Please fix OCE servers!

It's been months now and OCE players are still being placed into servers across the world. It's gotten to the point where almost every game has absurd ping.
Please can this be addressed. I would much rather wait 10 minutes for a game that is actually playable than 5 seconds for one that is borderline unplayable.
Some killers like Wraith and Demo are near unplayable because of how bad ping affects them.
Please can someone at least let us know if this is being looked into or if it's here to stay forever. Because right now I don't even want to touch this game :(
Or at the very least let us know which server we are in in the lobby so we can avoid them.
Yeah, I usually don't bother playing after like, 8pm. Not enough players in the region active so it starts expanding the matchmaking and throws me into Singapore or Indonesian lobbies or something.
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From what I've seen, the OCE situation is better than it was June-September - they even replied to my email in September saying that they had made a change and to their credit I did notice improvements.
That said, I still see it happen, I even had a game following that email where all 4 OCE survivors got sent to some Asian server (+100 ping iirc) and got matched with an NA West killer which is obviously unacceptable.
I've also noticed since either the tentative desync fix last week or the 8.3 midchapter that I find myself in games where my ping will spike up and down for no reason by 40-60 ping. And desync has just been happening in general. But that may just be a completely unrelated issue.
All that said, I agree with your idea, I think the solution is to let us see our ping so we can decide if we want to play in that server or not.
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Doesn't seem much different for me. Played 5 games today and 3 of them were high red ping :(