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SWF balancing - When are communications coming to DBD?

As expected DBD has attempted to balance SWF communications by buffing all survivors, when are we getting what is what usually is expected of a multiplayer game with friends? Communications !

People are already using communications and the game can't be expected to be balanced for solo or communications as someone will always suffer a terrible game.

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  • Member Posts: 8,327

    As long as it's not voice chat, some kind of communication could be a good idea.

    You'd have to start worrying about the game's tone, but aside from that you could hypothetically look towards quick-chat wheels for important info like "I'm going for a save" or "killer near me" or what have you. Most people still wouldn't use them, but they'd be an actual net improvement compared to something like voice chat that'd be a net detriment by a wide margin.

  • Member Posts: 7

    >Hopefully never.
    That's very negative for a survivor buff/nerf balance

    >In game voice chat will not magically make strangers decide to cooperate.
    It merely gives what others already have

    >But it will certainly result in a lot more harassment,…
    You are aware there will be options to mute, like in other multiplayer games

    >… children yelling …
    This is an 18+ game

    >..hate speech, ..
    Again, mute.

    >…people blaring crap music down their mic,..
    See mute

    > and encountering a ton of players who don't speak your language.
    Obviously there can be a language spoken.
    I'm keen on learning new languages, why haven't you mentioned making new friends, this is very negative what you posted.

    >And by being integrated in the game itself it will become expected. 'Mute' survivors may be greifed or just lobby-dodged by others,…
    Negative again with greifed rather than view it as something more than what is available.

    >and the game balance will shift to buffing killers in response.
    I'm sure this may be where the main group of survivors already using this for unfair advantages may dislike this idea but again this is only balance and the killers need not be buffed as they already may be at that level or should be buffed if at only solo no comms level… shouldn't they??

    >Players who don't opt in to use it will be worse off than they are now.
    If players are offered an extra plate of food they don't have to eat it, they can view it or even ignore it but it should be offered as it is far more fairer.

    >If you need to play with people you can communicate with, join a discord and play in a SWF.
    If it isn't in the game should you really be using 3rd party software to gain unfair advantages?
    BHVR aren't a small company, they should be able to be like other multiplayer companies rather than use something small minded/shabby like Discord.

    > The option already exists. You might even make some friends.
    Exactly, that is what you should be taking into communications being in the game, making new friends.
    As yet I see no option already existing only 3rd party software which is unfair on solo survivors and killers with balancing and fun issues.

  • Member Posts: 7

    >First of all, communication is not what makes SWF stronger than Solos. It is the reduction of teammate-RNG. As Solo you can have amazing teammates or really bad teammates. And then communication or information also dont matter.
    This isn't what is being discussed, why would you mention this? I guess it is a similar topic but not needed to be discussed.

    >Then there are so many aspects which speak against ingame communication - language barriers, there is already a very potent alternative (Discord), slurs and other bad behavior, people just wanting to immerse themselve and NOT talk to others, etc…
    This has been mentioned in the last reply

  • Member Posts: 7

    You'd be making the same mistake BHVR has been heading. Simple and easiest solution is to provide to others what is already being taken advantage of by others at a disadvantage to other players.

  • Member Posts: 712

    I think some extra emotes/indicators could be alright for survivors, but I really can't even imagine the harassment that would happen in some matches if comms were introduced.

  • Member Posts: 855
    edited October 2024

    Yeah a quick chat message system like IDV would be nice cause they got these nice pre set messages for everything like, focus decoding(cause camping/tunneling is way more worst there sadly so you cipher rush the hunter even though some survivors seem to not read and still try rescue lord xD), or I am going for the rescue etch, a person heal progress/a cipher % progress. Am sure that should not be too hard to implement here.

  • Member Posts: 710

    Ye solo could with more ways to communicate with the team. It could be mics, if that's an issue then just mute but the choice would be nice. I played TCM and i don't like using mics that much but there was 1 guy that was calling everything out so even if there was no communication from the rest of the team, we all knew info we wouldn't have known if that guy didn't call things out.

    Or it could be standard text communication on like a wheel to simply say "going for the save" or "######### has lightborn" it won't solve the issue soloq has due to many solo players trying to do challenges and adept and generally no help to the team but it would help in many situations.

    All survivor perks shown at the start of the match would be useful too. It would tell solos if they need to free someone from the hook or if they have perks to free themselves or if someone has a boon perk it would let others know not to go getting rid of every totem in sight.

    They started heading down the right path by letting survivors know who's on gens who's in a chase and how much gen progress people have on the gen they are on. But that's as far as it went.

  • Member Posts: 1,324

    Voice chat would not help at all. I think most people would keep it off anyways me included. Theres way too many toxic people out there just waiting to screetch into your ears. Also imagine all those open mics and people eating their mics and eating food while having an open mic… yeah no thanks.

  • Member Posts: 2,000
    edited October 2024

    To be blunt, adding voice in the game would not make BHVR more money, so they will not do that. We cannot even get them to fix their game regarding bugs and other BS that still exists. Why would they do this? They won't. Apologies.

  • Member Posts: 994
    edited October 2024


    Post edited by I_Cant_Loop on
  • Member Posts: 94

    voice chat is a bad idea, the only way to balance swf is to nerf them

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Hopefully never in my opinion as well. I stopped playing TCM because of the voice chat and the stream of slurs of every type, the raging and the all-around toxicity. If TCM didn't have voice chat I'd still be playing but it does so I don't.

    A communication wheel with items such as 'Going for the save!', 'Don't save, do gens!' to help communicate Deliverance and/or a camping Killer, etc would be useful but a feature that people don't use in general, can't guarantee a common language, that messes up my using audio to help find where people are when I can't see them and that is mainly used for racist and sexist comments, raging and broadcasting potato chip munching because they can't turn off their fricking mic? No thanks.

  • Member Posts: 4,660

    You do know how many children play this game, right?

    Sometimes age has nothing to do with that...

  • Member Posts: 1,725

    This is an 18+ game

    So is call of duty, but that series has been the go-to example for "games with 12 year olds yelling slurs in voice chat" for nearly 2 decades

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    You made the point that VC is something "what is usually expected with a multiplayer game with friends", and indeed DBD already is that. If someone is playing solo, then they aren't playing with friends for a reason, and that's to play their own way, and that often may include not wanting to speak with others. This is already evident in the replies to this thread.

    It's not a good idea for me, because if I wanted VC, then I'd gather friends and play with them. It would be ludicrous to suggest (and no, I know you've not said this) that people would VC with strangers on the net and not be toxic, insulting or worse. The internet's entire history is riddled with this evidence.

    You could say "Well, mute it then!". So someone mutes, whilst another wants the chat and becomes frustrated with the player on mute, so they end up messing them up somehow. This will happen in some cases, with the VC just giving an extra excuse.

    I also read someone suggested this would be bad because children play this game, and the response was "It's an 18+ game". Someone has to be really unaware of society to think children don't play this. There is so little protections in place, and what protections there are are probably ignored by terrible parenting skills. That's not even to mention how even people mature enough to know better are idiots! There was a video on YouTube I saw recently of a Streamer over 40 years old ranting racist trash, just because he was beaten soundly in a trial, and he went on and on!

    VC is in place for people who wish to play with friends in forming SWFs, and that's perfectly adequate. I'm not wanting my experience spoilt with having to hear some little twat playing shite music, or cussing away because they didn't get their way, and I certainly don't want to be BM'd by a fellow team player, just because I'm on mute. VC is in SWF. If someone wants VC, find a SWF.

  • Member Posts: 451

    I want voice chat so badly. I want DBD to have its own streamer granma.

    I also want to just tell people "Nah, don't try to pick me up. Dracula's humping my body while in wolf form and if you try to help me he's slugging our asses. Just finish the gens and go."

    They just have to make it opt-in and give us a mute button for that one player blasting music through their Happy Meal microphone.

  • Member Posts: 855

    HAPPY MEAL MICROPHINE!!!! 🤭 like way to make my my day LOL.

    You can perm mute mics in the setting options its the first thing I did on the day I hear this person saying nasty racism things about sonny and everyone thankfully reported them.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    I'm not going to play a game, though, where I can't use features of the game because the company can't or won't police racist and sexist comments and then balancing is made around a feature that can't be used unless you're okay with listening to slurs.

  • Member Posts: 460

    Guys there Is the oficial Dead by Daylight discord for god's sake, it isn't the end of the world to make some friends.

  • Member Posts: 974

    NO! it'll create a more toxic environment than the positives. Voice chat can't be moderated either. Sure can report them, but there's no recordings or records that BVHR can look at to issue bans. If anything should be a wheel of sort with pre set messages and emotes.

    Biggest difference between SWF and an in game voice chat is SWF is with FRIENDS. They already know each other and willing to communicate. Comms with random strangers most likely not gonna want to communicate or be toxic with each other since you have no idea who the other person is. There's an in game chat at the end of game and 3rd party sites like Discord already exist so use them if you want.

  • Member Posts: 2,412


  • Member Posts: 2,267

    One thing that made DBD appeal to me was the absence of voice chat, as people being able to speak just opens up so many more possibilities for toxicity and the last thing I want to hear is some 10 year old kid screaming abuse in my ear when I am trying to relax in a game.

    I sincerely hope they NEVER add voice chat to DBD!!

  • Member Posts: 129

    I regularly play Ghostbusters Spirits Unleashed and it allows you to hear other players coms. Personally, if it was a thing in DBD I would probably turn it off, because some of the survivors I've been teamed with... I'm pretty glad I can't hear them hurling insults at me through the game. I'm just saying lol. Not in solo q. Friends, yeah. Solo q is kinda a jungle.

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