I really enjoy Wolf-from only Dracula

You're basically playing a different Killer! This playstyle is obviously way weaker then to just switch to whatever abillity suits the current situations, but I really enjoy just running around as the Wolf just puncing on people playing pac-man as I chase!
I sometimes wish the wolf was it's own Killer haha.
I recommend using stealth perks too. Stealth wolf is so fun.
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I'll be sure to try some! I have been using Monitor & Abuse along the Moonstone Necklace for a 20 meter Terror Radius, but going full stealth would probably be even better! Any suggesstions?
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Glad you're enjoying wolf form. Almost every Dark Lord encounter is just bat and Dracula rotation.
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Currently I'm trying the Obsession switch-aroo build, which kinda also works like a slow down x Stealth build if you really squint your eyes haha
Not the best build in the world but I think it's quite fun as wolf-only dracula!
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This is why i started doing it. I may use wolf once per match normally.
I'm a little depressed though, I think Wolf is easily Draculas weakest form but playing it exclusively is fun though, and rn I'm performing better as Barkula than Nemesis. That just feels wrong to me especially after he got nice buffs.
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I love to play Wolf Only Dracula but I find wolf so annoying to play. I think it bc Wesker is one of my fav killers and when I play wolf all Im think is that Pounce is just the worst wesker dashes. I just would love the choice of using the 2nd pounce instead of being made to do it every time I use the power. I really want wolf to be his main power tho and love to see qol changes or small buffs to it.
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I can't use Wolf because all of a sudden Survivors want to pet me and I cannot play the game normally anymore.
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Pets? Pets?
There’s nothing that can be done about this. Comply please.
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I personally like using Dark Devotion for hit and run off the obsession or Unforseen for plenty of time to reach another gen or two.
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That sounds like a nice way to play him.
And after its future power adaptation/adjustment, the wolf will probably not be affected.
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Wolf form is actually really good, just deceptively hard to get the hang of, so most people avoid using it.
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Even tho the Wolf form alone isn't the best, I still enjoy playing as my little worse Wesker clone!
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Im sorry but this is not true at the slightest.
I have been playing mostly Dracula-only since he came out, i play with the 3 forms and Wolf is just bad. As the "tracking tool" that Dracula has is actually terrible as tracking and in chase the Vampire form is better in 95% of loops. Hell even in some loops with high walls where you are not supposed to use Hellfire there is usually some window/pallet that makes you able to Hellfire the survivor through it or bait the survivor to not jump/throw it with Hellfire.
Im happy if people enjoy using Wolf only, the same way as if someone is using Trapper without traps. Honestly that seems like an easy match for the survivor too so the survivors will also be happy of you using it.
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I did try wolf only last night after I read this post. It was ok and had few fun matches but I pretty much lost ever single one of them. I still think wolf needs some love. I stand by my claim that I would like to see them nerf bat and shift some of that power over to wolf.
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They could have a Wolf only addon for him with som buffs to the Wolf making it more viable. I mean they to have Hag addons taking her power away and giving her speed boost instead this would be more or less the same thing.
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An add-on that removes bat form and only allows you to use Wolf form when? :3
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idk, wolf only dracula is kinda terrible imo. tru3 did video on this at one point and one of his comment was that your playing worse m1 killer in the game.
currently, i don't think wolf has much purpose other than using it as weak wesker dash between loops but that usually requires you to use bat form to position yourself well to line up the dash which require a lot of foresight and pre-planning.
the speed boosts from wolf are non-existent in duration. it is like 2 second speed boosts and orb tracking is like worse Oni because orbs don't spawn if you don't move apparently.
Another strange aspect of wolf is how wolf has a pallet break but recovery is as bad manually breaking a pallet. i wonder if the whole goal of wolf was to break pallet, pounce once after break and than pounce again, like triple pounce. i feel like survivor could still just hover around loop maybe it has zoning purposes like brutal strength.
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As terrible as he is, I still have fun playing him that way which I think is the most important thing you can do in this game :)
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idk, i have feeling they'll try buff wolf form in upcoming changes but like fail in bvhr fashion. than again, they might do something funny like make his orb give you 35% haste or something.
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Hmm, maybe they can actually make wolf form viable instead of the bat form! But one thing is certain, Bat form is getting nerfed no matter what haha
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I love that you are playing into your username 😄
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I hope they buff Wolf but I honestly think the only thing they are doing to him in the next update is nerfing Bat. I think it's not even going to be a small nerf either. Since so many are talking about how strong bat is and some even saying it invalidates spirit, they going to slap a really heavy nerf to bat and make it his worst power.
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Yea they'll probably nerf the bat a bunch, the ideal nerf in my eyes would be to make Survivors really difficult to track, so you cannot really use it well in a chase, only for traversal, + a slightly longer switching cooldown for bat form only, so from Vampire to Wolf it would be the current 2.5 seconds, and from Wolf / Vampire to Bat it would be like 4 seconds maybe.
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I mean you cannot even see them in Bat form. You also do not see pools of blood, how do you make it even harder for tracking?? The form has literally an extremely hindered tracking.
You cannot go and just remove the scratch marks too. That would destroy it both for chase and mobility, as the survivors could now just run if they see you coming and once you transform back into Vampire/Wolf they would be far away already.
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they're already difficult to track. experienced killer use bat form in chase to min-max his abilities. It is not like new or middle level of players will proficiently use bat form correctly.
the two aspect of bat form that are over-tuned by survivor/BVHR standards is Medusa's hair add-on and the fact that he has 1 second cooldown post-shape shifting to attack. Medusa hair provides 15% hindered penalty for teleporting to a window/pallet but outside of that, bat-form teleport is not a good traversal tool. The other aspect that people whine about is bat-form tracking you like spirit and him being able to m1 quickly if he lands on top of you but the whole point of bat-form is for you to juke bat-form so that he doesn't land precisely on top of you. But like old spirit, even if you give survivor exact location for where bat form is, the worse player won't bother to mind-game or have any tricky movement so you get same complaint that killer min-max ability while worse survivor players complain he's too effective at slaughtering newbies. BVHR could increase his cooldown post-shape shifting but he has also has severe m/s reduction in that 1 second that makes little clunky. So I suppose they could increase duration from like 1→ 2.5 second's but make him move at full speed when in cooldown.
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How do you deal with windows as wolf-only? I struggle so much with windows as wolf and I think this is the right place to ask lol.
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As the others said I think tracking in bat is already difficult. You only have scratch marks go by really. Before anyone says anything, yes I know Bat has the ability to hear survivors 50% louder but I have NEVER noticed this part of bat's power. In fact I didn't even know this was a thing till someone pointed me to the wiki page on Dracula. So either this part of his power is bugged or the 50% louder footsteps isn't powerful enough to overcome the loud bat cries the smaller bats make. I just know whenever I used bat all I can ever hear are those annoying ass bats and survivors have always been around to juke me in bat. I have an easier time hearing and hitting survivors as a spirit than bat.
I do think the bat needs to be torn down tho, esp the hinder addon. It's dumb to have an addon that is better than a killer's whole power(Clown's bottles). As far as the power itself maybe some small number of changes need to be done but honestly, I think bat is kinda fine overall. But if it needs to be nerfed, that fine just move some of its power over to wolf since wolf really could use the help. I just don't see BHVR doing this sady tho. As always they will nerf his most complain parts heavy and not really give him anything in exchange.
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Are any of the other Dracula players having a tougher time with your Lery's matches?
Feels like every time I get that map it's an uphill battle against map layout, and I end up spending most of it playing M1ula instead of getting full use out of abilities like wolf mode.
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Hmm, depends on the loop, if it's a longer loop I can use Pounce to deny the window, if not I can just play a normal Killer with a 3rd person cam, low profile and ocasionally a 4.8 m/s movement speed, you cannot really go backwards, but you can go sideways so I'm doing that to mindgame Survivors a bit!
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Yea removing Scratchmarks would probably not be a good idea tbh, I don't really find tracking with him that hard tho.
Maybe what they could do is to slightly muffle the sounds of Survivors so they're not impossible to track, but you don't really know their exact location, to make it better for tracking but worse for chasing, they could do a reverse Old Predator, where the Scratch Marks are much more spread out than usual, so you can notice them from further distances while traversing around the map, but in a chase they wouldn't be really a dead giveaway where the Survivor is heading to.