Can you catch unknowns bubble anymore?
ever since the rework etc Iv yet to catch the bubble… is it even possible or was it removed?
I've never heard of this before
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I’ve seen a clip where if two huntress hatchets hit each other, they bug out: lose all movement, and stay spinning in place (indefinitely?) where they collided with one another. Still have damage checks on survivors too.
Maybe this can happen with The Unknowns Projectiles too?
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How would this even work, you have a cooldown of I think 8 seconds between them? I don't think that's possible at all xD
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shrugs , haven’t played unknown, not sure how high you can fire it/its trajectory/projectile speed.
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Not even closely high enough xD
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when released you used to be able to counter the hit by catching the centre of the bubble as it was only the surrounding of it that damaged you
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Really? I genuinely never heard of anyone doing that, must've been a bug
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Dude what game are you playing?????
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dude what? this has never been a thing,
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Its literally always been a thing.
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its always been a thing.
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this one? its always been a thing to hit the bubble directly to not take damage.
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I think you’re confusing what’s actually happening here. Also, this clip you posted never said what you did.
A direct hit never dealt damage, but it does apply a slight hindered debuff. It never outright cancelled the damage, however.
When an unknown is aiming at you, you’re weakened, and he’s pretty close, it might be in your best interest to run straight at him. He can only look down so far when aiming, meaning that you can make it really hard for him to damage you with the explosion. You will most likely still “catch” the projectile, but it will likely explode behind you, therefore not damaging you.
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I tried to view the clip, but seemed to be broken... is there a secret to viewing? Preferably without signing into tiktok because that thing gives me <insert forum bannable for mentioning it horrible disease of choice here>.
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I have no idea, I don’t have TikTok and don’t intend to get started either. Idk why it didn’t have audio for me either.
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Except what happens in this video is not what you claim, the actual projectile of the unknown never has and still does not do damage but only applies a hindered effect, what is done here is running into the projectile so it the blast goes behind you
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In that video Mish explains how the Unknowns power work and how it can be countered as a survivor. "Catching Bubbles" wasn't a big part of it in any way, she just explained how you get hindered for 3s if you are directly hit, but not within the bubbles blast radius.
This part of the Unknowns power ist still in effect and it never went away, but its not something that you can purposefully trigger yourself, it will just happen sometimes when you try to dodge.