. Compared to most threads here, this post is very tame.
They never even said it would be solely nerfs. They even mentioned Ghostface buffs and that Vecna doesn’t need either.Discussion is the point of these forums and there’s nothing Us vs Them or overdramatic about this post so I don’t see what’s wrong with it.
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i know Devs will just slaughter Chucky since 90% of survs gripe about him hes just gonna be left in a week and unfun state.
Vecna most likely MH will be nerfed but maybe his skeletons and flight could get buffs. Wesker no surv likes face him hes a Spam killer with a bs power hitbox and hug techs that need to be removed.
Ghost face im confident will get buffs hopefully the purple addon that gives him a speedboost when marking becomes basekit and some QOL to his reveal mechanic
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agreed PH needs that addon pass badly
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chucky im afraid they gonna nerf his power alot but turn him 115%
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I think Wesker will be seeing his hug-tech removed (as it should be).
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Thank you i just call it the chopping block cause they are the ones subject to change and my opinions are based on majority of both sides thoughts on if they should be buffed or nerfed since i browse Forums, reddit and twitter on dbd opinions.
majority agree Chucky should be nerfed Vecna and Wesker has slight lean towards wanting nerfs and finally people agree ghostface should get buffs but some QOL tweaks to his reveal mechanic for better consistency
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Hard nerf to mage hand? Its already terrible…You have to use an addon to even get value out of that power.
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its his only stronger thing about him maybe they'll buff his FOTD or Flight as Compensation but i still see so many people whine about Vecna like his FOTD spawning in their hitbox tech maybe theyll spawn em closer to vecna instead?
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Weskers hitbox is literally fine. It at most extends like .5 centimeters past his arm when hes standing idle with it.
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alot of people dont agree with that sadly
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I mean we can go back to 20 cm hitbox which was also agreed upon to be pretty bad then got moved to 30 cm which a lot of people agreed upon to be just right.
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I find baffling how people think that Chucky deserves a nerf. He is still a 110% killer with absolutely no map pressure. I honestly think he deserves a buff. Actually, from these killers, the only actual strong one that could be justified a nerf is Vecna.
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No map pressure? Chucky is insanely oppressive in chase, that's where his map pressure stems from.
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In regards to Chucky I hope they rework some of his addons to make them better. Shattered glass would be cool if it wasn't for the fact you can hear the fake footsteps. Just rework it so you can see the fake footsteps but instead of moving around survivors they actually lead you to them or something.
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Go watch his showcases against high level players. He is absurdly strong and I don't know how people can't see it. He's an A+ killer at worst and probably the strongest killer in the game after nurse, blight, billy.
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Wesker literally deserves a buff, he is a B tier killer that has bad map pressure capabilities along with completely relying on techs in loops to even stand a chance in 1v1s.
Vecna deserves a buff to cooldowns.
Chucky deserves to be smacked hard because he is just a no-brain killer at this point, especially when you also add up the Rat Poison addon.
GF will get some tweaks to stalk/reveal mechanics most likely
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OPs Thread is just one example, even tho I would agree there are more extreme examples of it.
However, talking about the "chopping block" indicates that OP thinks that there will be major changes.
And the thing is - this happens all the time when changes are allowed. When they are announced, people start to freak out and expecting the worst, without even knowing what will be changed.
Then the changes are public and people do that again, because for some peoeple, even the slightest nerf to a Killer will leave them "gutted".
And then the next wave happens when PTB is live.
And in reality, we can only see the impact of the changes once they hit live and it is most of the time not even close to severe as people make eit out to be.
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High level matches with Chucky are like:
Get some downs > get absolute gen rushed because you are a potato and have no map pressure whatsoever > 4 man escape.
Chase oriented killers with no way to pressure survivors are simply not viable anymore and haven't been for a long time.
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I wonder if the wesker update is making these "techs" no longer be doable so ppl play him as intended.
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Completely disagree.
40 was too much and people were getting grabbed by outside wesker FOV. 20 was too little and survivors were literally passing through Wesker without being grabbed.
30 was accepted by both killers and survivors. Hell even with 30 sometimes survivors just pass through my FOV and dont get grabbed.
Put it at 25 and you will see Wesker going through survivors without being grabbed. Again.
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Isn't Vecna and Wesker in a pretty okay spot for both sides? I don't get why these are important to change.
Ghostface is probably getting a small buff, or maybe they'll change something fundamentally with the reveal mechanic. Drac is getting a nerf but as far as I can tell it's well deserved with the bat form swapping and all.
What I'm real interested in is the Myers changes. I have zero idea what's gonna happen. Guess we'll know next week, maybe even friday if they do a dev update.
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Im neutral on what they do with these Killers as I'm not particularly fond of any of them.
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Why when it comes to nerfing killers do people say look at high level play; but when it comes to playing against them or nerfing survivor stuff it’s always argued to not look at the top level as most people aren’t playing that well.
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I really hope they nerf Vecna's Mage Hand a bit, increasing the slowdown he has to suffer after using it. Vecna is such a well designed killer in my opinion but Mage Hand being too often a free hit really bugs me about him.
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No he just doesn't need a hitbox reduction. Any questionable hits is purely from bad ping.
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Wesker is the same as chucky they both can get gutted
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agree to disagree
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We dont even know what the changes are yet small or major they could be and plus both sides want major nerfs to chucky so yeah safe to say it is a chopping block and if they bring the cleaver down depends in time
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its gotta be major buffs across his kit at the cost of tombstone addons getting reworked
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You already reveal ghostface when he's not on your screen. Skip to 9 seconds in. I end up revealing the ghostface that is ENTIRELY BEHIND ME not even on screen.
That being said, ghostie is a very weak killer all things considered. Zero map traversal, survivors can ENTIRELY remove his power by just looking at him which just makes him an m1 killer with no powers - easy to do, too. Just have someone dedicated to following him around at a distance. He also has zero anti-loop outside of going stealth, but again, that's really up to the survivors if they decide to remove his power or not - yes it's a decision from the survivor side if he has his power or not…if you want him powerless, then simply have someone follow him around. One less person doing gens, but you GUARANTEE he has no power the whole match.
While other kills have dashes, map traversal, speed, alternative abilities, built-in wallhacks or speedhacks, teleports, ranged attacks, map interactions (such as vecna and pallets), and so on - ghostie literally is just an m1 killer with no power as long as you have someone dedicated to keeping tabs on him. If they are nerfing him, I'm going to be speechless. XD He couldn't get much weaker.
Post edited by RpTheHotrod on0 -
Just ignore that user, if survivors meta perks were on the list for tweaks instead they'd be crying harder about it than any "killer main" they've been complaining about.
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My guess for Vecna would be that they're gonna nerf both Mage Hand and Flight of the Damned cause Reddit survivors were complaining about "uncounterable hits" from them while reducing the cooldowns of his powers as a compensation buff (considering that Dracula has like 5 seconds of cooldown each for his multiple powers it's crazy Vecna's still stuck at almost 40 seconds cooldowns despite having weaker powers overall).
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Whatever they do to Vecna, they should also change that escape with eye/hand achievement. I have seen one Vecna in months.