8.3.2 thoughts?

- The Flashbang perk and Firecracker items have been re-enabled.
- The Level 2 of the Haunted By Daylight event tome opened October 24th at 11:00 am ET.
- The Level 3 of the Haunted By Daylight event tome opens October 31st at 11:00 am ET.
- Bloodpoint values for several Haunted by Daylight scoring events have been increased.
- Reverted The Skull Merchant's movement speed when Inspecting her Radar to 4.6 m/s.
- The Skull Merchant sees scan lines from her Drones at all times. (NEW)
- The Skull Merchant sees the aura of scan lines when Inspecting her Radar within 32 meters of the Drone(s). (NEW)
- Machine Learning: Decreased the duration of the effect once activated to 35/40/45 seconds. (was 40/50/60 seconds)
- Predator: Decreased the duration of the aura reveal to 4 seconds. (was 6 seconds)
- Zanshin Tactics: Decreased the duration of the aura reveal to 3/4/5 seconds. (was 6/7/8 seconds)
- Distortion: Decreased the requirement to regain a token to 15 seconds in chase*. (was 30 seconds)*
- Inner Focus: Now only triggers from health state loss caused by the Killer.
- We're Gonna Live Forever: Revert the heal speed increase to 100%. (was 150%)
- Fixed an issue that caused Killers to be able to unleash a Captured Haunt and perform a basic attack in quick succession.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Killer's Void Empowered tracker not to properly update when using a Haunt immediately after picking it up.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Blighted Serum add-on to make the Blight's power unusable.
- Fixed an issue that caused Zarina's Spirited Hair head customization to have a lighter skin tone.
- Fixed an issue that caused several Haunted by Daylight outfit icons to be missing glowing VFX.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Captured Haunt projectile to be blocked by the Knight's Guards.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite to play the wrong animations when interacting with any Void Rift, Portal or Station.
- Fixed an issue that caused the unopened portals in the Void Zone to play the open portal SFX.
I am glad they increased the BP for Haunted. It felt lackluster for an event.
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Not sure why they had to buff distortion again. That perk was perfect as it was. Also why machine learning? I saw that perk ONCE in my matches… We all know predator got nerfed due to Nurse again… wee..
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We gonna live forever is trash again and no longer worth the perk slot.
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Another perk claim by the nurse.
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We Gonna Live Forever is almost back to what it was before, so they reverted the buff without adding new effects to compensate it
Which means, killers, back to Knock Out + always slug build
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Players that use Distortion don't last 30 seconds in chase. They might not even last 15 seconds in chase.
So even with this change, it's still a bottom of the bin tier perk for these players.
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These perk changes are... questionable to say the least
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Distortion is endless again and Machine Learning, which in best case scenario will be used twice during match, nerfed. And two good perks nerfed thanks to Nurse again. While WGLF still free af.
Seems like amount of my survivor match goes to 100%, alright.
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The Level 2 of the Haunted By Daylight event tome opened October 24th at 11:00 am ET.
Super excited about this! 😊
Bloodpoint values for several Haunted by Daylight scoring events have been increased.
REALLY??? 😃😃😃
Fixed an issue that caused the Killer's Void Empowered tracker not to properly update when using a Haunt immediately after picking it up.
Um… what?
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The prerequisites to get the endurance is still gone. The perk still pretty strong and u can use a medkit to get back to 150 pick up speed
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It would be okay if it didn't have the cooldown
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The perk changes are a bit questionable, but I like the BP increase and the QoL adjustments to Skull Merchant.
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I def saw less slugging post WGLF buff, killers seemed genuinely concerned that it could be in play. I saw killers more reluctant to slug and they'd just pick up immediately which makes the perk useless. The perk was strong on paper but it could also easily be countered.
but as usual, nerf it into a useless state. Before someone says it's not 'useless', yes it can still be used but it's not worth a perk slot anymore.
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- Fixed an issue that caused the Blighted Serum add-on to make the Blight's power unusable.
..…let me find out u been playing m1 blight with 1 rush @HerInfernalMajesty. Creature like behavior
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My main issue lies with the event specific power the haunt. I don't know why they nerfed it because its no longer powerful enough to justify the time spent acquiring.
Smokes are incredibly powerful but a short ranged, straight line damage that doesn't even go through objects and is stopped by the smallest collision?
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because they broke it. It wasn’t perfect when every killer is running 4 aura perks.
all my games have lethal pursuer, bbq and chili, gen aura reading and healing aura reading plus addons on for aura reveal.. occasionally I don’t see healing aura reveal but they have predator on instead which guess what, aura reveals after escaping a chase.So yes distortion did need buffing and it still needs buffing more
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it’s giving freddy at launch knee-jerk reaction patch.
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Two different people gonna need endurance in 30 seconds? i feel the cooldown reasonable. MFT allow you to body block with endurance anyway
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Aura perks are on the chopping block because survivors sucessfully killed off all other chase and regress perks. Don't blame any one killer when any perk used too often is immediately in the scope of mob.
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Points where uped for event things? I still see the same points for all the survivor ones.
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Me too. I was running a Void Crystal operation over here.
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Thats just a lie. Ive not seen single killer run 4 aura reading perks. Max is usually 1-2. Mostly i see 4 gen defense or sloppy butcher + 3 gen defense. Even Leverage is more used nowdays.
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i absolutely loved the Adriana Changes, she´s still almost the same as before, but being able to see my scan lines again is just soooooo delicious 💗, and no more 4.4 makes me actually want use the radar (i need to stop overreacting to changes that much)
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You're not wrong, but lets face it nurse gets the most value out of any aura reading perk. Slap predator to Michael and see how much value he gets from it.
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Stop giving me ideas! Why are you trying to tempt me with impure thoughts?
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Why did they nerfed inner focus? We finally was getting perks to be useful
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so it’s a lie because you haven’t noticed.. well sorry but that doesn’t make your version true.. I play with 3 friends and we check every killers perks at tens of game. 100% had lethal, 100% had BBQ and the remaining perks were aura reveals with 1 exception. Grim embrace. Add ons were aura reveals too. Every game.. so no it’s not a lie.
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This is not a lie. Those are how my games go as well. 3 to 4 aura perks essentially allowing the Killers to see all Survivors almost all the time.
Distortion is still not worth anything.
It needed a buff, not a nerf.
In my opinion it should start with 4 tokens but not allow them to be regained.
Please don't call people liars, as we all have different MMR, live in different regions and play at different times.
The meta you see is not necessarily what others see.
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I just never see 4 aura reading perks on any killer. The rare nurse or huntress once in a blue moon so it makes me doubt people who say we see them everyday 24/7. I'm sure you can understand that right?
I watch a lot of streamers too and i never see them going against 4 aura reading perk killers or use 4 aura reading perks, so i dunno.. maybe its a region thing then. Aura reading isn't that strong unless you are one of the top killers that can use them well.
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just cause you don't run it doesn't mean others dont. I've had 5 PH, Wesker, and 2 blight today in event all running lethal, pred, bbq/nwth, and grim/dms
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It doesn't need stacks anymore.
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Stepping in with a reminder to, please, keep the discussion in here civil, respectful, and constructive. Thank you.
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OK fair enough. Maybe others see it more than me. I still think distortion is unhealthy perk especially in soloQ. It kills teammates.
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I don't like the perk nerfs at all.
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it was also the only useable of 3 counters to the 40+ aura reading ways killers have, and only counter to lethal.
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It's brutal in my region. For me, it's always Lethal and BBQ coupled with Weave and FD, or Nowhere to Hide or Gearhead. It's insane.
I think it's regional because for me it's usually all Killers on the roster.
Yesterday I played against a Trapper, Deathslinger and Clown using those builds.
Everyone dead at 4 gens except the Deathslinger. He was broadcasting his gameplay so I played back his view of the match and he spent some time in the void so we all died at 2 gens remaining .
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I think both sides are getting too much aura reading perks + haste perks. I personally prefer chase perks when i play killer or anti heal. Just feels like lately all the new perks have something to do with haste or aura on both sides.
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I don’t really find this to be true for survivors. Survivors mostly seem to get ‘side quest’ perks these days (a la Croft’s perks) or meme & questionably difficult-to-activate perks (a la Belmont’s perks). But when you consider it, survivors…
- can’t have perks that increase gen repair speed
- can’t have exhaustion perks or perks that make them faster during chase
- can’t have perks that block their auras
- can’t have perks that reveal the killer’s aura (Eyes of Belmont notwithstanding)
- can’t have perks that heal themselves
Unless said perk has a weird activation condition that borders on throwing the game. Killers don’t ever receive perks like this.
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I mean theres many perks for survivors that have strong aura read. kindred, new poised is good, fogwise, wiretap, alert, babysitter, dark sense, object of obsession. These are just few that are there i'm too lazy to remember all. Problem is that survivors don't use perks like this.
Survivors mostly use 4-6 meta perks because those are the strongest. Same goes for killers. This is why i don't think running with 4 aura reading perks for killer is good since they usually get destroyed if survivors are good players.
Normal survivor perks are Windows, "exhaust perk of your choosing" resilience and " antitunnel perk of your choosing"
For killer what i mostly see is scourge pain ress, Deadlock, Pop and grim embrace. Sometimes there might be surprise leverage, sloppy or lethal and BBQ.
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Still to much aura reading.
Distortion still not really usable anymore for players who need it.
New players and those who can´t loop may not even last 15 secs and then go down because they don´t escape the killer.
I really don´t like that they are removing all stealth from the game.
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Yea it's kind of wild that they nerfed this considering how bad slugging is at the moment.
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I’ve never seen a killer with all four perk slots filled with aura-reading perks. Even the Nurse I encountered had three aura perks and one generator regression perk. It might depend on the region, though...
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Really don't understand why they nerfed Machine Learning. It wasn't strong, and you have to lose a gen to use it. I have been having fun using it on Huntress because it confuses people, but aside from that it's not exactly nerf-worthy. They may as well just make it a 30 second timer and have it activate whenever a gen is finished.
Also the in-game text says "40 seconds" but the patch notes say "45 seconds" so it would be nice to know which is true.
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Very glad they fixed the Knight exploit, though it's still wild they don't use the killswitch for something as game-breaking at that was. Still, they (tentatively) fixed A LOT of other annoying bugs I was seeing this patch, so even though I don't love the WGLF nerf this is a pretty good one to me.
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The perk changes are proof that the developers do as they please without listening to the community, literally nobody asked for those changes, especially Inner Focus and Machine Learning, like why were those perks nerfed?
Make it make sense.
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I've posted it before, but 3 aura reading perks are in the top 10 according to nightlight.
For me lethal with another aura perk (usually nth) are pretty common. Also aura addons are quite popular on some Killers.
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Yeah lethal, BBQ and nowhere are the most used aura reading perks you are correct. It does not mean they are all used in the same match. Like i said earlier my problem with distortion is the fact that it was unhealthy perk in soloQ matches. Many survivors just hide all match doing nothing to help out the team even when they are on death hook and this is why i absolutely hate this perk.
I rather we all are seen than 2 survivors take all the heat, while other 2 hide behind a perk.
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the whole complaint against distortion still happens as since nerf there have been 4-5 threads crying about survivors hiding. The perk itself wasn't the issue, its more that survivors get -MMR and next to no real BP unless they personally escape with how rampant tunneling/slugging/camping at 5 gens left is now adays.
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I don't understand the machine Learning nerf. The Perk was good but has many counterplays, especially when survivors can see the animation, and the killer has to force the survivor in the direction to finish the right generator and try to prevent that too many generators pop at the same time or during power. Nobody was complaining about this perk.
The WGLF nerf is also wrong. The healing speed was never the issue. The 10 seconds of endurance was the issue because players abused it in the most disgusting way. Removing the Endurance and keep the healing speed would be the right decision.
The Distortion buff is okay but this perk doesn't need more buffs.
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The three most popular aura perks for the past two years?