Setting priorities for killer changes.

This post is supposed to serve as a community - > community manager - > developers to convey how we feel about the prioritization of killer changes.
I made this tier list on the fly. This means with my crappy old phone, resulting in the placement in the rows meaning nothing. Most killers could be placed above or below each other. It's also not very thought out. This is just how I thought about every killers placement in 3-4 seconds.
How do you feel about it? Would you add one or multiple rows? Structure what killers are more or less important inside of the specific row?
Please use this post to let the devs know what killer you would like to see changed so that maybe we can circumvent confusion about specific design decisions and patch inclusions in the future.
Let's hope this leads to something positive!
I still can't throw traps on Trapper. Come on, BHVR…
On a more serious note, if this type of thread works, I'm buying you a bloodpoint pizza. :)
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I agree with this post.
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I really hope it does.
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I wasn't programmed to need more changes.
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You sure?
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I was recently modified and am performing exceedingly well. My kill counts are off the charts.
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Mikey's changes are right around the corner. I am excited. I just hope they do right by him.
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Nemesis Zombie buffs, or even add one more.
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I would replace Knight with Wesker, to be honest.
Knight has already been changed a lot, unnecessarily so in my opinion, and based on my recent experience with him I think he is in a good spot. His power is more tactical than before, and I think that is a good thing.
Wesker I still think is overtuned, even after the nerfs. Though he is already set for a change in the next patch, which I guess will be the removal of killer instinct from his kit. That would be a good change if it happened, but we still have to wait and see.
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Did they reveal the time when the new update is revealed?
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Hey! Thanks for making the time to make this! We're always interested in learning about which killers the community thinks could use a little more attention
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This month. November.
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What changes do you think twins should have? I agree that the changes kinda overtuned them, specially whith *certain perks* but I never see any changes sugested, ever.
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Judging but their usual schedule, a chapter usually comes out late November or early December.
That being said, I noticed that this rift is WAY longer than usual. While we usually only have about 3 months to complete it, this time around it was almost 4 months.
So either the chapter or mid chapter is gonna be pushed back a bit, or both.
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I mean, you cannot really change them without making them bad or too strong, they're designed to slug right now, otherwise you cannot really win with them against decent players.
They tried to change them to not be that slug heavy, but in the process they managed to make them uncounterable and strong or even stronger than the nurse haha.
They either need a big change, or just leave them be tbh.
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What about REMOVING them and give Nemsis a mobility ability?
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- Fix Blight and Billy's hitbox, so that survivors aren't more difficult to hit when they are crouching.
- Remove both tombstone addons and the infinite tier 3 addon from Myers.
- Billy's curve window turning is unnecessarily difficult, and should be easier for all skill levels. We know from the existence of Blight, that BHVR can make a fast moving killer that is easy to control when they are moving at fast speeds. I shouldn't be required to move my mouse in 1 millimeter increments during Billy's curve window.
- Fix the problem with Hag, where survivors can run into a trap while looking in the other direction, so that Hag can't teleport-hit that survivor unless she has very specific -trap range addons.
- Fix Hag in general, because she has zero chase power if the survivor is in an area without traps, which encourages Hag to camp an area for the entire game, which is boring for everyone. For starters, her teleport range is way too short, and that alone encourages her to camp areas. And the update where everyone can erase traps without a flashlight, AND Hag doesn't get alerted when survivors do this, pretty much ruined the character. Yes, it's bad game design to have trap removal based on flashlights, but it's even worse when every survivor can erase traps in a way that doesn't alert Hag.
- Fix killers that have super loud walking sounds, so they aren't super loud walking sounds. No, it's not fun and immersive when a killer has loud stompy feet that I constantly hear almost the entire match.
- Unknown's "stare at the Unknown" mechanic should require the survivor to actually stare at the Unknown. Currently, the staring mechanic has a super long buffer, which is activated at an extremely small "looking at Unknown" time. This means the survivor can run forward, and quickly flick their camera to the Unknown for a short time, once per second, and they get 100% uptime on revealing. It also means that if the survivor sees the Unknown for an extremely small amount of time through a hole in a wall, they still get the entire reveal buffer's worth of time. The staring buffer should only happen if the survivor has been continuously staring at the Unknown for 1 second. And if that's too much, then make it 0.75 seconds. But currently, there's zero actual staring requirement, which is bad.
- Fix the Stridor bug where it gets 100% countered by Iron Will, because this unnecessarily nerfs Spirit.
- Spirits original directional phasing audio respected sound occlusion, and that was fine. But when the directional phasing audio was buffed so that it no longer respected sound occlusion, that was too much of a nerf.
- Fix the short m1 attack bug that can steal hits from the killer.
- Fix the sound bug that is causing grunts of pain and footsteps to be completely silent when the chase music is happening.
- Fix scratchmarks so they can appear on objects that lack collision.
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Always glad to help ♥️🐽♥️
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Yet when I post a discussion that took 30+ minutes to type talking about ideas I have to help make Ghostface a better killer to play, no dev response and zero interest from any forum users whatsoever. Literally just proves that nobody on this website browses the “Feedback and Suggestions” category.
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I mean…
You could post a link to it here ^^
It fits the discussion and if more people are active here, more people might see your post!
I'd gladly take a look.
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No, I’m not gonna beg people to view my discussion or try to elicit pity to get someone to read my post. I’m a content creator so I might as well use my free time creating a video talking about any changes they end up making to Ghostface. There’s thousands of subscribers and YouTube viewers who are very willing to listen to my opinions
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But then who gets the zombies? Where do the zombies go?
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Good for you then.
Was just a proposal. Nobody said anything about begging.