When are you going to address the Shape?

We all know he is useless and needs all the changes and better add-ons, but now that you've handed every killer a finihser mori on a silver platter for free, it's about time to fix The Shape's Mori add-on. What's the point of it now to have Mori's on top of Mori's?
Just spawn survivors on hooks or in a grave atp.
Best Answers
They can’t change him without changing the add-ons and his iridescents do more than just allow for a mori: they allow him to bypass hooks altogether, a la original moris.
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This month.
He's literally getting changes this month. Did you not see the latest road map?
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I mean you took time out of your day to come here to complain about a video game. So it seemed reasonable to assume you might also keep up with the updates they put out. Honestly it's a bit rude to imply those who keep up with the game news have no life outside of it.
As for your second point, we don't know what they will and won't change about him. You asked when are they going to address him. You got an answer. It's happening this month.
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Maybe it's time to burn all my tombstones.
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Hopefully they don’t touch his Tombstone. I think it’s fun to face.
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I never get Tombstoned as I'm usually invisible in a bush crouching 😏
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Ehm you're the one here assuming things and making what I said personal. I'm talking about myself and that I don't have the time to keep up with every update every single time, for some reason you felt spoken to and think it's rude? You're making it personal for yourself, not me. Someone else already answered my question.
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Most people would have just said they missed it.
"No I actually have a life outside this game" was your response to me asking the simple question if you saw the road map they released. Now you're either blissfully ignorant of how that strongly implies what I said it does, or you're trying to white wash it by pretending that's not what you were saying.
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Literally anyone would understand "I have a life" to imply anyone with the information you don't have to NOT be like you... Unless you're in the habit of saying completely unrelated things in the same sentence. Do you in fact have such a habit?
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The Bush protects all of its devout followers.
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Get over dude, it's just a game, unless your life acxtually does revolve around it. You keep talking off-topic because you felt spoken to and got your feelings hurt, it's not that deep. I asked a question and got an answer. Move on. Matter of fact don't bother responding, I'm not going to have a back and forth with a child that gets throws a tantrum over something that didn't even concern you. Goodbye.
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Talking about someone else throwing a tantrum like a child whilst throwing a tantrum like a child. I suppose it is the Internet, to be fair.
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I mean you literally are throwing a tantrum about it yourself
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Oh did that make you feel better? You really showed me with that response, LMAO. But please comment more off-topic nonsense.
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k bro. Really showed me that you know the definition of a tantrum. Good job. Go buy a cake and celebrate it, yeah? :)