Can I rant about killer at high MMR?

High MMR at a killer who can't compete at that level has to single-handedly be one of the most exhausting experiences in Dead by Daylight.
I've played 13 games in a row, of which 9 had map offerings used, and no joke, every single game had styptics or syringes in. Every. single. game. What makes it worse is these aren't even difficult to get in the bloodweb, at the higher levels they appear every other web.
Like, I play Wraith and even running 3 slowdowns isn't enough, when, combined, survivors are running like 10+ second chance perks on top of the styptics/syringes and map offerings.
I don't need to win to have fun, close games where either side wins are fun, but there's literally zero room for any fun when you're getting stomped.
Sure, my MMR will adjust, but then you play at a different time of day or matchmaking expands the buffer and then you win a load of games and you're back where you were before.
I'm tired, and think map offerings, styptics and syringes in particular urgently need addressing because it's getting ridiculous
Any proof to claim being at high mmr? I guess not.
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There's never going to be proof, but you can make an assumption based on the skill level of the players you're against - especially considering I played against a member from the best comp team right now (Eternal)
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Survivors that have their act together are definitely a force. It’s okay to rant. One of the best ways I’ve learned to scare Survivors better than me is to pretend I didn’t see them. Another way I try to get them off guard is to pretend that I’m going to one gen but last minute head to another gen. I’m always surprised how often I catch them out of position.
Have you played since then? How have the games been?
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Ya know, we keep hearing everyone playing against whoever they are but no ones willing to provide a show so the class can see undeniable proof...
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There is no way to know your MMR though.
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It doesn't matter if anyone can prove their MMR. But taking it at facevalue, this is just the inevitable result of focusing on kills over all else.
If you rely on 'crutches' like tunneling and stacking meta slowdown perks, which is easy to do because everyone wants to win, and you will continuously increase your MMR faster than you improve your skill.
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I thought the issue was gen rushing? I mean the blood web has been dismal with tool boxes. Anybody else notice they didn't have an event one? Good thing I loaded up on the other events
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Why don't you make a map offering? At least you'll have a chance to go where you want. Or a Sacrificial Ward?
About half of my Killer games are Sabo squads so I always assume that's what I'm going up against and adjust my perks according.
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I really don't understand this. You're winning matches over and over so the game puts you against teams that are also trying to win with every tool they have but you don't like it if there's opposition?
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I wouldn't claim you are at high MMR when you have no idea what your MMR score is. I would simply say that you regularly face very good survivors, which could be true even if you are not high MMR because the matchmaking system doesn't work.
I would try playing different, stronger killers. Wraith is pretty weak against good survivors who know how to loop him for ages using pallets and windows and you have to get very good at mind games to counter that.
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yea, its an problem and i have this too. I think they should remove the map offerings and maybe bring back the old offerings with 200% to not get 100% the map. And the syringes is a prob. too but the map offerings are more problematic.
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Doesnt mean youre high MMR. I myself have gone against several comp teams as well throughout my years of playing, but the very next game I can end up going up against a team with a combined total of 200 hours.
You cant cherry pick your games and think youre high MMR. Everyone wants to think theyre high MMR but its probably not the case for 99% of people
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This is what I will never understand. If you are at high MMR, you are by definition playing to win at a much higher rate than most. Do players just want a power fantasy and no opposition?
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I have no issue with people using powerful perks and items, but map offerings from both sides really gets me… "I want to play only on this specific map which is unbalanced in my favor with my playstyle and build tee hee!" yeah okay buddy. Seen plenty of SWF with Autohaven/Macmillan/Badham/Ormond offerings, and killers bringing Hawkins/Lerys/etc. The rare 1% where it isn't something like this, it's a survivor bringing RPD or something for an achievement or archive and screwing their team over…
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It's not a case of "disliking opposition" - it's a case of feeling like you have zero chance to win to begin with
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I honestly forgot about sac wards, good shout
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if only we could see our own mmr
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I don't think i'm cherry picking my games, this has been a relatively consistent experience for the past 4-5 days.
There have been some weaker teams, but I'd say 7/10 games consistently have survivors who display high levels of skill when it comes to coordination, looping, gen efficiency on top of full meta builds and map offerings
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Again if you're in "High MMR", then you're winning a lot of games with 3/4ks. Go for 2 kills at maximum, spread hooks against chiller survivors if you care about fun. Or play strong killers with busted loadouts…
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Then we're at an impasse. He can't prove it and you can't disprove it. Isn't this a great system the devs have, where nobody can tell what their MMR is? To where we can't even begin to have conversations about the game?
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Or better yet:
If only MMR didn't exist.
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And how is it even relevant? I'd be actually worse if he was low MMR.
That's completely beside the point.
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Because there's probably no point. We wouldn't need to show what MMR number we are (if we had one), if people could just accept that certain things, only high level players do. But even in the face of crazy fast-paced killer games with on-the-go match commentary, there's always naysayers being like, "They brought map offerings and instaheals? Mid survivors." and "Their 1 chase lasted 2 minutes? Nah, those are still bad survivors. Must be your skill."
There's like no skill in this game at this point. It's just matchup advantage. You get a team who has no clue what they're doing, and crumbles off of 1 survivor getting hooked once, or you go against a sweat squad who "just don't take a bad chase" doesn't apply to because they never let themselves be out-positioned, and when they do, they exhaustion perk or Styptic Agent away. Or the map RNG. Sometimes Ormond feels barren, and other times it's just pallet into pallet into pallet. Same with farm maps.
Trust me, that undeniable proof you're looking for, it would still have mass deniers if it was presented. That's just what this community does.
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You don't know what high MMR is. You can still lose matches and get draws all the time, and still face that level, because the speed at which you get away from those teams, through MMR, is inconsistent and stupid. High MMR killer is settling for 1k or draw nearly every time, unless you have the perfect set of circumstances align. "They weren't SWF, didn't have good rng on loops, didn't bring instaheals or BNP, AND weren't quick on gens? Okay, maybe now I can maybe go for hooks." It's like that, or rather, it still won't work out unless you had a build that capitalized on the pressure they gave you as well. Got quick downs but not gen defence? They escape. Brought gen defence but nothing to end chases faster? They escape. It's just a matter of if it's 2 survivors escaping or 4.
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This is an example of a game I played yesterday. I managed 4 hook stages. My build was Pain Res, Pop, Agi, Bamboozle.
Albeit, it's only one example, but 7/10 games I've played over the past 5 days or so have survivors using very similar builds
Extremely well played survivors, ridiculous gen efficiency, bodyblocking and looping.
I can't prove it is "high MMR", however with the extensive game knowledge and gameplay from the survivors, there's a fair assumption that can be made.
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"You don't know what high mmr is, only I do!"
You really need to stop worrying about some hidden number that apparently only gets you these ultra mega good survivors every match that are impossible to kill.
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ohh we won't deny theres deniers, but how do we know whos in the "high mmr" and whom isn't. The op can prove they go against team eternal (we're assuming this is some high group since its a comp group correct?) with a simple screen shot or video of them facing said team which then in turns they are in "high mmr".
We also ask why should the "average" accept what the "high" say? Thats more for us than the topic but really now, why would we want more sheeple?
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Ah, the classical mmr favors survivors and everyone brings second chance perks and septics every match.
Yet you always look past how at every mmr,and at every swf group
Killer. Wins. Majority,
The highest iri, with 4-man swfs is still only 48%?
also,regarding items, you also have addons.. and second chance perks?3 -
What we can take from this is that people are using "strong" builds and could possibly be a swf due to coordination. Maybe they we're just good, yet not high mmr? We could also be "that guy" and say maybe you didnt play well but we'll take your word cause we cant prove otherwise. Maybe they we're. No one can tell either way so we're all still at square uno.
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This reminds me of Vizzini: "We are indeed at an impasse. I can't compete with you physically, and you're no match for my brains."
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Last time I checked they were definitely bugged FYI. Literally every map that was offered we went to irrespective of which side offered it. I understand there's a chance you'll still get the offered map with a Sac Ward, but this was like 5 or 6 in a row. I can't believe that is a coincidence.
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Apparently, yes. Because you and others think that killers struggling super hard could still be the result of going against mediocre survivors. The power ceiling of survivor, bar Nurse and speed add-ons Blight, is so much higher than the killer power ceiling. So at high level, the killer's having to play like 5 times harder than the survivors just to break even. Survivor loops for 15-20 seconds, makes a mistake and gets hit, they loop for 15-20 seconds more, make another mistake and go down (unless it's 2nd/3rd chase in which they have DH or OTR), and that's a game-ending play for the killer. So it is really about settling for draws at that level.
The reason we care about MMR is because yes, we do like the challenge of beating really good survivors, not just bad survivors whose defeat doesn't mean anything. But we're currently putting up with matches where if the survivors are SWF, they bring pink add-ons, they have a good map, any one of those factors, it suddenly becomes almost impossible to get more than a draw. MMR not being shown, so that we can't definitively prove what level people are playing at, leads to stupid discussions like this. We're questioning each other's level and game perception more than having a conversation about the game. So that's why MMR is significant, and needs to be shown. Because imagine I'm at 500 MMR and you're at 1000, or vice versa. It completely changes the conversation, into something I guess the devs don't want us to have because it means they'd have to balance the game. We'd be able to unite on different points, and bring it to them. But they want it easy, to just look at useless kill rates and do an arbitrary change, and have the community be divided so there's no pressure on them.
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MMR doesn't favor anybody. It's just there, and it sucks when you're good and are not at high MMR, because you'll either stomp as killer or get stomped as solo, for no skill-related reasons. Just mismatches.
Killer "wins" a majority of the time because survivors straight-up don't do their objective at low level, which is where a majority of survivors are at. And at mid level, people give the killer 1-2 free kills from over altruism at the very end. To your credit, not all 4-man SWFs play well. But some play well, unstoppably so, until the very end and throw the game, the same as solos would. It doesn't mean that their insane advantage compared to killers and solos doesn't exist.
And just looking at the possibilities of how you'd get to a killer majority win rate, that could be 51% although it usually rests around 60% in this game. That means killers could possibly draw a majority of their games, a have a few actual wins thrown in just to get them over that 50% win rate. That's not good. Imagine playing a 1v4 game, and playing as the 1, you draw 80% of your matches.
Killers don't have anything near second chance perks, except Coup De Grace and endgame perks, but those are easily fallible. I've had Bloodlust 3 + Coup + a stack of PWYF or something at a loop, and I didn't catch the survivor when they made a mistake and I swang. So even though Otz will say that Coup is unfair, I think that scenario proves that it's not a true second chance perk would be. Compared to OTR or DH, which just give you another health state/print burst off of being hit, killers don't have a perk which turns a miss into a down. That applies to NOED, which btw is destroyable and completely reveals itself to the whole team, only downside being when the killer literally has someone hooked on it. But that perk and the endgame perks that buy the killer more time after all gens get done, most of the time that just delays the inevitable. You get maybe 2 more downs/hooks on people who aren't dead on hook, because the game hides that info from you baseline, and 3-4 people still escape after recuperating. Those perks virtually never turn a 1-0k into a 4k, like so many suggest that they do. Killer doesn't get any real second chances.
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Remember that little rule about no name & shame?
He can't show any name, even if he had the screenshot.
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To be honest, we were hoping for a Photoshop with a big label of "high MMR" once they remembered this
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And this is another reason why being at low MMR is so nice. As killer.
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what makes you think your a high level player?
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Yeah, it's painful, but remember that these players are geared with the sole purpose to escape, and they have to be prepared to face their 10th Nurse or Blight in a row that's hardtunneling at 5 gens with quad slowdown and the best addons. So they bring the absolutely most powerful builds they can to survive, just like the killers at high mmr bring the absolutely strongest builds and tactics to get as many kills as possible.
That's high mmr for you. If you've managed to get yourself info high mmr without much sweating, it can be pretty painful, but doing that isn't as easy as people say. Chances are that your playstyle is getting you many kills, which is bumping your MMR up.
If you just chill a little bit with your builds or make the choice to play slightly less serious with tunneling, camping, and just focus on chases and having fun without necessarily aiming to 3-4k, you'll eventually reach an MMR where your games aren't quite as sweaty and you aren't forced to play extremely serious every match to win.
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Challenge is not the issue in this situation. It is just overall really boring to end up on the same 4 maps over and over again. These kinds of survivors will fall like flies or even dc when they don't get their map. They are on auto pilot like with WoO.
Map offerings in general wouldn't be a problem if maps were balanced but unfortunately they aren't. So unless you wan't to play Midwich Nurse/Dredge and call it a fair game the core issue here is that always heavily survivor sided maps are picked.
It get's boring then annyoing and finally frustrating.
Playing against good surviors is not the issue, maps are.
Also winning is not always your main goal. You don't need to win at 5 gens or 0 hooks to have fun in a match. So having a full out comp battle every match is tiring. Which makes this even more annyoing is that a lot of surivors don't respect killers anymore and try to annoy the killer player with toxic or (what I like to call it) gremlin moves.1 -
If youre a bad players but do not acknowledge it, every other players looks like high mmr. And thats what 99.99% of the people are that claim to be high mmr.
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An interesting facet about Dead By Daylight is that, when you start out as killer, you go up against survivors who makes the worst plays humanly possible, fail skill checks, hide in lockers and don't do gens, etc. So you mop the floor with those guys and keep going up in the MMR. But while you're doing that, survivors are ALSO evolving, getting smarter, running better perks, learning to loop, etc. Until finally the corner hiding Claudette turns into the p100 Nea running Adrenaline, DS, Dead hard and unbreakable who can flashlight you every five seconds of a match. And her friends who are all running strong builds, with flashlights.
It's not much fun on either side of that equation, to be fair. As survivor, you start out with teammates who let you die on hook, dc and go next, don't do gens etc. You end up dying a lot. Unless you're part of a swf that helps you, you've gotta play like you're in the DBD Olympics to rise up in the MMR and get decent teammates. And I think some survivors, when they get up to that point, are pretty bitter about killers. They want to mop the floor with killers the way they got mopped up. Hence some of the attitude that comes out in games. I suppose all of it can create misunderstandings and conflicts on both sides.
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I vouche for this. Some games it's just obvious and a number is not required.
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Oh but when a survivor complains though its get good skill issue, killer ain't at fault, its you or your teammate fault,learn to loop, stealth, run this run that. Change your playstyle and I can go on. Well killers out to do the same thing they suggest to survivors aka take a page out their own book.