Stop sending every swf's mmr into the stratosphere

not every sfw has 40k hours combined and are just some friends who either wanna learn this game or goof around.
But no. You get punished by getting nothing but high tier killers with way more skill than said swf.
Really disincentives me to just either play soloQ or go killer, which is sad
And the swfs that are decent will increase their mmr anyways, so whats the point? :D
just my 2 cents.
If you win more than you lose your MMR increases. It's pretty straight forward.
Are you saying you want to escape a lot but not face tougher opponents?
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there is tougher opponents and theres 4k in 3 minutes xd
imagine you are playing with a friend thats brand new, way to introduce new friends to the game no?
but you missed the point, your current swf mmr already increases by a ton since you have an "advantage"
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mmr is a meme in this game lol. Once you're out of the kiddie pool players group you are grouped with the rest of the player base. Every match is filled with borderline randomly skilled players
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Please, do enlighten me because my games tell me a completely different story :)
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I think it's the backfilling too from killers lobby dodging. Can we finally change how lobbies work… just hide survivors maybe we'll get more accurate mmr…
like its actually infuriating,
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If your SWF has a huge difference in skill difference, then you should expect to generally deal with difficult games until your group mmr's are closer together.
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I mean, even outside of swf it happens. I die probably like 90% of the matches I play as survivor. Escape is RARE. Despite this I regularly get paired with p100 killers. Got two of my friends to get teh game for 2v8 when it released. They tried a few regular matches to learn the game. The friend who played killer was bullied by a p100 streamer squad. It was his first game. The friend who tried survivor had a similar experience with a high prestige killer that was relentless and tunneled her out. Both refunded the game cuz of it.
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Thats exactly NOT how MMR works.
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Enlighten me then
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Whats your point anyway?
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Yes having a p100 character isnt a good representation of skill. that being said, you have the insane amount of hours needed to get enough BP to p100 a character. Pretty sure you will walk all over anyone who has less than an hour in the game.
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correct. if you have a bit of mmr on lets say, your main, a new killer you touch wont automatically start you at baseline mmr and even throw you in a high test mmr bracket
Well i touched dorito head for the first time and i got slammed.
Second game i got adept with a bit of work tho0