The reason why survivors should not see the killer pre-match

I was watching a livestream where people were talking about that topic, so I decided to make this post
Imagine you, as survivor, you see a cenobite in the lobby, why would you not bring fixated to completely nullify his only power? You see a Bubba, why would you not bring head on to nullify his locker mind game? You see a twins.. why wouldn't you bring unbreakable or soul guard? Or we gonna live forever? Or anything like that? The game would literally be "Counter By Daylight" basically like Counterwatch
Also.. lobby dodging
Who's going to tell him?
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tell what
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Wait a second I misunderstood your post, I thought you thought it was possible but you were talking about other people talking about it hypothetically.
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But why should killers see survivors?
4 flashlighs or heck 1= lightborn
4 mix items= franklins
Nice cosmetics = dodge
Same concept right?
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It's ok :)
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Yes, basically the same thing, but I honestly think seeing the skins is fine, they could just hide the items or something like that
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That's a small handful of arguable reasons compared to survivors wanting to dodge every mildly strong killer on the roster or equip the exact builds to precisely counter each power.
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Lobbies should be blind for both parties.
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I don't support removing basic game features in the name of fairness. It would make the game that much duller and lifeless, and we don't need to make the game duller for the average player when there's already so many issues.
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Tell that to tcm, resident evil resistance and evil dead
Tcm= everyone see each other but family cant see survivor perks and survivors cant see family perks
Resident evil resistance = no can see each other until match starts
Evil dead = same reason as resident evil
Do I need to remind you why killers lost the ability switch killers?
Idk why even bother replying to you cause ofc you will always find some excuse on why killer always can get away with stuff but survivors cant. So this be my last time even wasting my time replying to you.
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Tell that to tcm, resident evil resistance and evil dead
All those games work very differently from DbD and are not equal comparisons.
Idk why even bother replying to you cause ofc you will always find some excuse on why killer always can get away with stuff but survivors cant. So this be my last time even wasting my time replying to you.
Okay, bye. See you next thread.
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Yeah, I can agree with this. Nobody would dodge and it would be a crapshoot for everyone.
If you really wanted the game to be a true PVP, then I think you should remove as much randomness as possible. A little is fine, but DBD has way too much to be anything but a casual game. Though I just don't think it's possible. Like, a good SWF will destroy practically any killer if they know who they are. It wouldn't be fair at all, at the high end at least, and maybe even in the mid tier.
Now, I think it would be kinda fun to be able to switch your loadout after you took a hookstage or hooked a few survivors. That might make things a little spicy.
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That's the idea for these perks. You don't counter an entire killer but an item. That is nowhere near the same level.
Also, if you bring 4 flashlights into a match, then then chances are you have something pretty terrible in mind, so you deserve to face a killer with Lightborn. No, I do not want to see what kind of fun and interactive gameplay you can pull off with a certain map offering, 4 flashlights and 4 Head Ons. I went against one such group and I will not relive that experience, thankyouverymuch.
If I were to dodge every TTV, I'd barely get to play the game and I reckon others have the same experience. They aren't exactly rare and with the amount of TTVs in all different levels of skill, they absolutely do not indicate that a match will be easier or harder.
With the amount of items you have in an average game (3+, mostly 4), you can run Franklin's Demise every game and the chance you encounter a group where it won't help is very low.
Who in the world dodges because of cosmetics? I've never seen that before!
If you are concerned about lobby dodging, then why not add penalties for lobby dodging instead? Many games already do that and if a first offense is only treated with a 30-60 seconds penalty, then we don't punish people with a valid reason to leave a lobby very harshly either.
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I'm okay with seeing items, in theory its dumb but in practice if you can bait the killer into taking a useless perk its workable.
Killers should never be able to see cosmetics, characters, or profiles though. The killer player-base clearly gets emotional before the match even starts and it also leads to dodging.
You'll mostly find pushback against this idea though, these same people argued a lot against removing prestige for 'flavor' reasons as well.
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If you bring 4 aura reading perks and add ons then you deserve to have it all nullified with distortion, I dont see what kind of fun being revealed for every action I do with map offering like leries/rpd myers with boring hit and whack and proxy camp tactics. I would like to play the game and not be punished for actions that I am to do by aura reveal.
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Tell me that your right without telling me that your correct. Facts and agreed with you.
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- Who runs 4 aura perks? That's ineffective and much more niche / friendly than a build with aura and slowdown perks in combination.
- Countering perks is much more impactful than countering items.
- 4 aura reading perks do not indicate the same as 4 flashlights. With 4 aura reading perks you will always find survivors, so hiding is not a factor. Not the end of the world considering how little hiding happens already. 4 flashlights almost without fail indicate a bully squad.
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Killers should never be able to see cosmetics, characters, or profiles though.
This is what is meant by the saying "Gamers will always optimize the fun out of the game".
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I’m not following how making lobbies blind makes things dull. If anything, it adds a layer of mystery that pretty exciting.
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I disagree, I think it sounds boring as hell, staring at empty screens waiting for matches to start. It'll definitely be boring after the 50th time.
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Don't bring up resident evil resistance. It literally doesn't count cause that game catered to survivors. Dbd's killers got nerfed cause of issues before. I literally seen people complained about pre-work freddy being a problem and poof he get nerfed . Noed is an issue and yet now we can see the totem aura when it lit up. Both side get nerfed so don't bothered with the whole killer mains get everything. I played both side and surviving been the easiest ever .
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Kind of the same concept. Countering the killers power will always be more value than denying items but thats where the similarities end. Not to mention if you could see the killer no one would be able to play any strong killer.
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Do I need to remind you why killers lost the ability switch killers?
Because they implemented per-killer MMR.
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Yeah right until like dbd the final update they did over power every master mind to brainless like dbd so no both of them is killer sided heck so is tcm and evil dead. All these games are killer sided now because its the killers who are always the first to cry survivors/victims nerf nerf nerf.
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At this point you're trolling over resistance. Both sides complained cause they aren't as good as they think. I get the nurse 's complaints but seriously complaining about trapper. If these type of games bothered you then why do you still play the game?
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I hope your asking that in a general term, cause if you talking specially me, I like to know where I complain or say anything about trapper.
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If no one saw the other side it'd be more of queue and autoload in to match no lobby needed.
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If they did this, Im sure it wouldn't be a lobby wait as is. Likely, the lobby wait would be bypassed completely. Hopefully this nulls your reluctance.
Total mystery pre-game would kill lobby shpping completely and make games begin faster. I see no downside, unless I was a killer.
And even then, losing the item knowledge pregame isn't going to make or break the game. If that's why you think you lose games, there's a list of dead games above that might be for you. (Not you specifically, Caiman, just generally speaking to all <3)
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We play different matches. I now see many creative builds on the Rat players, and its almost comical that it works. In a few hours playing, I usually get 2 or more rats as solo'q, but I've learned to just deal. You learn to deal with a lot in this game, to be fair lol.
And tbh, the most I've seen is 3 aura perks and a Regression. And only once. Usually its 2 and 2, or 1 and 3. If I had a 4 aura killer, man I've be having a damn good time lol. Oh that Buggy! :)
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I mean it's not rocket science here.
- Some killers would be dodged almost every time, and killers like SM would never get a match. Ever. Lobby shopping would be out of control, to the point that it would effectively kill some (maybe most) killers off.
- Unlike survs, killers are mostly unique, and if you knew what killer you were going to face with certainty, you could really make their lives miserable with loadouts catered to them. This is waaaaay beyond being able to see the survs' items in lobby.
I can see an argument for making both sides blind, but there is no good argument to show the killer in lobby.
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Always trying to justify why killers can have it easy and should be able to see survivors isnt helping your case either. Point is other games block people from having free info from others and dbd dont, because they pity killers so they let killers see survivor stuff to equip crutch born/franklins and dont act as if when prestige was shown killers were the biggest lobbies shoppers way more than survivors period.
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You know, if you step across the isle for a second, you'll find that many killers have the exact same complaint about Comms, something that SWFs can get for free. They don't like that any more than you like being revealed by auras that the killer needs to sacrifice space in their loadout for. Its almost like both sides have similar grievances when the structure of the game is changed against them.
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if this were ever a thing twins pick rate would go from %.01 to literally 0 . Knowing you will vs a twins can let you bring perks to make their power literally useless .
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I don't think killers should see items or offerings.
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I agree plus some maps are straight up good or bad for some killers, like if the survivors could see it was Billy they could just use an indoor map offering.
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Items are significantly less important than a killer's power. Additionally, the game is a 1v4, the 1 SHOULD get advantages over the 4, otherwise the game wouldn't be fair.
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While i disagree, i at least understand items. Why hide offerings? 99% of the time offerings are just for Bloodpoints or a map. And the map isn't exactly a secret as soon as someone loads in. The ones that affect gameplay that are meant to be hidden ARE hidden already.
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I do it stops lobby dodging and backfilling if they want to push SBMM so badly, and also hide the survivors names too. It's actually unfair even socially.
Lobbies should be mysterious for everyone, everyone would have a lot more fun if it was.2 -
I do it stops lobby dodging and backfilling if they want to push SBMM so badly, and also hide the survivors names too
I haven't seen any lobbydodging since prestiges were removed, and if you want your name hidden, turn on Anonymous Mode.
"Mystery" gets old with repetition, the novelty would wear off within a week and then it'd be boring.
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I've seen a lot still, they see items they dont want to deal with they dodge, they see cosmetics they dodge, they see a player they dont like playing with they dodge.
You literally cannot tell me survivors can't have this priviledge as well anymore, I'm getting so sick of playing against blight blight blight blight blight nurse blight blight blight blight2 -
I've seen a lot still, they see items they dont want to deal with they dodge, they see cosmetics they dodge, they see a player they dont like playing with they dodge.
How can you possibly know any of that from a faceless game lobby?
You literally cannot tell me
Yes I can.
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Because I've watched people in here say thats what they do and also on streams watching people and my friends? Do you have any awareness of those around you?
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Fair points, but Killers should still get to chat in the pre-game lobby if they want to.
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They hide the prestige. I'm not saying prestige equals devotion, or even skill. Just was something people dodged. Or targeted.
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Anyone who thinks Survivors should be able to see the killer in the lobby is simply trolling or has maybe 2 hours at the game, not sure why it's even being discussed. It's like if someone tried to say that old exhaustion should be back
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I don't really see anyone ask for that regularly at all.
Maybe people saying that as long as killer can see names/if people use anon mode and so on then survivors should see the killer's name (with the potential profile access that comes with it), and even as someone that would prefer that kinda thing being made completely inaccessible to everyone I.. kinda get that.
If stuff like "I don't want to play with anon mode/ttvs/whatever!" or whatever is valid from a killer perspective, then it's valid from a survivor one too. I don't think it is, but I do genuinely believe that as long as more than 0% of players have the info needed to make such decisions, then 100% of players should have it. I'd much rather see it be changed to no one having it though.
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I shall repeat again cause this too funny and your simply beating around the bush. What your talking in about is during a match, duh ofc at that point that's when the hunt begins in those game. I am talking about PRE LOBBY (Keywords)
resistance/evil dead=killers/survivors cannot see each other until the match starts.
TCM both side see each other . Understand?
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I agree but once a survivor is hooked or hit by the killer the killer should be revealed.
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Survivors would dodge every nurse, spirit, Oni, dark lord, masteind, or whatever killer they don't personally like then