What're you trying to say?!?

I'm always trying to figure out ways to be a better teammate, especially since I play solo que, so a couple times now I've been in a match and a fellow survivor comes up to me injured. I try to heal them, they pull out of the heal then spin in a circle, stare at me, spin in a circle, stare at me and so on and so on. The last one even followed me around spinning and dropping a flashbang seemingly for me to pick up. What is this action supposed to be telling me? Any clues would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
Best Answers
Look at it positively. You usually only have to spend 15 minutes of your life with such people. But this person has to come to terms with themselves throughout their entire life.
There's nothing you can do about it. In Dead by Daylight you will encounter this behavior more often than perhaps in other games. Maybe try playing another game? Civilization 6 f.e.2 -
Well thank you very much. I appreciate the insight and information.
Lol I remember that. No I was just trying to make sure that it's not some kind of in-game motion for like "hey do the hokey pokey" or something.
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Yes, sometimes people just mess around a bit and it doesn't hurt anyone much, it's even funny.
Other times, people intentionally sabotage the game right from the start (throw themselves in front of the killer, or intentionally body block you, abuse perks against you,.. etc.) My previous answer is based on this case.