Huntress Has The Worst Ultra Rares!

Why do we have Ultra Rares that encourage a killer to not use their power or use it as little as possible? IRI Head is almost exclusively used for insane zoning because you only get one. It’s boring to go against as survivor because there is no chase. And feels awful to use because you have to reload every 5 seconds if you are actually trying to throw past 16 meters.
And don’t even get me started on Soldiers Puttee. It’s not even worthy of being a brown add on honestly. Who wants to be an M1 killer with essentially a 45 meter terror radius? It’s for memeing only as literally any other add on is better for an actual advantage.
How difficult would it be to change some add ons? I’m really not sure if it’s difficult or not because a lot of killers have awful Ultra Rares. But I think Huntress has the worst by far. Encouraging you not to use your power at all or in very boring ways. It’s a shame because there is so much fun stuff that could be done to change them.
Yeah her ultra rares aren't great, but to say they are the worst? I don't know about that, i think Pyramid head still has the worst ultra rares
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iridescent addons in general are supposed to be more gimmicks considering like, 80% of them, but i would love to see reworks for hers because iri hatchet is horrendously boring
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Pp heads are pretty bad too but at least they don’t encourage you to NOT use your power. I would rather be undetectable when holding still in a certain spot than be a 115% killer for 10 seconds 6 times a match lol.
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To each their own
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Exactly! And being a much worse M1 killer for soldiers putee isn’t even a gimmick. It’s just awful. I could come up with 5 much more interesting gimmicky addons rn.
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Do you think an Ultra Rare that stops you from using the only interesting part of your killer is better? I mean standing still is pretty boring tho ngl. That ultra rare is a better version of insidious though because you can actually hold an attack and remain undetectable. If you ready an attack with insidious it will cancel insidious.
You could also put a trail down at a high wall loop and go undetectable to try and catch a survivor lol. I think that would be very gimicky but fun.
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I don't really understand how an add-on that makes her a 115% Killer could be of Iridescent Quality… As a brown training add-ons I guess, yet still quite bad.
If they want to make gimmicky yet fun add-ons, they could try something like this:
- Limits your max hatchets to 1. (or could be 2)
- When successfully hitting a Survivor, instantly reload 1 hatched.
I think that would be neat!
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Eh I just see less scenarios where you are naturally going to be in a situation where you can use it. At least with soldier puttee you may run out of hatchets normally and be glad to be 115 while still in chase
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maybe add-on would make more sense if it made you 115% m/s when holding a hatchet. Iri hatchet is play with your food meme where you stack 3 stack of pwyf and use 1 hatchet to down someone.
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That would be really cool! The one I thought of is this to replace IRI head
- Fully charged hatchets that hit gens cause them to explode losing 5% instantly and causing survivors to scream
- You can only hit non regressing gens
- If the hatchet lands by a survivor healing or repairing they receive a difficult skill check
Maybe too strong but I thought it would balance itself by not being able to injure as many survivors, since you might rather hit a generator instead of a survivor.
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Crumpled Cheesit Bag
"You found a bag of cheesits one day, and you quite enjoyed them".
The Huntress has unlimited hatchets, that replenish at a rate of 1 hatchet every twenty seconds. The Huntress can no longer reload from lockers.
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Definitely a newbie Huntress would get value. You’ll almost never be caught with zero hatchets if you play smart enough. It’s a very bad spot to be in and honestly even as 115% probably the worst killer in the game at that point.
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Well, they weren't the worst at release. Just like any other "good" addon.
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The Huntress has unlimited Cheezits and can throw Cheezits like ninja throwing stars piercing right through the survivors skull.
She can also eat Cheezits to gain a power boost That makes her throw Cheezits faster
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Soldiers Puttee was awful on release. They literally just threw it together randomly because she only had one ultra rare for a long time.
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Make it into a Legendary outfit, along with voice lines.
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I was talking about Cheezits! Not Cheetos!😭
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I don't think that Cheezits has a realizable mascot that BHVR could make work in the world of DBD. I think we're gonna have to settle.
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No, they're supposed to be strong. That's why killers have been getting robbed on all these iri reworks. They've all been made terrible and gimmicky.
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Half of them are strong and half are gimmicks so I’m not sure what the real goal for them is honestly.
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Just be grateful her iri add ons are better than my boy pyramid head :(
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yeah yeah
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I think Pyramids are better in my opinion for a few reasons.
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I feel like a one shot hatchet is better than base insidious or being able to see where you caged someone, I mean cage just ends up as far away from you as possible so it's not hard to figure out where that is. I do understand that the iri addons for huntress take away a lot of what makes huntress fun, like actually using hatchets in chase.
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Yeah IRI is definitely stronger and more useable but I just find it ultra boring.
And the seal of Metatron reveals the auras of all tormented survivors which should honestly be a yellow probably but I think I would rather have something similar for Huntress to replace that trash af putee
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I dont think Iridescent Addons are necessarily designed to always be strong, I think they are designed to open up alternative playstyles or change the way you play a Killer.
Iridescent Head specifically changes how the Killer and Survivors play the game enough to be given Iridescent quality.
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I mean Pyramid Head, and I have not used his Iris ONCE! They are that bad.
One lets you become Undetectable when you step on your own gunk, but its not working while you are throwing out a trail. The other lets you see the aura of all damned survivors when one gets rescued from a cage. This especially is so lackluster, its hard to imagine how they came up with the idea.
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A very awful and boring new way to play. For both sides. Huntress now zones like crazy and never takes any chances and survivors hold W as sin as they grease the lullaby and pre drop all pallets.
Don’t even get me started on soldiers putee which does essentially nothing
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That’s a great idea! I thought of this to replace IRI Head
- Hatchets that hit gens exploded losing 5% instantly and causes survivors to scream
- Only non regressing gens can be hit
- Hatchets that land next to healing or repairing survivors give them a difficult skill check
Maybe too strong but I though it could balance itself by having to choose between injuring survivors or hitting gens.
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I think iri add ons that give an instadown should be reworked, terrible design. Slinger's coin the same.
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to be fair she doesn’t need them, she has hatchets that can miss you by 6 miles that will down you. Plus hatchets that hit rocks, walls, buildings and vehicles 18 meters away and still down you
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The devs have this design phylosophy of creating 20 addons per killer power which is just too much. Originally some killers had way less addons than others and they should do that instead of coming up with weird/useless stuff just to fill rarity spots. Few addons that are good but not powercreeps.
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Oh that's a really neat idea! I love the idea of hatchets basically kicking gens for you! Maybe you could go a bit deeper with that idea! So something like:
- Hatchets that directly hit generators "kick" them for you. (the default 5% regression + the gen starts regressing)
- If a Survivor is on said gen as you hit it the Generator gets blocked for 10 seconds.
Something similar to the Driver's License add-on from Ghosty!
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Even with that she still has one of the lowest kill rates in the game so she definitely needs some help.
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I know a P100 Huntress that only uses aura reading perks...
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And I bet they agree with me that she has the worst Uktra Rares!😂
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What are you talking about? They are insanely good.
So much so I don't even dare to use them if I'm not certain I'm going against a SWAT team.
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I've played against a P100 Huntress using only aura reading perks.
It was on Shattered Square before the visual changes, and she didn't get anyone.
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That’s why in my humble opinion I think she is the hardest killer to be good at. Nurse and Blight are much harder at first but are so overpowered that once you become even mediocre at them you 4k the majority of games.
Huntress is more simple to pick up in the beginning but even when you get good at her it’s very easy to lose control of a game. In conclusion; buff Huntress plz
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I never said IRI Head was bad. I said it’s the worst because it is boring and takes away the only interesting thing about her kit. 1 hatchet? Really? Snooze fest.
And Soldiers Puttee is most likely the worst Ultra Rare in the game. I would honestly rather they just delete it if they aren’t gonna change it.
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And yet …
- Huntress: 56%
- Ghost Face: 56%
- Nurse: 55%
- Hillbilly: 54%
- Doctor: 51%
- Overall Average: 58.50%
I play both Nurse and Huntress, they are my first and second most played killers. I know exactly how easy it was to be average with both of them. That is: Nurse, not at all, Huntress: trivial (But I've always been good at FPSes).
It is pretty evident Huntress is way easier than Nurse. The one thing I still need to learn is to do orbitals. It's not exactly hard because there is a neat trick to do them consistently but I can't be bothered: I like across-maps better than praying I guess the location on gen right. And toying with the ballistics to get some survivor slightly below the other side of an obstacle is always satisfying and hilarious.
I thought Blight was more difficult than Huntress too because, like Nurse, you have to learn about every inch of a map to play decently. Except with Blight you can based yourself on sight and with Nurse you can't and it has to be three-dimensional.
It makes her kit high-risk-high-value. I love it.
As for the other IRI, it pairs perfectly with the first one. A match made in Heaven (or in Hell as the case may be)
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Nurse is exceptionally difficult for the first 5 matches. Once you learn the basics it’s an absolute joke lol. Essentially impossible to lose. Hence why Nurse has an 1,800 game win streak as her highest meanwhile Huntress is sitting at 101 (which has no proof besides trust me bro)
Billy is not at 54% he’s at 64% as of last March, Nurse is at 61% when it comes to people who know how to play her according to Bhvr themselves (as stated to why she doesn’t need buffs) and I assume Doc is probably at 54% now after his buffs.
Huntress is much more difficult than all of those killer for sure and it’s not even close lol. Her skill ceiling is at least 10x higher minimum. And comparing her to any of them is a tough task. 2 insta down killers, 1 killer who ignores everything and then Doctor lol. Definitely the highest skill ceiling in the game as well. Especially after they removed Blights techs and Weskers next.
As for the Ultra rares, to each their own I guess. It’s super boring in my opinion and the vast majority of people agree. People DC against IRI head every single match because it’s so insufferable. And Soldiers Putee is absolutely garbage even with IRI which is the only way it’s even remotely salvageable which it fails at too imo. I get to be a 115% M1 killer with no power, a 45 meter terror radius and no options for stealth? YIPPE!
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Okay, now I know you aren't worth speaking to.
If you knew anything about Nurse, you'd know what you've said is just BS.
So long.
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Nurse also has a low kill rate, and she sure as hell doesn't need help. Like the Nurse, Huntress' kill rate seems low because she's a commonly used killer with a high skill ceiling. Bad Huntresses are awful and good ones are an absolute menace.
I remember when she got a full number of iri hatchets, and that isn't something we need to go back to.
She's not S tier, but she does not need buffs.
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Except that’s not true at all be a Huntress has a low kill rate at high MMR too. She definitely needs some small buffs. Shiny Pin should be base kit. She is a B tier killer at best against good survivors.
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Sorry for bringing up facts 💀
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I don't think Huntress needs a buff, I think she is fine.
She just requires a lot from her players, even the experienced ones. If you miss a lot of hatchets, the match probably won't end well for you.
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I would agree with you if 90% of the maps weren’t absolutely filled with ridiculous clutter. Not to mention indoor maps. 20% of the loops in the game you can’t use your power at and so on. You could honestly make her move at 90% when holding a hatchet and I don’t think she would be overpowered then. I’m not sure though.
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I came close to ragequitting when trying Nurse and Blight. They are impossible to control and I don't know what I'm doing.
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It’s only hard at first trust me. Play against some bots! Nurse is easier than blight for sure. Plaid Flannel helps a lot.
I’m not sure about advice for Blight though, I was good with him immediately.