Silly Little Builds

I've taken all I can playing survivor for event. What are some fun builds for killer that yall enjoy? I don't care to get kills, I just want to get Tome challenges done, get BP, and have fun.
Currently I'm trying out Wolf Only Drac while running Trail of Torment, Brutal Strength, Fire Up, and Enduring with the add ons to recover Pounce faster by 50% and increase the range of detecting Scent Orbs. Doggo leap build.
What a fun build 😄 Any mention of puppy Drac always gets me to smile.
I like how you’re using Fire Up. It’s also one of my favorites for silly builds.
Recently I’ve been using Batteries Included, Fire Up, Distressing, and
DeerstalkerHex: Thrill of the Hunt. Sometimes I’ll switch outDeerstalkerHex: Thrill of the Hunt for Noed if I want to give the Survivors one last fright. They always escape too, usually by crawling. The only time the Survivors die is if they fail to save each other from the hook.Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on3 -
Batteries Included is a Chucky perk, right? Is that the one where you get a small speed boost when you're around completed gens? How has that one been working out for you?
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Yes that’s the one 😊
The speed boost feels great. Also it’s funny to see Survivors not expecting it when the chase leads to a completed gen. When the end game starts I don’t like to camp the hook or the slugs so it’s nice as an end-game mobility tool.
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I slapped together a recent build for "make survivors scream" tome challenges.
- Hex: Face the Darkness
- Friends 'Til the End
- Make Your Choice
- Deathbound
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I'll have to give it a try then, thank you! I just jeed to purchase Chucky LOL
I like the sound of this, thank you for the recommendation!
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I like super fast window vaulting on puppy drac:
-Superior anatomy
-Dark Arrogance
-dissoloution or Unbound or Fire Up4 -
I've been trying a similar build on my Dracula! Fire Up, Batteries Included, and No Way Out for the lategame ramp-up. Does Brutal Strength work when you use wolf pounce to destroy pallets? If so, might give that a whirl.
On teams I don't feel that pressured over, lately I've been playing with Weave, Hoarder, and Human Greed. Aura read around items, aura read around chests, and lots of chests. It's actually really good in indoor maps, though on Swamp and Coldwind it's unbelievably bad. And most survivors don't interact with chests, but it's hilarious with the ones that do, because it turns the game into a matter of chest control because you really want to keep them closed.
Franklins would make this way more effective, but nobody likes playing against that and the point is to mess around, so I just use a fourth perk of my choosing.
The AAAAAAA build! Love that. My AAAAAAAA build was Face The Darkness, Deathbound, Iron Maiden, and Ultimate Weapon. Hilarious games. It's logistically a really awful build because the screams stop providing information when they could mean literally anything, but who cares when everyone's screaming their heads off.
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Do you get good value with Dissolution? I've never actually ran the perk before, but I like the idea!
I actually haven't been paying much attention to the cool down timer for Pounce when breaking stuff, so I'mma need to test that out! I want to say that with both Brutal and Fire Up, it feels faster by the time end game hits (I've been too focused on just maintaining chase and proper aim)
A Chest Control build sounds super interesting! Kind of ties in to the original way Drac's perks were designed, so I'll also give that one a try!
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I've been having fun with a somewhat memes build on my Wraith. Perks are Distressing, Unnerving Presence, Coulrophobia, and Undone. Add ons are his All Seeing Spirit Iri add on (let's you see gen repair progress while cloaked) and his Beast Soot brown add on (terror radius active while cloaked, gain bonus BP on unblock hits). Also use a Jigsaw Piece offering to send yourself to the Game map.
Build is based around getting value out of Undone. Distressing boosts your TR so you get max value out of UP and Coulrophobia, and any missed skill checks feed Undone. Beast add on let's you mind screw with Survivors cause while they now have your TR they still don't always know where you are, and with how small Game is they are almost always in the TR. All Seeing than let's you know where best to use Undone and also helps you find Survivors.
It's not the best build out there but I'm getting 3-4Ks pretty regularly, which is something cause Wraith is one of my main and best Killers so his MMR should be decent
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Not gonna lie, as survivor this would royally mess with me, and I think that's an exciting build to run! It really flips everyrhing on its head. I love add ons that allow killers to utilize their power in unique and unconventional ways
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A fun little build I like to use is the Spooky Knight build.
It is funny because you don't expect it to work, since… well, Knight is loud. But you'd be surprised how often people just don't pay attention to the loud metal footsteps.
You can basically go with whatever you want here as long as you manage to remove your TR, but my favorite is the Town Watch's Torch. Send your guards to work then try to sneak up on someone else! It can be really fun.
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The impossible totem build is hilarious! You run four hexes: Thrill of the Hunt, Pentimento, Plaything and Face the Darkness. Demi has a video on it :) Best killers for it imo are Trapper and Doctor.
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Been getting my challenges done with scratched mirror myers tonight. People don't bring map offerings during the event mode that much and the ghosts are pretty handy for covering his terrible chase ability.
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Some fun builds that might have been covered on youtube before:
Endgame speed legion: BFFs add-on with noed, no way out, machine learning, batteries included. Make sure machine learning activates when the final gen pops and you will be incredibly fast.
Stealth demogorgon: run vermillion webcap with red moss, ideally on an indoor map. Bring perks like tinkerer, discordance, spies, etc to discern location of survivors, and then use portals to sneak up on them. Exiting portals is silent and you have 16 seconds of undetectable after exiting, which means you can refresh the undetectable before you lose it by going into another portal. You can take off vermillion webcap and substitute it with another add-on that buffs portals if it suits you, and you would still have 13 seconds of undetectable.
Remote shock doctor: Bring unforseen, dark devotion, and two perks of your choice. I like quick gambit to change obsession and something to debuff survivors in your terror radius, like coulrophobia or unnerving presence. Kick a gen or hit the obsession to give them your terror radius, then you can remotely apply static blast through that terror radius at another time for massive confusion. Even better if you have a debuff perk or two that you can stick to the obsession or a generator!
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This looks fun :D
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I've yet to play Knight! Is he easy to pick up? I've heard he can he a bit buggy, unless that's been fixed. His guards do seem like fun though :)
It sounds quite nasty on Doctor, I'll have to give the video a look! Thank you for the suggestion!!
Scratched Mirror Myers has always been one of my favorites. I might have to see if Batteries Included can help his speed some.
Susie going vrrroom sounds right up my alley! I like the idea of stealth Demo. Entity knows I have never actually played him since I bought him years back. This could be a good build to try to get into him. The Doc buold soinds exciting! Do you know if using Dark Devotion and Unforeseen grants two separate Terror Radii at once, or must it be chosen? This one sounds like it can bring lots of chaos.
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I just run a relaxed "find and hook" build on Pinhead. Iron grasp, spies from the shadows, eruption and lightborn. Spies is a much slept on perk, it's a pretty descent way to find survivors who are trying to escape from the terror radius (on some maps more so than others) Iron grasp is because I just hate all the wiggling. Lightborn is just something I toss in there so I just don't have to ever think about flashlights.
I know some people have issues with lightborn, but I just play the game to have fun. I'm not running the big meta build with the best synergy and add ons to get the 4k. No offense to those who do. It's just not my bag.
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Spies is a really good perk, and one of my favorites. It's usually pretty reliable, even against stealthy survivors. I think it's always fun when killers act like they don't have Lightborn equipped. Mindgame flashlighters and then give em that gotcha moment when it matters.
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No heartbeat builds can be super-fun to run.
Throw on perks like Tinkerer, Trail of Torment, Unforeseen or Dark Devotion, and sneak up on unsuspecting survivors. Getting those gen-grabs is really fun. Granted, you will need at least one slowdown perk too, otherwise the gens will fly too fast.
Agitation is almost a must-have as well, when you get the inevitable jumpscares, and want to make the most out of your time, so getting to the hooks faster can be really helpful.Certain killers comes with add-ons as well that can make you Undetectable, or suppress many of the noises you make.
Some of my personal favorites here:- Silent Demogorgon. Red Moss (iridescent), and Vermillion Webcap (purple). These two add-ons gives you a decently long duration of Undetectable when you emerge from portals, as well as making the teleportation sound silent.
- Scratched Mirror Myers. Can't beat the classic.
- Jumpscare Knight! - Town Watch's Torch, and either the Dried Horsemeat, or the Sharpened Mount add-ons to make the guard hunts longer, or delaying the flag spawns. The torch add-on makes the Knight Undetectable when a guard is actively hunting a Survivor. The amount of people you can catch off-guard with this build is quite staggering.
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I've yet to play Knight! Is he easy to pick up? I've heard he can he a bit buggy, unless that's been fixed. His guards do seem like fun though :)
Knight has a few bugs, yes, but he is pretty fun!
I don't think he is hard to pick up, but I started playing him during the first Lights Out event, and survivors had a lot of disadvantages during that event.
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Dark Devotion + Unforeseen used to grant 2 terror radiuses on the PTB, but it's since been patched so you can only have one :(
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A silly build I've been enjoying on Nemesis consists of the perks
- Brutal Strength
- Enduring
- Knock Out
- Pop Goes The Weasel
The point is to make him that powerful killing machine he's supposed to be, able to shred through obstacles and inflict increased damage with his kicks and punches. In the Halloween event you can even augment this with the Blight Serum for super speed and the Haunts to simulate weapons.
On Dracula, I like running a build that plays well into his character and abilities:
- Bloodhound: although he has this basekit when in Wolf form, being a Vampire should also draw him to blood more.
- Darkness Revealed: my initial idea was Hex: Face the Darkness (due to his voiceline "The true lord of darkness is upon you!") but that didn't quite work out for me. Darkness Revealed is a nice perk to find survivors, which pairs well with another perk in this build.
- Oppression: the flavour text of this perk reads "Damn them as they would damn us", and Dracula has a voiceline to match that: "The humans made their judgment of me, thus I sentenced them to extinction!"
- Unforeseen: the description of this perk mentions that "terror takes many forms", which Dracula does too. This perk allows for some funny shenanigans by making yourself undetectable, then using Darkness Revealed to find survivors, and then sneak up to them in Wolf form.2 -
This is done a lot of double iri doctors a lot.
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I've just been on the prowl with a Machine Learned Barkula with a 20m TR backed up with some chase perks like STBFL and Superior Anatomy
Sadly I've been having more success with this than Nemesis. What's a tier 3 again?