with maps being made smaller, hooks every 5 feet apart and now the ability for dead hooks to respawn, survivors have next to no chance to wiggle off unless every other survivor kills themselves to allow the carried survivor to get off.
You're not supposed to be able to wiggle off. Not without the use of perks or other survivors sacrificing themselves.
You realise how unplayable killer would be if the survivors you downed could wiggle off even semi-reliably? It would be like if Merciless Storm was basekit and failing the check took off 50% repair progress.
Wiggle exists to force the killer to take you straight to a nearby hook, instead of carrying you around the map and into the basement every time.
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I mean the wiggle mechanic was never meant to be a guaranteed thing .
Like Seraphor mentioned, its main reason is to force a killer to either drop or hook you instead of carrying you around the map.
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Wiggling exists so you dont get basement hooked/pain res every time. Going down in the first place is your fault.
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wiggling mechanic is when a killer successfully wins a chase and prevents and flashbang or pallet saves. This should be the safest interaction for them
As is, perks and items can spot hooks,sabotage hooks, and increase wiggle time and the effect of the wiggle, usually it only takes 2 people if both have common game sense to pull a successful wiggleout
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this please, it's about time we started compensating for the smaller maps.
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the last 4 maps to release are huge
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Hooks are still closer together, having the faster wiggle from the wiggle beta wouldn't be so bad.
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If you wanna wiggle faster use Flip Flop. End of story.
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Or we should just, not make maps smaller.
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Survivors really just want to be slugged to death