The gates are a problem.

At bare minimum the light on the gates need to turn on once someone touches the lever this bullshit with progressing just enough the first light isn't on has to stop. It's bad enough the gates are spawning at stupid distances that killers can't patrol them then that crap is done. I say spawn the gates in once hatch is closed or all gens are done already. Survivors shouldn't know where they are at at the start of the match to camp them like this.


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  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 712

    I fully disagree. If a killer spots a single light on an exit gate, one survivor at that gate is very likely to go on hook. In matches with just one survivor at the gate, that survivor has to time things just right, and a lot of killers have workarounds for this.

    Stealth killers can trick survivors into revealing themselves, high mobility killers give practically no chance to activate the whole gate, ranged killers can hit from far away, some killers can teleport or sort of fast-travel between gates.

    It's also possible to mind game a gate, leaving for some distance before doubling back. Survivors have very limited tools to handle this situation, and in my killer matches, I find that I usually win the 1v1 gate competition. Your opinion is definitely valid; I just have a contrasting opinion and would say I personally find the gates to be very fair.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 674

    I usually just stop playing unless I see a survivor when there is one survivor left. Playing for gate/hatch is just extra stress/work and I can't be bothered.

    Funny with this approach is when survivors is waiting on exit gate for me to close a hatch and I had few survivors who noticed it and just finished all remaining gens.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,001
    edited October 2024

    I say spawn the gates in once hatch is closed or all gens are done already. Survivors shouldn't know where they are at at the start of the match to camp them like this.

    I've been thinking about this idea for a while: The distance of both exitgates should depend on the remaining survivors: If all four survivors are alive when the last gen pops, the exitgates spawn more closer to each other. If only one survivor remains the exitgates spawn further apart. Depending on the situation, it would make the endgame more intresting or create a fairer for the last survivor who can at least give it a try.

  • Akeeno
    Akeeno Member Posts: 121

    this is why i run whispers, try it out, and youll have an idea which gate the survivor is near.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,331

    There's a good chance you're helping those survivors get the achievement as last survivor finish the last gen and escape through the exit gate.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 674

    Yeah, I am usually just amazed by their audacity (in a good sense), so I let them do it. Luckily I have two monitors, so I just watch something on other monitor.

    I especially respect those who bring their item in front of me and drop it even tho I am "afk".

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    The lights turn on about 15% into the opening gauge. Specifically to give survivors a chance at getting them open.

    It Sounds like you want a guaranteed kill.