Revert back the ending mori

TerraEsram Member Posts: 696
edited November 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

It's no use, it's just no use to play survivor anymore without friend, or without a big full squad (an SFW) since this joke come basekit in this game
ALL MY ######### MATCH I get as survivor, just a enormous slugfest, there's no point playing survivor, I'm just going to play 100% killer in this scenario, why bother?
Each patch become more and more a nightmare for soloQ, and the dev, or the people on behavior, seems to having no ######### to give to people, even when they say otherwise
I can understand when I stomp survivor and let them play, become nice as killer, they seem's ######### happy if all game they get is like the ten I get today (plus the game I get the other day who are litteraly the same #########)

That's what you wanted behavior? A Sandbox where one role is a punching ball for whoever? Okey, go one, continue like that, you gonna get more and more people upset, you don't want to interact with people anymore, seems what you were saying in the past was just a lying "listening to the community"
What a joke

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited November 2024

    Honestly just let it happen. The complaints will be too loud to ignore soon. U will see some basekit solution for it like the anti camp or anti 3 gen eventually. Of course that likely to send killers into a tunneling rampage. 😔

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368

    They probably knew slugging would increase but thought it was enough anti slug perks to counteract it. Which show us a greater issue about this game.… we gotta stop releasing solutions to big problems in the form of perks. Make anti tactics and gen defense base kit. The player base is more tormented than the actual survivors in the lore. The entity is full devs.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 392

    They won't. Its fun for the power role to perform a flashy kill animation. This is more important than survivor quality of life.

  • JiWONG
    JiWONG Member Posts: 30

    Revert horeverse the hook timer and we have a deal

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    Not playing for hooks has nothing to do with finisher mori.

    Knockdown playstyles have everything to do with off-the-hook perks and how horrible it is to play against "anti-tunnel" perks that can punish you even if you don't tunnel.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    There is a p100 blight player on EU who keeps slugging during the event on purpose while farming pumpkins with double iri addons. Totally intended gameplay wasting everyones time, then mori'ing the last survivor.

    I want to be optimistic, but the team don't care less about this sort of gameplay, they will never warn/ban them, nor change the gameplay loop because they aren't being subjected to it.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 712

    Don't most anti-tunnel perks deactivate after some amount of time being off hook?

    I can see how WGLF or some similar perks might get abused by swfs if the heal rate is too high.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    Of course, because nobody ever slugged for the 4k before.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    All this frothing rage for the sake of an animation that you have to see sometimes.

  • MissClove
    MissClove Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2024
    Post edited by MissClove on
  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747

    It's not uncommon for survivors to get unhooked and immediately seek out the killer to body block with OTR, DH as a backup and DS to follow. OTR has an 80 second timer and does not remove collision from the survivor to curb this type of misuse.

    Someone with DS can be unhooked and healed while the killer chases, downs and hooks a completely different survivor, but if the DS timer is still active and the first survivor gets caught again, then the killer is punished by DS even though they didn't "tunnel."

    It's bogus, it sucks and a lot of people who play killer are becoming quite tired of "playing nice" yet still eating a mouthful of garbage for it. It's like being told to not cross a line or you'll be tasered, then getting tasered anyway even though you obeyed.

  • smurf
    smurf Member Posts: 712

    I mean, if the survivor goes out of their way to body block you, they get what they get. I pulled that against a Wesker a few days ago, hard blocking after an unhook bc my teammate was injured on death hook. There were even more reasons why I went out of my way to do it, but when I got chased off hook, I knew what I was getting into :)

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    It's just an animation.

    Killers have been trying to 4K since forever. If the mori has even had an impact on how often that happens, it's only a temporary one due to the finisher mori being a new feature. The novelty will wear off.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 2,000

    BHVR has to make all these things in the game due to killers. Anti face camp, three gen solution, etc. Its all due to killers playing the way they are.

    Since nothing really is done about problematic things, play killer more. Survivor has lost a lot of its charm and polish since its been buried in the Dredges void hole.

  • A_T_E
    A_T_E Member Posts: 199

    Slugging was, slugging is, and slugging will be. The end mori didn't change any of that, regardless of what some of you people delude yourselves into believing.

    If end mori goes away, I'll still slug for 4K, if I feel like it. If I manage to have only 2 Victims at 2+ gens remaining, I can damn well do as I please. Sometimes I'm nice and let them up to repair, but as Killer, it's my decision and there's nothing wrong with going for 4K. End mori is just a tiny bit of spice for that victory round.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i feel like dbd is stuck in the past where anything that dev change → please revert to old version. there is like 0 adaption to any of changes now a days. the killer, the perks, the global changes. everything.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 497


    Reverts mori update

    Killers still slug for 4k

  • Jay_K
    Jay_K Member Posts: 478

    This mori change has hasn't really changed much in terms of slugging. Killers who want to play like that will play like that. Its like the anti camp change. killer still camp just proxy instead of face.
    All this mori change has done is maybe caused the second to last person being slugged so the killer can find and hook the last person. Its at worse a 4 minute slug timer you have to deal with and 9/10 times your not slugged that long unless a killer is purely going for bleed out (which has nothing to do with mori's and hasn't increased because of it).

    Personally i think those complaining about base kit mori, which give no gameplay advantage to the killer, should kinda just get over it and accept this is the way it is. Killer players had to accept all the base kit changes survivors got like Anti camp and Base kit BT which DID effect gameplay.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368
    edited November 2024

    "dredges void hole" 🤣🤮🤣🤣

    i play killer more anyway but yeah solo q kinda cook. Only play bare minimum in a duo when i do play. I just waiting for the 2v8 honestly. That's the most fun I had playing Survivor in a while