My proposed solution for people complaining about slugging

coltonious Member Posts: 6
edited October 2024 in General Discussions

Here lately, there has, supposedly, been a "slugging epidemic". This post isn't about the morality of slugging, or of any major mechanics changes to slugging, but of a simple solution to make it feel just a little less bad.

My idea is that, when you're bleeding out on the ground, you should get bloodpoints. Probably for the braveness category, i don't know, but for something. I'm not sure how much would be fair, but there should be some amount. That way, when someone is bleeding out, they at least get some amount of value from it so the game doesn't feel as bad if/when it happens.

Assuming the stats on slugging are true (i have no reason to believe otherwise), then this also wouldn't throw off the balance of bloodpoints much either. If everyone is max bleeding for a few seconds, then that's only, like, 20 bloodpoints or something like that for them.

I think this change would not only help reduce the complaints about slugging, but also would help people who do often get slugged still be able to get something out of it!

