Basekit BT should be disabled once all gens are done

If the survivor that was unhooked is close to the gate, you don't have counters for this, it's a free escape
The counter is to not let 5 gens pop.
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And survivors have almost no counter to a killer face-camping during endgame.
They can only try to swarm the hook and body block.
Also, you can avoid the problem of survivors escaping with endurace by hooking far from the gate.
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Well, the end games will be boring if this happens
The killer will hook someone, and nobody will try to save anymore, making the end game boring
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If there are enough Survivors left to do a save like you describe, then you already lost the game as Killer.
Most of the time all they can do is trade for another Survivor, which you should take.4 -
No. If you're in a position where you had to hook someone that close to an open gate and survivors are in good position to make the save then you already lost. Killers shouldn't be given a free kill just because it's endgame.
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The counter to tunneling/camping is to not get caught. So, remove the basekit BT, dont get caught and you will not need it.
We can say the same to both Survivors and Killers. Honestly the "the counter is to play better" should not be said.
Post edited by albertoplus on5 -
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Thing that's impossibile to do if you are aganist survivors that aren't braindead
The thing that you mention is the counter... Survivors must play as a team in order to win... If you don't have decent players you can't win, you can only hope for the hatch. A bit difficult to hook far from the exit gates when people body block/sabo hooks, don't you think? Not to mention that sometimes hook spawn Is ######### up for good.
It's not over until the survivors will leave the map, until that moment EVERYTHING can happen (especially if you have an endgame build) so no, you are wrong about that...
And survivors shouldn't get a free escape just because basekit feature will outplay you, plus what i said above.
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You have the entire rest of the game up until that point to make sure that doesn't happen. If you are at the point where your only option and hope of getting a kill was to hook a survivor that close to an opened gate, then you have already been outplayed throughout the match up to that point and at that point the survivors should have the advantage.
Removing basekit BT in endgame would just make the perk mandatory to run again which is exactly what making it basekit was supposed to stop.
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As a Killer main, I support the Survivors here. The alternative to you having a chance at a trade through preventing the unhook, is a guaranteed kill if there's no basekit BT.
You can stand next to the hook, wait for the unhook, tap once, rebook. There's no interaction. It's a free down no matter how Survivors play it.
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No thanks. It sucks only getting 1 kill, but without BT thats all youre getting. Survivors should have the illusion of a chance so they are encouraged to get greedy and open up a chance for a possible mistake.
Confirming the 3 man out is boring.
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It's not over until the survivors will leave the map, until that moment EVERYTHING can happen (especially if you have an endgame build) so no, you are wrong about that...
Actually no, its the Killer's job to prevent the Generators being done. Your comments has no impact because even if you had an endgamebuild survivors would still be fairly stronger if all 4 survived until that point. The point is if the Killer should have Basekit BT be disabled once all gens are done, which again. my point still stands, the killer failed to prevent.
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Generators exist to make survivor movements predictable; they're like a funnel. Gate switches are one last funnel.
There's nothing wrong with treating generators as resources to be burned much like a pallet. Gens are just bait to lure so survivors don't hide until the server closes.
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killers still get free kills in end game because anti-tunnel perk don't work and anti-camp mechanic also disables.
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Why? That would be bad.
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as i said before, endgame builds exist and survivors escape the moment that they'll leave the trial, period. NO ONE should get a basekit advantage in the first place… for that logic then if the survivors only stick to generators without doing totems, unhooks or heals, noed should be basekit and without the possibility to get rid of it because they should be punished for playing in that way and ignoring everything else (like they did for camping and tunneling)…
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the job of the killer is TO KILL/SACRIFICE, not guarding the generators, otherwise they wouldn't be called killers, don't you think? generators are only a delaying tool in order to reach their goal
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you know, bodyblock exist… if people aren't even able to do this then it's a deserved fail… i wonder if you played dbd before the basekit bt was implemented at this point…
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By that logic, Killers would not be required to sacrifice, because they are not called 'Sacrificers'
Sorry, the Killer role contains many parts and facets all of which are important, but the game wont go on forever so therefore the Killer must prevent gens being done in a timely manner and therefore It can be said that once gens are lit the Killer has lost the first section of the game if no survivors are dead.
Think about it, how would you persuade anyone to accept your view, dont things run fine the way they are?
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Putting someone on the hook will indirectly kill them (3 times), protecting generators won't kill anyone so... No.
My point stand: if i lose, i want lose because i'm being outplayed, not because muh basekit feature save the day
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I already know what you think, repeating it to me does not convince me, thats why I asked you, How would you PERSUADE someone to think your way is the correct way to view things? Last chance, cause personally im fine where I am rn on this topic.
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Shouldn't hook next to the gate.
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If you think that being outplayed by perks or basekit features fine then, good for you, i don't need to persuade people on that matter, the EXPERIENCE of playing killer and having to deal with those kind of bs stuff quite often could change the mind of someone that won't think this...
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Im a Killer main, my guy. I play every day.
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Don't always have the option.
And being guarded by invincibility out of the gate isn't boring or unfair?
2 dive the hook, 1 soaks the first hit and runs while the other unhooks during hit recovery, all escape without any actual challenge and BM at the gate as though they did something difficult….because otherwise it would be "boring?"
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Couldn't have said it better myself.