Halloween event smoke bombs

Let me preface this by saying I appreciate the team trying something new with the event. Events are a great time to test out new items or mechanics.
That being said, I really don't think the smoke bombs should ever come back in any form. I don't think I've ever been more annoyed by a mechanic in the 7 years I've been playing DbD. I've been here through original DS, release MoM, etc. Nothing has annoyed me as much as the smoke bombs. Well, maybe Overbrine. But I could just choose not to play DbD without missing event cosmetics.
I don't think disengage mechanics are healthy or fun. I think they become extremely problematic when multiple players have a disengage button i.e. smoke bombs. You can completely lose someone in the smoke, start a chase with someone else, and then encounter another smoke bomb. They grind the pace of the trial to a crawl. Granted, part of that stems from going into the rift to get them. But the constant chase disengagements kills any momentum of the trial. Nothing should be repeatedly causing chase to drop in a trial. The chase is DbD. Without it, you have VHS, and that game never released.
I would genuinely consider quitting DbD if smoke bombs ever came back as a perk. I get it: it's an event. But it's seriously frustrating to have 2 or 3 chases in a row go sideways because of smoke bombs.
I support making smoke bombs as a perk or item, but that's why I think it should be extremely limited. Like 1 time use as firecracker or, if it will be perk, at least for 100% of gen repair. Otherwise, yeah, it will beyond busted and annoying for killers. But I definately want to see it on a survivors again.
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Frequency is a concern, not that I can comment well on that though.
… But part of a chase is one party trying, at least, to escape…
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I genuinely hope Smokebomb comes as a perk. its fun, cool and unique. If you don't think disengage mechanics healthy or fun, then you really came to the wrong game seven years ago, Survivors had it from day one!
It is also just a few chases, you take it too seriously imo. I got flashbanged 3 times tonight in one game, I'm not gonna quit over that perk, nothing is going to happen to me over it. My MMR will reduce, then bounce up again next trial, and that matters so little anyway.
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Right, but escaping the chase is extremely contrived in this case.
I can't really help that it annoys me. The only way I can get this Yun-Jin skin is to play the event. Otherwise I wouldn't touch it. I'd buy the skin outright if it meant I didn't have to see any more smoke bombs.
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You can do stuff about flashbangs. Look at a wall unless they clip into you. Smoke bombs are way easier to get value from.
I'd be fine with them as a one time use item like someone else said.
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in this event, it's much more than a few chases lol
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Very similarly to Flashbang, I've very rarely encountered somebody using their smokebomb well enough to escape.
People often use it way too early or too late, ending with me just not stepping into the smoke and find them immediately again or me hitting them so they scurry away in panic respectively.
I'm sure some adjustments can be made to placate the haters of smokebombs, but other than that, it really isn't as broken as OP makes it out to be.
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Yeah I get that, contrived in the sense you get bamboozled (both by definition of the word, and a similar situation as the DBD Perk from the survivors perspective), and are left there going “whelp, alright then”.
But that kind of thing can be countered by information perks, Aura reading Perks like Predator that fit exactly into that niche. Or perks like Ultimate Weapon.
It could be the advent of a new meta.
It’s probably why so many Killer Aura/Information Perks have been Buffed.
Survivors are very likely going to get more chase tools in the future that can help them disengage.
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So what really? Geniuniely, you MMR will just go down a bit, you will get easier Survivors and go right back up.
It happens to everyone of us on a dayli basis, what's the problem? Is it because you want to always have perfect matches?0 -
no, i don't want perfect matches every time, but since everybody has already optimized the fun out of this event, proper balance moves should be done
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They have not done that at my MMR, seems like a specific MMR issue in general issue and not one that applies to the rest of us.
Its cold at the top huh?1 -
Not a fan of smoke bombs. No reason required.
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Personally, I've really enjoyed playing with them in my Survivor games.
Yes, they are a little annoying to face as Killer, especially if the trial is already going badly for you. But I still prefer facing void crystals over beamers and flash bangs however, since you do at least still have some visibility in the cloud and any Survivors inside are equally blinded. I don't know if I'd like to see them return in perk form, but as an item for time limited events I think they're perfectly fine.
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If it was a one-time use item like a firecracker I think it'd be ok. Anything more than that would be too much
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i'm speaking for my perspective when playing survivor and how effective smoke bombs are for disengage in general