Games are so fast these days

For real, had a match with Clown earlier tonight and my main plan was to equip Surge and get that 8 damaged gens tome challenge done in a jiffy. Well, RNG brought us to Eiry and the game lasted 8:30min with 3 hooks. Those survivors were cracked and out for blood! But 8:30min … oof, should a Clown match be that short?
Well, the next match brought us to the Yamaoka family estate and even though the survivors got an early flashlight safe, I totally tabled them and got three kills, all within the void, ain't that funny? I bet there is a joke somewhere in there.
That last survivor never got hooked and I escorted that Sable to the exit gates and she escaped at … wait for it, 8:30min … oof, should a Clown match be that short?
But at least it was all perfectly balanced - but in a totally crooked and twisted way. Clown lauged - but was not amused.
Sometimes I wish matches in this game were a bit longer. Like, I wish everything just took longer, you know? Gens, hook-states, etc. Probably an unpopular opinion but it's depressing how some matches I don't even get to try whatever silly build I'm running either because everyone is dead in like 5 minutes or because gens fly and suddenly the exit gates are powered.
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Can you blame those survivors? Clowns play in a usual way that’s very nasty. I rush games against them too. And when I play Clown I’m very nasty as well. His appearance and power sort of demands it.
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Remember when Gens where 45 seconds and toolboxes let you do 2 gens in 60 seconds.
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Pepperidge Farm remembers…
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8 minutes is a lot though.
games can be lost faster.
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Have we arrived at a point were we consider 8:30min matches long, though? Yeah, as killer I speedrun a couple of times sub 3min, but this weren't regular matches, the survivors were really feading themselves to me and were stubborn to get that save/finish that gen/pick that survivor up in my face or whatever.
8:30min would mean one hook each 42s, actually faster then that. Thats a pretty breakneck pace, no matter how you cut it.
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im not talking about games you win by early snowballing.
average game duration shouldnt be more than 8-12 minutes. gens simply dont take that much to complete + a few minutes to wrap it up.
if people dont waste time and play efficiently, thats just about how long it should take.
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It certainly feels too fast.
I was in a match earlier. Nurse against four pretty average survivors on the corn map.
I was playing casually (no camp, no tunnel, no slug) but these easy marks still managed to push their gens quite fast with a typical gens-before-friends tactic (enjoying the full 70 seconds they have). At some point I had two of them hanging in the basement (as I said: pretty average). The two others have popped two gens, in parallel, without a care while I got their friends hanging.
In the end I killed them all but they were easy in the chases and made several mistakes. Had they been a bit better, I would have lost.
Earlier, on RPD, still Nurse. A more difficult, coordinated, team of four (given the way they played, and how they were always preparing to intercept a hook without having any other way to know where to do their ambush than with coms.)
Generators made in parallel, early leavers, completely silent flashbangs: it was painful. I was able to bank on one mistake to kill a survivor with one gen left, then giving up defending the last gens I got another one on hook right on time for the end game. At that point it was barely five minutes in. Then it was a war of attrition against 3 OTR, one UB and two flashlights to try to keep that hook. They've managed to unhook three or four times and in the end I got one of them: a hard-fought draw … because they've made many mistakes during that phase.
All they had to do to get that draw was hide and do gens in parallel. I could never have got that result with any other killer.
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Right now Gen time is at its longest its ever been so games longer.
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Thats only partially right: gen time has been unchanged since 6.1 in june 2022, but games in general aren't longer then in the past, far from it. Due to the environmental pressure, both, killers and survivors, adapted by trimming the fat off their respective playstyles and becoming more lean and efficient in the process.
No one has time anymore to bumble around the map, hunt for bones or open chests or even work on a gen together. Most survivors learned during the 6.1 aftermath and the Overbrine-Eruption meta, that splitting up and pressuring different gens at the same time is king, thus you get this "first chase - 3 gens pop" syndrome.
Thats not "wrong", its actually the best and most efficient way to play, but because both sides had to become hyper efficient in order to thrive and survive, matches have become much, much shorter then in the past and I am pretty sure that thats a fact.
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I wouldn't call it long bit I wouldn't call it short either. It's inside the range for what I would call a normal length game
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Just out of sheer curiosity, what would you consider a "normal" time for a match?
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You were lucky after all... True genrushers makes games even shorter, especially if they take brand new parts paired with green toolboxes and perks for improving genspeed. Just yesterday i got a team that in 5 minutes did all the generators… you know that what could save the day in those cases? Noed (situational, true, but still useful)
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Alright so Im tired rn and Im gonna take everything here literally.
Gens at the very very beginning needed 60 charges to be repaired, which was increased to 65 not long after the games release. Some time in 2017 they were then increased to 70, and then again to 80. It remained at 80 for years, until it finally reached the 90 charges we have today with patch 6.1.0
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No dbd match should be longer than 10 minutes
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Interesting … I always considered 12min to be the sweet spot of a fun match that wasn't steamrolled and snowballed by either side, but seems that I am not the metric here.
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Yes they are.
I guess they will become even faster with less opportunities to hide. I already have that.
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15 minutes would be nice, but 12 is good too.
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So then whats wrong with your numbers? In both your matches one side got steamrolled. So the time is even pretty high for that.
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8:30 for a 3 hook match is not bad actually. Even if you assume 60s total travel time and only 2 survivors on gens, they can still get the gates open and leave in under 6 minutes.
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Old dbd was harder for Killers but at least pre 6.1 there was some slight room to breathe. Survivors didn't have the anxiety they do nowadays.
After 6.1, there was like a 2 week honeymoon period where killers thought life was good, but then survivors stopped horsing around and then we were back at Square 1 as survivors made up for their nerfs by just prioritizing objectives.
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You're attributing "nasty" to how people normally play the game. It's like a killer not only getting mad at survivors healing fast or doing good in chase, but also saying, "That's so horrible, what you're doing to me! Play easier for me!"
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And you're sure that has nothing to do with the quality of your team? There were many games I could have won, or had the gens done way faster, had my teammates been playing half as well collectively as I had been individually. Take the killer on 5-10 gens worth of chase? Most likely they still don't get done. So it's matchmaking that needs looking at right now, not "the slow gens speed" as everyone says.
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I still think 6.1.0 was a terrible patch that should have never happened.
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Nah, you are 100% right. 90% of most interesting matches are always between 10 and 15 minutes. I would say that almost every match which ends under 7-8 minutes is heavily one sided and almost never feel balanced.
It's ridiculously funny see people claim that match should be under 10 minutes from same people, who think that:- Killer should always go for 12 hook, no camping, no tunneling, no necessary slugging, no possible ways of pressure are allowed
- Good killers with short chase are not allowed, it's not fun and we don't like them
- Slowdown is not allowed, aura is not allowed, everything that saves you time should be nerfed
- "Maps are so small nowdays, I miss time, when m1 killers hook survivor after 2 minutes chase and by the time they came to gen on another side of the map, we can have small talk, play Sea Battle with teammates, smoke some cigarettes and finally finish gen, until killers finally learn that there is no point in leaving hook at all"
I swear bhvr should just release gen repair simulator to finally make most of player base happy.
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I just made a Gen speed video where we popped all 5 gens in 4 minutes flat. Averaging 50 seconds a Gen.
Tool boxes are crazy but people rarely use them lol
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Holy hell that is too quick, the poor old killer must've wondered what happened :(
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Do you expect surviviors to be bad?
There is no different way to win, but pushing gens.
Can't be mad because other side wants to win in PvP game.
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Killing time is now too fast, too easy for killers. Of course surviviors will push gens.
Too much power was given to killers, so survivors can't play around anymore if they want to have a chance to win.
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What came first chicken or the egg? Personally my experience is I used to go for hooks. But gens go so fast these days I just don't have time to find the survivors, chase them, down them and spread hooks. Since gens pop so fast I have been tunneling at 5 gens. Pressure is on right from the get go so I need to keep up with the pace.
If gens took longer I wouldn't feel pressured to get kills so fast. I'm sure others would say killers kill fast so gens need to be quick but in my experience it's the other way round.
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That's what happens when the main consideration for MMR is choosing players to "make queue times low". Most games are stomps for one side as a result.
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Sounds like a good amount of time. After all, 7 minutes is all Wesker has to play