Where are we at mentally?

The purpose of this is to give each side an idea of the mentality as there seems to be a worsening division and growth in angry sentiment. Explain why you play the way you do, why you react to playstyles the way you do, and where you think this community is as a whole.
ill go first.
I started playing survivor after getting bored of killer after about 4k hours. As killer I play very forgiving. Make an effort not to tunnel or do anything toxic. Usually let one or two out if they make me laugh. I just wanna have a good time and meme. Usually results in some pretty funny post game lobbies.
However, switching to survivor has been rough and very unenjoyable especially without friends. With friends its only tolerable because were prone to goofing off mid game. Like running chest perks to pile as many items in a spot as possible. But its been bad even in Halloween queue, which to me should be about letting loose and Halloween cheer. I just had four TTV players in a row, 3/4 played via tunneling and heavy slugging even at 4-5 gens. Its been so bad lately, not just today that I've had to run full anti slug and anti tunnel builds.
My perspective on tunneling and slugging. I get that sometimes its necessary. Sometimes a dude goes down in the open and you got several flashlights swarming you. I get that with tunneling ya gotta get out that toxic player that's ruining it for everyone, which is a common excuse to tunnel. But by doing those actions outside of when its necessary, you're just as bad as those toxic survivors and bully squads. You are intentionally playing in a manner that you know is miserable, unfun, and creates hostility in the community. For example the last match i played against a streamer it was a huntress. 4 slugged all of us to let us bleed out. Kept letting us wiggle of to drag it out. We gave up but it kept happening until all but one bled out, then it was a mori. Before that, the streamer proxy camped and tunneled as Leatherface at 5 gens.
so I need to know. What is the mentality of intentionally playing in a manner that is problematic? Why is there the sentiment of "Im not responsible for your fun", yet get mad when toxicity happens to you? To me its just a circle of toxicity that's really killing the vibe of the game.
Its cause there is 0 repercussions to killers who play this way as the devs said it was alright to do so.
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I think there should be a player rating system or a way to block getting matched with a player again. Anything to increase the odds of getting a match with people who dont play like jerks.
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I try to be as fair as possible when I play both sides. Since I came back to the game I've been more of a killer player because lately I find that role way more fun and, besides, solo queue is literally hell. All of my recent survivor games have been mostly to get challenges done (both tome challenges and some adepts I'm missing) and oh boy it's been HELL. Most matches either one survivor is tunneled out or everyone is slugged. I just played a game where a Spirit let us all bleed out for no reason. Solo queue is so mentally draining that I've pretty much become a killer main. And yeah, I sometimes do get toxic survivors. But honestly? Much more rarely than I get killers who tunnel or slug.
Personally, when I play I try to be as fair as possible. As killer, I rarely tunnel unless I have like one gen left and I need someone out of the match asap if I want to at least get one kill. I try to go for whoever unhooked instead of the unhooked person. And that kinda stuff. As survivor I just play normally? I try not to bring broken stuff like OP add-ons or map offerings into the trials because I hate them as killer so I may as well not submit other killer players to them.
But you know, some folks lack basic human empathy. Many will justify their ######### ways with "I'm not responsible for your fun". And that mentality has been a problem in this game for years. At the end of the day, it's true that it's just a game and it's not really that deep. But I still believe that having that kind of mentality is selfish. Even it it's just a game.
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yeah solo is just miserable and the survivor challenges are so painfully difficult to do. Like getting iri light bringer emblems. gotta solo two full generators and break totems. make killer miss x amount of swings in a single match. At least as killer survivors are almost always willing to farm with ya
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In all honestly on most days the majority of matches are okay but of course there are 'those' players on both sides but the one I strike a lot lately is the killer player who goes into matches with the whole 'I am not responsible for your fun' attitude. This seems to give them a free pass to completely disregard any concept of empathy for others and as a result they will tunnel and camp even when there is absolutely no necessity and be put out when they end up playing against a lobby of bots because nobody wants to humour them.
I think it is a vicious circle too, I versed a streamer yesterday who played like this and boy did this dude have PTSD from bad matches and he treated every casual solo queue survivor as if they were comp players, he tunnelled and proxied everyone even when I threw myself at him to give him another option over tunnelling the poor girl he already tunnelled.
He spoke the classic "I am not responsible for your fun" line and when you forget you are playing with other people and you lack any empathy for the other side, this is what happens and I watched him get stream sniped and bullied as a result - creating the circle of misery he himself is an active part of.
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I started as survivor only but slowly transitioned to only playing killer.
Soloq is not a good experience most of the time and killers used to tunnel a lot for no reason.
When I played Killer for a while I noticed how the game keeps getting less and less fun and more and more stress.
Half of the time I have to deal with swf squads with the sweatiest builds in existence or straight up bully squads. And 90 % of all matches somebody throws a map offering for either Autohaven, Badham, Eyre or RPD. It is so boring.
Cheaters in dbd. Once you developed muscle memory for your main killer you will notice that there are tons and tons of sutbile cheaters in this game. It is really frustrating when you have to fight of waves of cheaters who then tbag that the exit gate when they got out.
Overall toxicity in this game reached a level where I decided that I no longer wanna participate. I stopped playing for 2 Months, came back for 1, stopped for 6 Months, came back when Dracula released and last week I decided to take a break again.7 -
The “I’m not responsible for your fun” mentality misses the point of playing a multiplayer game. If one player intentionally disregards the enjoyment of others, it can lead to toxic gameplay, drive players away, and ultimately harm the community and the game itself. Multiplayer games are meant to be a shared experience, and being considerate of that fact makes the game more fun for everyone. It’s not about taking full responsibility for someone else’s fun—just not actively ruining it.
And frankly, if everyone adopts the "I don't care because you're not me" mentality, it becomes impossible to empathize or build any sense of community. If no one cares, then nobody is having fun.
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Completely agreed. I've even seen a major increase in tunneling, camping, and slugging for 4k in my own matches lately. Sometimes the killer will hard tunnel the first survivor and then play the rest of the match normally, leaving them with an easy game.
Anyway, I feel like I'm ranting. I agree that we all need to be responsible for each other's fun in a multiplayer game. As killer, I try to make sure my survivors get a challenge and enjoy the match, and usually give hatch to the last one so at least two of us enjoy the outcome :D
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Survivor is just miserable now and it's not an issue of balancing, matchmaking or solo-queue.
It's entirely to do with killer behaviour. I've never seen so much needless sweat. The sheer amount of toxicity I faced from killers this evening almost made me want to uninstall. The last game of the evening ended with me being slugged for the 4k (where the other player was a bot) and then humped on the ground until I almost bled out before being mori'd.
Apparently there's a DC epidemic. Can't imagine why…
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Big agree. If people wanna play a multiplayer game they should bear in mind that there will be other human beings involved in it. And it's common human decency to be respectful to other people when you're playing a game with them. "Your enjoyment is not my responsibility" reeks anything but respect imo. Like I understand playing to win and all that, but you can sweat without being a PoS. If they want to play regardless of anyone else's enjoyment they should be playing single player games or against bots tbh. And it's crazy that this has to be said at all.
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Apathy is where I'm at
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It's gotten to the point where I genuinely want killer bots so I don't have to constantly go against incredibly unhealthy builds and playstyles that don't make the game fun, but rather is just out to make matches as miserable as possible for no reason.
I'd sooner see every perk in the game deleted and replaced with classes, or give me a single player mode, because the mindset of players (killer and survivor alike) are just at an all time low, and nothing is being done to condone more cammeraderie amongst players in a game meant to be enjoyed.
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This game is missing a lot. Keep in mind this game's been out for 8 years now (or nearly). I could go on a rant but whats the point, lol.
BHVR gonn BHVR like they usually do. Exhaustion and bitter acceptance is where I'm at.
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As killer I have grown over the years to expect the worst from survivors with how they will behave, I'm typically pretty right as if i manage to kill 3-4 of them they will flame and if they escape they will flame. Obviously there's people who won't flame and just say gg and be on there way but it's somewhat rare that i see that.
As Survivor solo que it's pretty bad. I expect at least 1 dc every 2-3 games minimum, killers who will tunnel or camp, bad teammates occasionally, and the same few killers every game. It feels pretty bad most of the time when playing though it's more relaxed but really annoying to deal with dcs. I also expect someone to be upset in endgame chat though this is the same on both sides.1 -
I've actively tried to play nice in the past and just gotten toxicity for my trouble. So now I'm not playing with the intention of being toxic but I will slug and tunnel if I think it will get me the 4k, some people don't care some people lose their minds either way I'm just trying to play the best game I can there's no hate involved I'm just doing my thing. I don't even have the "I'm not responsible for your fun" mentality because if the environment was different I would play more chill I just refuse to be a punching bag for no reason.
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Wishful thinking, but I wish they would spend an entire update on just making the most miserable aspects of the game less common. I just want the game to not feel as miserable as it is right now. even if it is a bit unbalanced.
Make tunnelling, camping, and slugging less common. Find someway to reduce the insane amount of toxicity in this game. Stop people giving up every game. Make killer not feels so miserable to lose. Make gen regression feel less necessary and less of a chore to play against. Adjust Nurse so we can stop balancing every perk around her and actually have variety.
I know it's impossible to do, but it sucks that the most effective way to play is just to try and make the other side as miserable as possible. And it's been like this for the games entire life honestly.
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I think those survival rates include friendly killers, giving hatch, etc. So the actual survival rate earned by survivors is even lower :(
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The developers of this game want it to be a power role fantasy simulator.
There is no reason to play solo queue survivor, your wasting your time.
Its only going to get worse.
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my games today were horrible as survivor. 1st game was a knockout slugging singularity, 2nd was a tunneling doctor with the impossible skill check build and then the last one was a hard tunneling unknown. After that I went to play killer and my games were much better. I had a game as wraith vs a 3 man swf and I got 10 hooks with 2 kills. I went to their stream and they thanked me for playing chill as they also were having a streak of miserable games. I went to their vod and saw that the game before me they were getting slugged by a weaker. Yeah it’s just bad rn
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Yeah, I'm changing my take on this. Matches aren't like this in 'most' games. It's pretty much every game in the last couple days. Non-stop tunneling and proxy camping. Something is seriously wrong.
Edit: I wrote the above while grumpy after two straight days or more filled with matches where tunneling and proxy camping were the main theme. Sorry for writing while frustrated. But the post's sentiment is right.
Post edited by smurf on11 -
I typically play for 8 hooks as the killer, and just try to have fun with the survivors afterwards. I can't believe how easily I am getting to 8 hooks at times. Without deploying stategies like proxy-camping, tunneling or excessive slugging.
I might slug a survivor if they deliberately bodyblock after being unhooked, but that's their own fault. I just slug them and leave them alone (as a time-out for them). Granted, sometimes survivors does give up, or wants me to sacrifice them, and that's on them.
So, more often than not, I get gg's or nice feedback in the end chat.As survivor on the other hand, I get subjected to the worst of the worst killers. Tunneling, slugging, camping, the whole 9 yards. One out of maybe 20 games, I might get a killer who is genuinely trying to have fun with the survivors.
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Ok so I guess I have to be that guy.
Everything I do depends on the goal I'm trying to achieve. Winning in this game is based on kills and kills alone so killers are gonna guess what!? Kill! There's zero reason or incentive to spread hooks.
That being said any pvp game is going to be competitive to competitive people. I mean do you care about the other players fun in fortnite, cod, street fighter, Forza, GTA V etc? Why should dbd be an exception?
It's well known that the most manageable way to play killer against really good survivors is to make it a 3 v1 as quick as possible because once again the win condition for killers is based of kills tunneling is the absolute most effective strategy and I do mean strategy. Camping( not face camping) is also a valid strategy for example if I down Dwight near a 75% gen and hook him fairly close, I know that someone else was with him as this was my first chase and he couldn't have had time to add that much, I search the area and find Claude I down her quickly and hook her in the same general area. I have zero reason to go anywhere else the ideal play is force the other two to save and intercept. If they don't and stay on gens then the hooked hit second stage. Camping in this scenario is a viable and the only logical option if you're going for a win. Now slugging(not bleeding out for 4 mins) has its uses as well, if I'm behind in a match I can slug to build pressure and leverage time back to my side.
The problem with dbd is you have 2 main sides people that want to have fun and aren't competitive and people that hate losing and will win be any means necessary because they are in fact competitive. Neither is wrong in they're goal, but one side does suffer way more as they no competitive side will lack the optimisation to win I their side simply because they don't care for winning. When I play if in doing a streak I'll play the most efficient way possible, I won't necessarily hard tunnel or slug but I will punish all misplays no matter what.
In the end this is a game of capitalizing on the other sides mistakes, for survivors it's all about wasting as much time as possible for your team while they do gens cleanse hex perks etc, it's inevitable that eventually the killer will in fact down you but it's the wasted time that's important the longer you waste the killers time the better. Solo q feels miserable because not everyone knows this and by judging from my games it seems like 70 percent simply don't understand how to win which tbf it's not like it's taught in a straight forward manner unlike killer which is infact straight forward chase, down, then hook. Survivors have to macro and micro manage, they have to know how long it takes to hit second stage before going for a save to optimize gen efficiency, when to take chase for another survivor, where to safely heal( not under hook and the healthy rescuer goes to hide If the killer returns), how to loop effectively and when to use resources. The bad part is that this survivor knowledge is taught at all.
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I think it's a problem if people are playing games with other people and they don't care how the people they're playing with feel. I struggle to imagine how people would want to play the game with people who tunnel and camp regularly. Same with any kind of taunting or bully squad tactics (to ensure a fair set of views).
I mean, if I had four people over to my house and we all played this game in the same room for fun, I'd expect them to not want to play the game anymore if I just kept tunneling out the weakest link. That would probably lead to me running against a 3v1 most of the time, and getting easy wins, ensuring that the game isn't fun for four out of five people playing. They'd probably see me as a bully and want to do something else so everyone could enjoy something.
It's possible to play competitively and simultaneously make sure everyone involved has fun while it happens. I personally don't think it's alright to be mean to people in online games just because it's possible to do. And tunneling is almost never fun for the person being tunneled, and is a cheap tactic to tilt the game in the killer's favor.
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First I'm talking about playing other players who are also playing to win not having a lan party.
Tunneling is such a trigger word now, like I've been called a tunneler for everything so much so that the word holds zero meaning to me. Fun is so subjective as well, I don't expect survivors/killers to take it easy on me in a PVP game where there a clear winners and losers.
I treat pvp games the same as I would real sports as I just a have competitive nature. If you want to take it easy on me then I don't want to play against you. I'm playing to continually get better so I enjoy those bully squads and swfs that are extremely challenging to face.
Playing to win the most efficient way on either side isnt being mean. I'm not talking about slugging the entire team and bleeding them out, or any BM. I'm talking about each side playing optimally. I frequently get tunneled playing survivor but I don't care it's looping practice for me and then on to the next. I solely play to get better and that's all that matters. I know I suck as survivor and 9/10 out I'll get tunneled due to that fact but I also know that the better I've gotten the less and less I get tunneled even if it's by a small margin. Once again thats the competitive spirit in me though, I love a challenge.
Last you literally can never make everyone happy no matter what ever. I never run perks and still get split egc messages. Some say they had a blast while others say it was miserable and I sucked. Funnily enough it's never really the indirect tunneled( I never directly tunnel unless they flashy click, point, or do things that seem they want to be chased) that complains it's mostly the sore winner.
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idk i just think dbd is neat
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Haven't noticed any toxic behaviour ever.
Damn I knew there was something weird about those mushrooms I just ate.
I only play killler every 2 or 3 days and only a couple of games at a time. Keeps game a bit fresher.
Don't run add-ons because I can't be bothered reading what they do and go for hooks where possible because even with a zero k it's more fun.
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I play however I see fit and I don't care about anyone else. "Lead by example" is a bunch of lies, multiplayer game communities will always be toxic cesspools attracting the most self-centered people who think that the hours they wasted playing the game means "skill" or something, people suck in general and the best I can do is look out for myself.
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I'm mostly just frustrated at people treating the event lobby like it's the normal one. Like, dude, I'm not even trying, how is this even satisfying for you?
With Killer, I can bring some slowdown perks so I can focus on the event, but I've had three Survivors matches again a Dracula that tunnelled someone out, two of the were me.
I just got blocked out of playing any game with Easy Anti Cheat for over 24 hours, so I've been looking forward to get back into things, and this was what I come back to.
Like, the split lobby exists because these people whined about not being able to play a normal game last year, and now that it's hear, we still have to put up with them.
Outside of events, though, I'm mostly fine. The good games, even ones I lose, outweigh the bad ones with tunnelling, slugging and general BM.
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I do what I can to get the win, if that's slugging, camping, tunneling at 5 gen so be it. Reason being.... 1. Gens fly so fast its almost a necessity v some swf teams. 2. After years of repeatedly being BM by survivors, enough is enough. When I do let survivors win or I take it easy I get "ez" "bad killer" "l2p" at the end. And 3, I refuse to let others dictate to me how I should play the game as if other players fun is my responsibility. I play for my own enjoyment, my own fun. I'm not going to play in a way I don't want to to satisfy others fun at the expense of my own so the comment "I'm not is responsible for your fun" is based. I mean do they care that I'm not having fun going in circles around a pallet for ages? No. Do they care if I'm not having fun going the through a gauntlet of head on traps and flashbangs? No. It's part of the game which is fair enough, they break no rules so they are just having their fun. I do draw the line at post match salty attitude, it's a very very frequent thing and it happens when I win or lose. So when I do play sweaty and get 4k in a so called toxic play style and survivors spout abuse post match then I think "well chances are they would be toxic post match regardless of what happened, so I'm glad I gave them a reason to salty at least"
I don't do toxic things like intentionally leave everyone bleed out where there is no need, if all are slugged I will go round and hook them 1 by 1 if I can find them. I don't BM post match, or do the back and fore motion when they are slugged or anything like that.
What I have learnt through the years of playing games is people play in various ways and not everyone will like it (I don't like being looped or looping whole match for example, I find it boring and unfun) but I'm sure some killers and survivors enjoy it. People should play how they want as long as it's within the rules of the game, don't hate the player hate the game in that regard.
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For me, the game is fine. Disconnects and Survivors killing themselves on hook has dramatically gone down in my trials recently. This behaviour was by far the most problematic to deal with. I'd rather have a player who may not be good but tries, rather than someone who gives up because they are too immature.
I don't understand the talk of "SoloQ is miserable". It's not a sentiment I share. I escape probably a little more than die, and some trials where I died were not helped by people giving up. SoloQ is fine for me; challenging and tough at times, but it can create the greatest moments in this game.
Also, the "your fun is not my responsibility" trope is also rather dumb. Players can play strongly, yet be aware of their behaviours. I can have a strong game as Killer, yet still have time to let a weaker player have a chance, or meme a little. I've had great trials whereby it was competitive, but there would be a brief moment where we mess about. It can be done. "Fun" is subjective anyway, but if somebody is clearly out of their league, it doesn't take an Empath to understand they aren't enjoying it, so give them a little leeway, even if it's just leaving the chase once.
Finally, the "Us v them" mentality is just the ultimate schoolboy playground, brain-drain thought process. It's not "Us v Them" - it's "one person v another". One Killer could play strong but empathically, whilst another would want to see everyone slugged, and another just wants to mess about with some silly build, with the intention of letting everyone escape. Same with Survivor: one plays strong but doesn't mock and focuses on the team, another just hides all game and gets the hatch, another rats on their team, and another may sacrifice themself for the team. It is too basic to think in the "Us v Them" mentality, and probably shows more about their undeveloped view of life than anything else.
Basically, the mindset of some is the biggest issue. Most just play the game and get on with it, enjoying the moment. Some streamers are also to blame for their attitudes, whilst others are the pinnacle of what a player and streamer should be, with much positivity. It's down to the individual ultimately.
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Not as neat as potatoes
7 -
Preach it! Shout into the void so the Entity hears you!
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Playing survivor is an exercise in frustration. I only do it for tome challenges and even then I can barely play more than 5 rounds before I lose my will to play.
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I've felt the same way about the event too. Some games I don't get to interact with the event at all because the Killer has tunnelled me out early or slugged / hooked the entire team. I've even resorted to putting on a full anti-tunnel build to make myself less of an easy target and to give myself a chance to stay in the game. And I never run full anti-tunnel builds.
I wish more players were busy "wasting time" running around kicking pumpkins, opening rifts and collecting more haunts and crystals. I mean, is that not the whole point of the event? Why are so many players bringing the strongest builds, rushing gens or trying to Kill everyone as quickly as possible?
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I would like to give first part of my take with one meme:
some people are lost in the world of gaming described by this meme. Yeah, it's completely okay to play singleplayer games on easy difficulty, but at the end, you share the same goal with the person playing on hardest difficulty, you just choose different path towards it (aka. you still play to win).
Now here is the catch, singleplayer games are PvE and you can choose your difficulty and game balances around your difficulty preferences. Dbd is PvP game and you can't choose difficulty you will play on.
This part is where people completely lose sense for PvP games. This is where people expect either their opponents to catter to their fun and act like they are "easy" difficulty bots OR they expect game to be balanced around their sense of fun (make it as easy to win as possible without investing time into gaining skill). This is why these players love when game has broken and overpowered stuff they can abuse as a bandaid for not being able to use a difficulty setting because they want to WIN afterall.
Problem comes when you have opponents that use strategies that stomp this kind of players, or simply are skilled. They completely compromise these players from getting what they want, an easy win. This is why tunneling and camping are extremely effective in your very average dbd match, but are useless against opponents that actually have skill.
On the other hand, there are people that just literally wanna ruin your day. Killers that intentionally bleed you out with no reason, killers that keep hitting you on hook while camping, flashlight squads etc. Thanks god, they are a minority.
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i'll just say that i always get most points in the event matches amongst all players, even when i lose, whichever side i play. That pretty much speaks everything about how useless separate event queue is because people just play it as if it is regular queue and have next to 0 interactions with event objectives.
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I react very negatively to pub sweat on both sides, mainly from killers and 4 stacks. I can understand why a solo survivor would have a stacked loadout.
Many in the DbD community have no problems essentially sucker punching the opponent. Most win streak players play with zero irony. They sweat their way to dozens, sometimes thousands of wins a row, and then lose their minds the second their opponent tries as hard as they do.
Maybe it comes from competing in various things from a young age, especially martial arts, but I can't stand the mindset of players who turbo sweat and flex in an unranked game mode. It's a glaring sign of a weak attitude to me. If you go to any reputable jiu jitsu gym and start cranking submissions on a white belt, you're going to have an awful rest of your week if you keep showing up. There's not a lot tolerance for bullies in that world in my experience.
Point being, there's a reason I have such a negative reaction to a Blight with 4 slowdowns who hard tunnels in a public match, or a 4 stack playing like a SEAL team. What are you proving? You aren't interested in competition of any kind. It's a bully mentality, and it's weak. How insecure are you?
Don't get me wrong. You can win. But win with some grace and class. If your ego can't handle the prospect of letting off the gas a little bit when you are clearly more skilled than the opponent, check yourself. I truly think someone's behavior in victory says a lot about them.
Post edited by edgarpoop on14 -
Honestly, I wish more people would play for fun. Not super competitive, not super focused on being a dick, just fun.
But as it stands, most people seem to hate whenever you don't play super competitive on both sides. If a killer realises, I'm playing with a fun build, I get tunneled out. If survivors notice I'm playing with a fun build, they'll finish the gens as fast as humanly possible and proceed to teabag in the exit gate for 2 minutes straight.
I don't think everyone has to go out of their way to accomodate for their opponent's fun but at least you don't need to be a dick. Play in a way, you would like others to play as well and focus on having fun again. That's all I ask for.
If you get your enjoyment from winning by any means necessary, then you need to accept that your opponents will play in the same way but when someone is clearly focusing on fun, don't got out of your way to be a dick.
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I play all my games on difficult. Elden ring, dark souls player etc. Theres nothing to balance out tunneling in this. If a killer wants you to have a ######### experience, you'll have it. Worse if your allies unhook you safely or dont heal. When recovering health states in this game can boil down to altruistic actions by other players (i.e. out of your control) then your fate is luck.
So your meme is sort of a dog scat tier meme in this argument.
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if i'm not being right in terms of people massively finding fun in winning games in easy mode, why are people failing to counter some of the most newbie stomper strategies that simply don't work against actually skilled players? Why do people want so many basekit handholding mechanics in order to counter those newbie stomper strategies?
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The main issue with tunneling comes from its counters either being predictive (equipped the correct loadout), or macro-based (spread out and be perfectly efficient on gens) in a role that is actively designed against coordination at that level.
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I've seen several people post here that they play games to win and want to be competitive. But most people who want to be competitive are doing that because they find it fun to win and to be very talented at something. Ultimately, we're all playing this game to have fun.
And it's not fun to be tunneled. It's also very challenging to become good at survivor in this game, though it's very easy to do well as killer until you start getting very experienced survivors. As killer, I definitely face people who are better at survivor than me, in spite of the fact that I don't tunnel or camp (bully squads excluded). So I don't think survivors are asking to play the game on easy mode. They just want a chance to enjoy the game.
To stay on point with the thread, I'll say that tunneling and camping are bad manners, not just some competitive play style. And those approaches to the game contribute to a less fun experience for anyone on the receiving end, and appear to be more common lately.
And to provide an unbiased view, I'd say as killer, teabagging at the gate or at every pallet can accomplish the same thing, though I'll admit I've seen a lot less bm from survivors than killers lately. Whichever role we play, we can all make the experience better for the people we share the game with :D
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Yeah, a lot of player frustration stems from a mismatch of play styles I think. I even had a Steve tell me off for playing my lute by pointing at a gen. Steve my guy, we are playing the Halloween event. We can sweat over the gens in the regular mode. Of course, I try to be a good teammate and do objectives, but mostly I join the event queue to kick pumpkins, mess around with the crystal bombs and ultimately get myself moried in the Void:
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I had put how I felt about the game and the community earlier but did not give but 1 example of a toxic killer, and the fact that survivors killing themselves on hook needs an actual pipping system back in the game.
Survivor experience
I have had survivors that refused to heal me, they would shake their head no and walk away or get back on the gen. For an example a Feng that was on a gen, I had ran the killer and he gave up after 1 gen popped during our chase. I went to a gen that was barely working and asked for a heal. She just straight ignored me. Later, she gets downed and I notice that no one is going to save her. I being the nice person I am go save, get chased, and I lose the killer. Still at 0 hooks. She gets downed again, and it was end game. There was only me and another survivor that could go for the save. The other survivor was hurt like me, and just stood at the gate 99%. I was also hurt, and I again went in for the save, and managed with dh to get to her. I even ran the killer long enough for her to find a med kit and heal. Did she make an effort with plenty of time being this was my 1st hook to heal the other survivor staring at my aura on the hook, that she obviously knew was there because she was there when the feng was on the hook...No, she just walked to the exit, and left. So survivors killing themselves on hook, and being crappy to other survivors is very common.
I have also had a match where survivors did all they could for a camped or tunneled survivor. I just wish they had a survey before the game based off of others mentality of the game. Grouped the jerks up with the jerks and the people who play games for "fun" with other players that do the same. This is not a tournament. You gain no money, no trophy to show on your shelf, etc. It a Flippin game that brings gamers together to enjoy the esthetic of the game and somewhat competitive matches. Not sweaty, bully, or how can I be a jerk gameplay. People need to lighten up and behavior needs a different kyf for both sides, 3 dailys for both sides, and a complete rehaul on maps, perks, and pallets tbh...they have made pallets mostly a joke…BALANCE is all we ask. Not a 60/40 outlook! 50/50 please
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I mainly just agree with this. Most of my solo queue teammates try to be good, but I've definitely felt shafted a few times when I manage to loop the killer enough for multiple gens get done, get saves, do a gen myself, and then all three leave me on hook :/
But I guess I've been lucky that that's not so common for me.
I think I like the idea of adding a matchmaking weight based off of certain parameters that indicate toxicity. Like solo queue players, no connection in friends list, can leave a thumbs up under different categories. But I think that needs a long discussion about the benefit of mixing different playstyles in people's matches.
Either way, I definitely get this :D
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I'm a Survivor main, and have been since I started playing in mid 2021, just before the fifth anniversary event. But I'm not a sweaty one. I just play normally, try to do gens and get out. I try to play it safe, because I'm not that great of a looper. And because I don't play sweaty, I have no problem letting go on second hook if it's obvious that I'm not going to survive (i.e. if I'm being hardcore tunneled at five gens), or if we're all on death hook at five gens. I just call it a loss and move on.
I have tried playing Killer, but I just can't get into it. The gameplay is just boring to me. I only play Killer to clear a Daily or two, or do some tome challenges. I'll usually play one Killer match at the end of my session whenever I do play Killer. And when I do play Killer, I don't sweat for the 4k. I generally have 2-3 goals: Complete whatever tome challenge and/or Daily, and hook everyone once, and then I let them all go.
My views on tunneling: It's unnecessary and cringe to do it right from the get-go, and only pushes the Killer player above their ideal MMR, leading to a more miserable experience for them when they start facing the more difficult Survivor teams. So yeah, not only does tunneling make Survivors miserable, but it'll make the Killer miserable down the road as well. And I do understand that in the later gamestage, if the Killer is struggling, they may have to result to camping and tunneling, and I don't fault them for that.
3- or 4-man slugging: Even more annoying than tunneling, and I despise it, even when it makes sense to do it.
I don't go by any "Survivor rulebook." I just go by my own.
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Honestly a tragic sentiment to have. If every one who had that sentiment made the effort to be kinder and less selfish…maybe things wouldn't be so rough. Hate breeds hate my man.
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I have been wanting a system like that for so long. This way I don't get paired with toxic killers or teammates again. Plus it might motivate people to play in a healthier manner if they can see their abysmal score.
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Not well.
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you didn't address my counter arguments:
- you need another player to heal your health state, or unhook without the exception of a few things (self care isnt optimal) in this game
- unsafe unhooks occur even in "high MMR"
- Comparing single player difficulty with an asymmetrical 1v4 "casual" game is a hilarious concept
The game has nerfed decisive strike. BHVR has done nothing to reduce the worst tunnelling experiences or SWF and actively encourage it. Don't even get me started on SWF - that's completely unfair when the 3 survivors are on discord/voice comms
This game is developed with a casual mindset and that's how its played ultimately - casually. BHVR has not been able to balance it. Lastly, gate keeping the game and generalizing people as "newbs" with your dog scat office meme is really low class.