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Ghostface changes YOU want to see in November

Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

Since BHVR announced Ghostface will be getting tweaks in November, what kind of buffs/nerfs/changes would you personally like to see the made to the masked slasher?

I curious to hear from both sides, Killer and Survivor

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  • Member Posts: 7,010

    I could see them maybe making him invisible past a certain distance similar to Freddy when he's in power. That distance of course would have to match how far he can stalk tho.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    I really like this idea, since being Undetectable and stealth gameplay is the most appealing part of his power. I don't know if they'd add this though since it would make him significantly more effective against Solo survivors and only slightly more effective against SWFs

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    I'm really afraid of that happening. I've thought of that change becoming a possibility, let's hope they don't go in that direction.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    A fix for the reveal mechanic.

    Unknown has a similar mechanic and it works fine... well, most of the time it works fine.

    Ghostface's reveal should be the same.

  • Member Posts: 7,156
    edited November 2024

    With a very slow movement speed and tiny lunge. Only works on indoor maps too.

  • Member Posts: 4,796

    Matchbook basekit again (and a rework of Matchbook so I can finally feel like I can run other addons instead of cooldown), maybe Philly basekit too.

    Apart from that, I don't know what they could do. Maybe 4.0m/s crouch speed?

  • Member Posts: 8,589

    It would pretty much kill the stalk/ambush playstyle. I always worry about how much they understand a killer at a high level. Being on a timer would kill most of his setups.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    I know that a lot of people have been asking for those two addons to be basekit, but I think that would make the gameplay on the Survivor side feel worse.

    Both of those addons make Ghostface significantly stronger on indoor maps with no downsides, and a faster cooldown means that we will likely see more hit-and-run ghostface players, which is a playstyle many people find boring or annoying.

    I'm happy with any basekit addons they give him, but like I said, it could mean a worse experience for Survivor players.

  • Member Posts: 4,796

    I mean that's just how his kit fundamentally works. Whether it's Hit and Run or Stalk and Run, there's always an "and run" attached to it.

    Unless they want to give him a brand new ability on top of what he already has, juggling survivors by either hit and run or stalk micromanaging is his only game.

    You can't really make him stronger without buffing hit and run playstyles because that's all he boils down to at the end of the day.

  • Member Posts: 7,010
    edited November 2024

    Yeah, and he moves at 4.2m/s and has a lunge as long as a gen alpha's attention span

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    I have to disagree with this take. His cooldown used to be significantly longer (I think it was 30 seconds, then 24 seconds, and now 20 seconds). Having a longer cooldown means it's not a great idea to lose your stealth just to get an injury on one survivor, and it also means that you basically have to run a cooldown addon if you really want to commit to the hit-and-run playstyle.

    Imo, hit and run is a strat that you use out of desperation to create pressure. It should not be the primary way to play Ghostface and it shouldn't be encouraged with a faster cooldown either. The primary way to play him should always be to stalk and ambush survivors.

    I feel like a great "new ability" they could give him would be having some basekit rewards for stalking or downing marked survivors. Like if you down a marked survivors, you instantly recharge 50% Night Shroud. I feel like that would be healthier for the game and would make Ghostface feel more interesting/rewarding to play as.

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    Isn't that last idea a weaker version of his iri add-on?

  • Member Posts: 733

    I would reduce the cooldown to 15 seconds, (even Chucky with a much more powerful ability has a 12 second cooldown), speed addon after marking the base set and make it 10 seconds long, and survivors on the hook/ground would need 10 seconds to reveal GF
    in any case, this is m1 killer who suffers from discord info and body blocks, so I think besides this he needs some global changes or something crazy like +5% speed while he is in stealth

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    Yeah it is, but his iri addon still recharges your Night Shroud even if the survivor wasn't marked. What I want is a faster recharge for downing Marked/exposed survivors.

  • Member Posts: 732

    I just want them to make it so that hooked survivors cannot reveal me :(

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 135

    Same. Even if that's the only change they were to make to Ghostface, it would instantly make him feel 1000% better to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    would you say the anti-facecamp meter means this function is no longer necessary?

  • Member Posts: 732

    Absolutely! That was actually my main line of reasoning a couple days ago when I was talking about this to a friend of mine. I understand why survivors used to be able to reveal you from hook. But it is no longer necessary!

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2024

    i suggested 3 changes about 2 months ago on ghostface. the 3 changes i suggested were following:

    → Increase leaning stalk time from 200% → 250%.

    → When a survivor is first marked, Ghostfaces hinders the survivor for 10% for 3 seconds and ghostfaces gains 10% haste for 10% for 5 seconds.

    →When a survivor is marked, The survivor's generator's repair speed is reduced by 25%.

    I further explain why i think these changes would help ghostface be a more potent stealth killer and improve his 4vs1.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Member Posts: 5,784

    Give him a top hat on top of his hood.

    Make his leaning client sided instead of server sided, its not fun to stand at a corner / edge for half a second before you can lean

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    I'm pretty sure nothing will change with GF until they make mark progress don't remove on hit. This killer always will be super clunky unless I can put pressure on survivor which revealed me and don't deny whole work I did before it.

  • Member Posts: 781
  • Member Posts: 895

    Haste addon basekit.

  • Member Posts: 2,344

    i think him and myer should get 1 free coup stack whenever a survivor become expose. Survivors can just pre drop you to hell cuz your a m1 killer with limited duration.

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    Myers does have extended lunge range while in Tier 3. What if Ghostface has extended lunge while he's in Night Shroud?

  • Member Posts: 2,344

    myers does but it's barely noticeable in my opinion. coup give nearly double the distance of a normal lunge.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I disagree, to be honest.

    Unknown's mechanic works way better than Ghostface's reveal, and for Ghostface the reveal is the main counterplay, therefore it should work properly.

    I don't think it would be terrible if Ghostface's mechanic was similar to one which actually works.

  • Member Posts: 3,007

    Unknown's requires looking at him for roughly 8 seconds to escape a vulnerable state that can be immediately reapplied by the Unknown. Ghostface is revealed in less than 3 seconds and it completely shuts down his power. The two are not comparable.

  • Member Posts: 2,039
    edited November 2024

    A few fun ideas.

    Idea 1

    Allow him to enter lockers. It's not powerful, but it's our ghostie - imagine the silly shenanigans that would ensue with him jumping out of a locker at you. Him hiding in an enclosed space is even in his DBD lore. If you want to take it further, one of his biggest problems is a huge lack of ways to get around the map. An accomplice system would help, here. Let him mark up to 3 lockers. Upon entering a locker, he can teleport to a marked locker, and the locker he went into gains a mark and the locker he teleported to loses it's mark. This essentially is where one killer hides in a locker and his accomplice then takes over - essentially, you're playing as two killers, just one at a time. If a survivor opens a locker one of the killers is hiding him, they are given a skill check to evade getting injured, and the killer is given a notification. This would allow him to travel around the map better while also giving a realistic take on why it feels he could be anywhere.

    Idea 2

    Another problem is that he has to take time to set up ambushes. In a game where speed is key, this already is putting him at a disadvantage. When he speaks up on a gen, he can peek the corner only to then see that the survivor was on the opposite side of the gen. Now the survivor just runs off, and all that time carefully sneaking up goes to waste. I suggest instead that when ghostie is crouching, he can see the aura of nearby survivors that are currently interacting with something (such as repairing a gen). This way, he can properly set up an ambush without the results ending up being RNG on what side of a gen the survivor is on.

    Idea 3

    So many times, crouching up onto an unsuspecting survivor goes out the window because the survivor suddenly just sprints. The survivor has no idea ghostie is nearby, but suddenly chase music kicks in and they panic and run for the kills. I'd like to suggest that crouching suppresses initiating chase. This way, you can use crouch walking (which already is slow) to actually properly sneak up on survivors without them getting warning chase music.

    Idea 4

    This is similar to the crouch aura read Idea, but instead of aura reading, any survivors nearby interacting with something instead gives off their own version of a red stain for ghostie to see. It extends out 3x the length of the killers red stain. This would allow ghostie to see exactly where the survivors are looking giving much more potential at stalking or ambushing. Imagine working on a gen, turning away for a moment and then back again. In that instant, suddenly you just see ghostie just staring at you - taking advantage of that moment you looked away.

    Idea 5

    A different accomplice system. On a cooldown, ghostie can generate a decoy ghostie. This is bot controlled. Ghostie can aim in a direction, and the decoy ghostie will appear and run in that direction. If ghostie is out of stealth, the bot has a TR and red stain. If stealthed, then the bot is also undetectable. The bot doesn't chase survivors, but instead does basic pathing in a direction. The purpose of this is to sow deception among the survivors. SWFs may give out bad info' "he's by the tractor!" which allows the killer to take advantage of survivors lowering their guard. It also makes room for the killer to mindgame the survivors and pretend that he IS the decoy when in reality is an active threat, "that's just a decoy". It can also just get a survivor to hide and play defensively when that survivor things ghostie is nearby but in reality just a decoy. If that's too weak, the bot ai could chase after survivors, but vanish in smoke if he "hits" which does no damage. Would be hard to tell if the real ghostie is after you or not.

  • Member Posts: 460
    edited November 2024

    Ghostface also needs you to see 70% of his body and constantly breaks when you can or not in maps. Like in swamp if he's on the ramp in full view and your on the gen near the top you cant break him. In meat plant if your by a table and he's 10-15 feet from it you cant break stalk but you can break through the stock shelves with the smallest gap.

  • Member Posts: 744

    I've made a list after 10k hours of mostly playing Ghostface.

    • After 4 marked downs, gain ability to throw the knife once.
    • While crouched and in Night Shroud, the Ghostface will not trigger chase.
    • Accrued stalk points do not drop off on injury. (All accrued stalk points drop off went put into the dying state)
    • All reveal progress is instantly lost when losing sight of the Ghostface while Night Shroud is active (Current time to reveal is 1.5 seconds).
    • Add slight speed burst when revealed.
    • Make directional indicators more accurate when in the process of being revealed.
    • Cut cooldown of Night Shroud in half on successful marked stab.
    • Make effects of current 'Chewed Pen' and 'Lasting Cologne' base kit (Increases reveal time for dying and hooked survivors to 3 seconds)
    • New Chewed Pen: Marked targets become blind for the duration of the mark.
    • New Lasting Cologne: Survivors injured while Night Shroud is active suffer 10% repair, healing and sabotage penalty for 45 seconds.
    • New Marked Map: After performing the damage generator function, survivors within 10 meters of the affected generator will have their locations revealed for 3 seconds upon the next interaction with the affected generator.
    • New Cinch Straps: Night Shroud remains active after successful 'Silent Stab' scoring events. (Putting survivors into the dying state ends Night Shroud)
    • New Victim's Detailed Routine: In addition to it's current effect, aura of marked target is shown for 5 seconds.
    • New Nightvision Monocular: In addition to it's current effect, aura of the revealing survivor is shown for 5 seconds.
    • New Telephoto Lens: In addition to it's current effect, stalking has no range limit.
    • While Night Shroud is active, if a survivor is 'stalkable,' provide an animation around their portrait that indicates they are 'stalkable' (unintended marking can be extremely detrimental).
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  • Member Posts: 125

    They just need to make him speedier in short mode, give him a 5 m/s killer when crouched. It doesn't make sense and won't happen but it would be very funny.

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