New aura hiding Perk or add to Technician

New Perk: Don´t bother / Unbothered

If you are repairing a generator your aura can´t be read. (nothing more nothing less)

Could be added to Technician - would make it an amazing perk.

Gen Perks and chases and so on would work but would help against these cross map sniping Huntresses and all the other ridiculous stuff.


  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    Eh, why not. Nice idea.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    Gens are needed for progression. So it is a little bit different here.

    Also the Distortion nerf is awful. It would have been better if they tied it to gen repairing.

    Sooner or later we will need new anti aura perks.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,009
    edited October 2024

    Then the dead-on-hook survivors can work on generators while the zero-hook survivors can be chased - the killer cannot chase every survivor just because they have an aura perk. The intention of aura perks is healthy for the game because aura perks encourage the killer to go for different survivors which means no camping or tunnling. This is also the intension of the new Distortion that you are save for the first time and then take the attention of the killer to protect your teammates and then you have two tokens and everything is alright until you need to take chase again. I also already explained why the developers don't want that Distortion works with gen repair.

    Your suggestion is unhealthy for the metagame for the reason I've already explained.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    No. In my opinion all the aura reading is bad for the game.

    Also i like the stealth part of the game like the old days. You should not be forced to take chase.

    If you are good at hiding you can hide.

    Not get found just bacause of wallhacks.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,009
    edited October 2024

    Then it is more of a you problem but not a game problem if you don't like them in general and call them wallhacks to give them a bad touch. Also the game has a huge variety of stealth perks that can be used to lose the killer in chase or to play sneaky. Distortion is not the only perk - Lucky Break, Shadow Step, to some degree OTR, Dance with Me, Lightweight, Q&Q, and much more. You can use these perks if you want to hide.

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 266

    You run into a cross mapping Huntress in maybe 1 in 90 games? Maybe 1 in 150? I’ve seen 2 in over 500 matches, most of them don’t throw past 24 meters.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    How about making a perk as a foil to Sole Survivor? Rather than charging with sacrificed team mates, it charges based on your own hooks.

    • After your first hook, your aura can't be seen while healing.
    • After your second hook, your aura can't be seen while healing or repairing a generator.

    With Distortion (rightfully) nerfed, it would be good to have more variety in aura blocking.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    That was an example. But i just today played against one.

    You can add a straight to you rushing Blight or Nurse or Billy too.

    It just feels more and more cheap to me not be able to hide anymore.

    I like that idea too.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,009

    But why should you use this perk (I think it is a super quick suggestion from you, so it might be not perfect which is okay) over Of The Record? OtR hides your aura for 80sec even when healing or working on a generator which is a super long time for a dbd match and still protects you against tunnling and gives you stealth by reducing your grunt of pain to zero.

    My point is that if the developers ever introduce new aura blocking perks or buff other perks with an aura blocking effect, it should be a healthy one and not an unhealthy one just because some players are a bit sensitive when it comes to aura perks. I also suggest that Bite the Bullet could get the aura blocking effect to become more popular but also healthy since it only protects you and your teammates in your weakest moment and this good and fair. I'm not against a rightful amount of healthy aura blocking perks but I'm against unhealthy aura perks that hurt the game and the already - sometimes difficult to play - SoloQ.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    Aura blocking to Bite the bullet is not a bad idea.

    I get your unhealthy opinion. But only because some people think it should all be chase hiding is not unhealthy for the game. This is one thing that made the game popular.

    Also just variety in what you can do.

    They used to really think of good perks and synergy back then but today it is variations and strange perks because they have to invent so much of them that they ran out of ideas.

    In reality we have more than enough perks and you could simply stop with new ones and it would be ok.

    Best thing would be to delete a lot of them but that will of course never happen.

    Aura reading just feels cheap in some situations and it is getting worse.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited October 2024

    Because it covers different scenarios, which is the point of variety.

    You can always crunch the numbers and declare one of them 'technically superior' and drain all the fun out of the game if you want. And this idea could always be improved. Maybe it includes cleansing totems snd unlocking chests too. Maybe it applies to other survivors healing you or being healed by you as well.

    But there's a difference between 80 seconds of aura blocking and permanently blocking auras in a certain situation.

    What exactly is 'unhealthy' about situational aura blocking after you've given up 2 hook states?

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,009

    I'm okay when the game has stealth and hinding elements and the developers provide a huge amount of perks so the players can play this playstyle. It is just the line between healthy and unhealthy/good and bad stealth for both sides. If the survivors hide forever and nothing happens, this is just miserable and boring for the killer. This was also the reason why the developers did some changes on the stealth part of dbd because at some point it was just extremly boring and annyoing (too much) - of cause this might be funny on the survivor side but we have to keep in mind that we need both sides to play the game which means both sides should have fun. This part also counts for other situations. In addition, it is also not good when one teammate hides forever while their teammates are dying, this is just miserable for SoloQ. In my opinion, the developers do a good job by preventing situations like these. However, this is something where everyone can have a different opinion and we automatically disagree to some degree.

    Year agree, the developers should rather rework or buff bad perks instead of introducing new perks because new perks will always have the potencial of either being bad or unhealthy. Some new perks like Finesse or Unforseen are really cool but they could have reworked Cut Loose and Territorial Imperative into these effects. But I guess they will never stop with introducing new perks because this is an extra reason for players to buy the characters. Not every perk has to be super S+ tier but at least every perk should have a useful niche.

    I can understand when someone says Weave Attument is a stupid perk or rat poison is a stupid Addon on Chucky, or Blood Amber is a stupid survivor Addon because I agree on this and already made my statement in forum topics about these two (I agree with some situations feel cheap). But I disagree when someone makes the statement of aura reading is in general bad for the game because it is not - the design can be bad but not the idea behind it or to make them useless. I can also understand when someone wants aura protection - which is why I suggested to give other perks a little aura blocking part instead of having unhealthy clutch perks - but it should be a healthy and not a clutch one. This was the issue of old Distortion that it was able to counter the usual aura perks on the killersides which created the issue that killer used less aura perks for more slowdown and began to tunnel more due to the missing new targets. Meanwhile, many Distortion users were not helpful teammates in terms of helping (taking chase instead of sitting on gens or spreading hooks instead of hiding).

    What exactly is 'unhealthy' about situational aura blocking after you've given up 2 hook states?

    No, I didn't mean your suggestion is unhealthy - My second paragraph was more about my own general opinion on the topic "aura blocking" and not your suggestion. There was just the question for me why you should use this suggested perk over OtR but with your explanation I'm okay with it.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I think this would be a good addition, Jolt/discordance/surveilance/deadmans/eruption all have information that can counter it, thrilling tremors also.

    all the people over reacting here is funny. You can see the generator auras and hear their progress… you don't need to see EVERYTHING through aura reading.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    Jolt has a range and the screams aren't directional. If someone is screaming from jolt you can probably just y'know, see the gen being worked on. Discordance only works vs survivors that group on gens. Good survivors do not do this. It gets way way less valuable when you go up against good opponents. Surveillance works, but there's a reason it's rarely run: it's clunky. Dead Man's switch works on one gen, if a survivor let's go after a hook. That's useful, but not as information. Thrilling tremors has a longass cooldown, a short duration and is otherwise very very tepid information.

    It's got the same problem the last iteration of distortion did in that it makes aura perks unreliable. Hook with BBQ and don't see anyone because they're using their infinite aura suppression perk on a gen. That'll feel great. Hook someone with alien instinct and don't see anyone cuz they're just on a gen. Great. Run floods of rage, don't see anyone but the unhooker. Not valuable information.

    I cannot believe yall are in a tizzy over distortion still. My survivor games haven't changed at all and as killer is nice to be able to actually use aura perks.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    I had an idea for an aura denying perk, and decided to use Spine Chill as the base for it, since it's so bad now.

    Spine Chill (New effect):

    • This perk activates when your aura is shown to the killer. While your aura is revealed, the perk's icon lights up and an auditory warning starts playing. You also get a 2/4/6 % boost to all action speeds except vaulting.

    • For every 12/10/8 seconds of your aura being revealed, gain a token, up to 2/3/4. Each token delays the revealed aura by 1 second.

    (Explanation: If you have 4 tokens and the killer uses an aura reading perk, he is still able to see your aura, but not where you are currently, but where you were 4 seconds ago. The aura reading also starts and ends later, so the duration of the aura read stays the same.)

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    That is an interessting new approach.

    Getting to know your aura is revealed but it is delayed to the killer.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    Maybe your surv games haven´t changed but i can say i see aura reading pretty often now.

    Just played against a Huntress with all aura perks + the aura addon.

    It is just that you can´t do anything against this anymore - hiding is pointless because she just sees you.

    And yes - these are wallhacks. What else?

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    Huntress is one of like... Two killers that can actually make a full aura build work. Nothing has changed in that regard and if you had the last iteration of distortion she's also one of the few killers that could kill out all the stacks due to her substandard terror radius. It's exactly the same as it was before the distortion nerf.

    You can harp on about "wallhacks" until your lips fall off but the fact is that every aura perk has a thing the killer has to do to make them work. That's not how hacks work. "Yeah my aimbot only turns on after I headshot someone on my own". See how ridiculous that is? But you know how ridiculous it is, you're just mindlessly parroting the Aura Bad mentality.

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 274
    edited November 2024

    It might be a bit strong to have unlimited free aura blocking (It’d completely counter Gearhead as well as make perks like BBQ a lot weaker) maybe have it added to Technician and work like Distortion where you start with one token and every generator you complete you get another token?

    Or maybe x seconds of killers not being able to read your aura after a great skill check?

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    It is the point to make it weaker and counter some aura reading perks.

    As long as you are repairing.

    When you run around or in endgame all killer aura perks would work. Also the gen perks would work also.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    … and Nurse, Billy, Blight, Artist, Pyramid, Pinhead.

    There are possibilities.

  • angel_pellegrino
    angel_pellegrino Member Posts: 129

    I agree. It definitely feel like something more should be added to technician. Even the "less noise during generator repair" is a bit weak. The noise reduction is so minimal the killer can literally just SEE you on then gen at that point. Though I like to use it since some nights I don't want to worry about random slip ups or merciless storm or any of the doctor stuff.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    I use Technician for the "hit x great skillchecks" challenges.

    It would be an awesome perk if they add aura blocking to it.