Lets discuss Hex: Ruin

So, back when I started playing the game, around Halloween 2018, many killers ran Hex: Ruin (to slow the game down, just a lil' bit). Looking back at that got me thinking about recent discussions on the forums, talking about hook incentives. What better perk to incentivice hooking than a new take on Hex: Ruin
Hex: Ruin (Hag):
Full rework: Now works off of a token system, similar to Devour Hope. A random totem will light up when the first token is gained.
For every unique survivor hooked, gain a token (up to 4 maximum)
- 1 token: Generators will automatically regress at 50/75/100% speed if not being worked on.
- 2 tokens: Regression speed is increased to 75/100/125%
- 3 tokens: Regression speed is increased to 100/125/150%
- 4 tokens: Regression speed is increased to 130/165/200%, and the skill checks turn red **
** Red skill-checks will regress the generator by 1/2/3% for a good skill check (it won't pause the general progression though), and does not give any progression bonus for hitting a great skill check.
** This Hex trumps all survivor perks that gives additional bonus progression to great skillchecks.
** The success zone for great skill-checks is increased by 50% - This will make it slightly easier to push on through for newer players.
Note: This change awards players for doing well, and it does discourage tunneling if the player want the full effect of this perk. - This perk gets disabled for the remainder of the trial when a survivor gets sacrificed or killed.
Let me know if this would have been a good idea? And while we are at it, wouldn't the BP bonus for BBQ & Chili be a good idea to reinstate?
I personally like the current version but I really miss the old one ngl
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Nice reference there, my fellow 2018 player.
I would love to see Hex: Ruin return to the meta, and especially with the hex skill checks. It was easily my favorite perk in the game. Killers using Ruin to slow the game down (just a little bit) and BBQ in every game was peak killer meta, imho.
And while we are at it, wouldn't the BP bonus for BBQ & Chili be a good idea to reinstate?
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Monto references. Love it! 💗
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I miss 200% ruin
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I really like this approach. So basically you only earn one token if you hang different survivors. And tunneling is less attractive and ruin becomes a useful perk again. A good suggestion.
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Well, since Monto is back at making videos again, I figured a reference would be quite fitting 😉
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Yes, in theory, this is exactly what I had in mind. Making Ruin good again, and actually rewarding killers for hooking unique survivors (a.k.a. spreading hooks), would be the best incentive to curb the current tunneling problem.
Kinda similar to how Grim Embrace works in fact.
And since a totem does not light up until the first survivor is hooked, the old problem of Ruin getting cleansed before you got any value from it would be completely eliminated.0 -
It'd still be garbage.
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the current version is a shell of its former self. It’s trash compared to.
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You sure about that? Wouldn't you like to get Old Ruin back in some way?
Plus it incentivices spreading hooks. Win-win!Yes, the current version is just BAD, and there are plenty more and much better options for gen slowdown in the current game.
It takes a generator 360 seconds (or 6 whole minutes) to regress at 100% speed (0.25 charges/sec.)
At 200% speed, this gets cut down to 180 seconds (or 3 minutes).2 -
((Monto was my go-to youtuber at the time so I appreciate the reference lol.
The Old Ruin in my opinion wasn't very strong, especially if players knew how to hit greats, it mainly destroyed newer players, which is why I always will prefer current ruin.
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Seems nice on paper. I have two concerns though. First: the perk does nothing before your first hook. At higher levels this means it will basically never be run on killers that struggle to get their first hook (Freddy, Myers, etc) and provides no value until then. Second, the idea of being punished for hitting a good skill check shouldn't exist in a game like this where casual players are not that good. I personally think it is not good game design - you could make it just nullify the bonus from a "great" skillcheck or cap it at, say, 0.25s per great skillcheck to counter hyperfocus / stake out / fast track / etc.
I would personally love if the BP bonus for BBQ was reinstated, but the developers have stated they don't want any perk to be run purely for bloodpoints so they're likely never going to introduce a perk with a BP bonus of that kind again.
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Its trash now…the end. Buff please.
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You only get it if you hook all 4 survivors and the totem hasn't been broken till that happens and even after it happens, it could still be immediately broken afterwards before you get any real use out it. Also for some reason it also helps survivors with the bigger great skill check area so they can power through it even after you get it at its full power.
So yeah, it'd be garbage.
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Ruin was good when it regressed the gen at 200% speed.
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I'll like new concepts, but there's no way BHVR will ever go back to the red skill checks where 'good' will regress even if it needed multiple tokens. It'd be too brutal for casuals.
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Killers c'mon the perk is amazing right now according to content creators like Otz and Hens please bring it every game the survivors totally can't just ignore ruin whatsoever /s
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I had to remove Ruin as my bait hex on Pinhead because survivors were preferring to deal with the devil they know.
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I really enjoy the idea of this. The fact that it rewards Killers for hooking different Survivors is huge! So many Killers love to tunnel and that just is not fun for that Survivor or their team. The part where the Hex trumps all Survivor perks that give additional bonus progression to great skill checks seems a bit unnecessary. Also, the skill check regression would be very debilitating for new/casual Survivors. I don't feel the 50% bonus great skill check size is going to balance out the skill check penalties described. A lot of new/casual Survivors don't have the ability to hit normal skill checks. Put into realistic game play, I can't see Survivors handling this version of Ruin very well. Still absolutely love the token system on hooking unique Survivors though!