Remove WoO and Zanshin from the game

Zanshin deleted. Fair right? 1 to 1? Both training wheels perks?
Windows is not only a training wheels - perk. It also helps survivors in soloq to not run into dead zones, created by other survivors.
Sure, there are people that use it to just "run to yellow", but there are also a ton of people that genuinely use it to balance out an information-gap between soloq and swf.
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WoO is a training wheels perk in the sense of knowing where pallets and windows are as a survivor before approaching a tile gives a massive advantage and can make sure you path only towards zones with resources and not into deadzones created by teammates
On the other hand zanshin is mostly useless as a training wheels perk. Whats a killer gonna do make sure to go to a pallet so they can admire it?
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More like remove Windows of Opportunity in exchange for remove Bloodlust. No more excuses for long Chase.
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I'm ok to remove WoO if palet and windows and loop in general stop being random.
The perk is a must have because of random spawn.0 -
There is nothing wrong with training wheels perks, leave them both alone.
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Most of the time they are not random and you can spot them in advance, some maps even have dozens of set spawns you can guarantee are around the map
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as the generator , yet the killers see them in red aura and basekit, maybe they should learn the map and go spot them in advance ?
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I mean, why, though?
Neither are problematic, at least in terms of revealing pallets and windows. There's no reason to get rid of either.
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Until there are ways to communicate in SoloQ what pallets you've used up, WoO can't go anywhere. It's wouldn't even be necessary if BHVR kept bridging the gap between SoloQ and SWF.
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That's my point and the reason I started this thread. Hypothetically let's say WoO got removed from the game. Would kill rates drastically go up and skew the data in say 4-6 months? Would adjustments have to be to certain killers based off the possible change in data?
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most chases end before Bloodlust even comes into actual play lol
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idk about you but if I have WoO equipped and I'm on a gen looking around I can definitely see I have options to run to beforehand. Maybe that's not beneficial to you but to me that's a heckuva lot of info right at the ready.
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You can get that exact same info by just keeping an eye out and looking around yourself while you're approaching that gen, though.
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bloodlust take 15 to 35 sec ( t1 to t3 ) in chase, average chase is 1 min.
So no, most chase doesn't end before bloodlust.
Source : wiki official for bloodlust and dbdstats january or august for time in chase.0 -
I mean if the skill level of survivors is massively dependent on a perk to do the critical thinking for them then maybe its not a good design
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Survs can't know if a teammate has thrown a pallet or not without Windows, particularly in solo queue, and memorizing possible spawns can't help with that either. Windows is good for midigating the difference comms can make.
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It's interesting how people use solo as an excuse to run Windows.
Are yall playing with swfs that call out every single pallet they drop, infallibly, throughout the whole map? Because that's the info Windows gives you. Constantly. I've never played with anybody that does that, nor could I remember that information if they did. Guess you're just built different, huh?
That being said I don't think windows is a huge deal. Give it a slightly smaller range or something.
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I find your terms acceptable. New perks for Kate and Oni?
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bloodlust take 15 to 35 sec ( t1 to t3 ) in chase, average chase is 1 min.
So no, most chase doesn't end before bloodlust.
except forgot one thing
average survivor chase time PER MATCH. Meaning average chase lasts...20s.
BL 1 is reached in 56% of marches, BL2 only in 14% and BL3 in brutally low 3% of matches.
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The Devs just need to have more ways to cause the Blindness Status Effect
Post edited by DNet89 on2 -
I've never used Zanshin, but as killer I do actively direct survivors to places during chase by choosing my movement to be on one side of a survivor vs another, or by choosing the right positioning for my pallet breaks or window vaults. Most often, I try to direct a long chase into other survivors already working gens.
I can see how Zanshin would be used to shorten chase by choosing my positioning to pressure survivors into dead zones. But since I haven't run the perk, that's kind of speculation…
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It might help with that a bit
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You're right. but that means it's worse than expected! killers only have 4 chase at 1 min/match and you need 5 x 90 sec for a gen.
moreover more that half game have bloodlust t10 -
There's nothing wrong with the aura read on vault interactables for either perk. I'm a pretty big fan of "Don't fix what isn't broken" in general.
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Or maybe survivors like equipping it because of the vast info it gives. Maybe it makes up for their short-comings.
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there are people that use it to just "run to yellow"
I mean, kinda everyone is going to play this way with WoO. It's not like you will run into deazone on purpose in most situations.
I don't think WoO needs a nerf, but I would like a good blindness perk.
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That's not really how it works, because those 20 seconds are highly reduced by trading for hooked survivor etc.
I would like to see an average first chase survivors have.0