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What's the point in playing Spirit when Dracula exists ?



  • Member Posts: 87

    People are still blinded by the period when Spirit used to compete with Nurse in terms of strength but after all the nerfs she received + buffs other killers received and new strong killers being released she's now pretty comparable now in terms of strength with pretty much any A tier killer, which includes Dracula. Heck even other 10k hours killer mains streamers like Tru3 and Otz started placing Spirit outside of top 5 in their killers tier list so the better players are starting to see that she's not all that anymore.

    And considering that she has weaker mobility, longer cooldown, punishes mistakes harsher and is more add-on reliant than Dracula I don't see why a comparison should between these 2 should be forbidden. I main both and in my eyes, Spirit just has more weaknesses against good survivors. And even tho kill rates aren't the end all to a killer's strength, I highly doubt Spirit's kill rates considerably falling off ever since IW went back into the meta is a coincidence.

  • Member Posts: 431

    Latest Otz killer list its from 9 months ago, from patch 7.5.0, where Spirit was already nerfed, and he ranked her at 3rd place after Nurse and Blight. I think the only change we could maybe have in that tier list now that could dethrone Spirit is that Chucky has become somewhat of a monster after the recent changes, but thats it.

    One advantage Dracula has over her its that its easier to play, but Spirit will always have more lethality in chase due to the fact that you can see Dracula in Bat form while you need to hear Spirit phasing sound well enough to know where she is, and due to her speed while phasing and if she is close to you, the sound can be deceiving, while you will see 100% where the Bat is.

    The better the player is, the better results he will have with Spirit over Dracula, due to how easier is to deceive survivors if you know to do good phasing compared to using Dracula's Bat form.

    One thing i have noticed that survivors do and probably makes them feel Dracula is unfair is that they throw a pallet, stun Dracula, start running into the next loop, they see Dracula transforming into Bat form to go over that pallet and they try to keep running into the next loop anyways and Dracula just catches them in Bat form and downs them.

    If you see Dracula transforming into a Bat to pass over a pallet….just dont leave that pallet. Spirit can totally hit you if she phases just next to you, you dont have time to jump the pallet, but Dracula cant. If he transforms into the Vampire form then you can just safely jump over the pallet and Dracula will not be able to M1 you in time due to the transformation delay where you cannot attack.

    The more i play Dracula, the more survivors seem to counterplay me well enough. They bait me while i am in Bat form doing things like running then doing a 180º and running back so the scratch marks overlap, they jump fast a window then slow vault back so i cannot hear them, they wait in a pallet side until i transform to jump over the pallet,…

    As i said, i see Dracula as a strong (not overpowered or broken) killer. But Spirit is still better than him, thats why i dont understand the outcry and the comparison between them. If he somehow "dethroned" Spirit in the "tier list" i would understand a little better, but Spirit is still the better killer right now, even counting all of Dracula's tools.

  • Member Posts: 158

    yeah but currently his bat for transition back to his normal for is only a 1.2 sec before you can hit a surv it's far superior than spirit currently you don't need to worry about 50/50 with his bat form you'll always get a guaranty hit

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    My opinion is this:

    Bat isn't stronger than Spirit, but Dracula as a whole might be.

    So, Bat Form Dracula has 3 advantages over Spirit:

    • Shorter cooldown, infinite duration and other powers to fall back on. The third thing is the most important. I can guarantee you that if he was Bat only, Spirit would beat him. But with the teleport, Hellfire and Wolf, he has the versatility she lacks.

    Now, for the advantages Spirit has:

    Much faster speed, she's much less predictable, can attack instantly and can track survivors slightly better because there are no loud bats squeaking around her. A short loop is a coin flip against her most of the time.

    Plus, with the next update, you can bet that the shapeshift cooldown will be increased, so that brings Dracula a bit lower.

  • Member Posts: 431

    Literally all the things you've listed you can do against Dracula you can do against Spirit efficiently as well, her invisibility is massively overrated against survivors with a good headphone. And if you get juked as Spirit you now have a longer cooldown than Dracula and you're getting looped as a 110% speed killer with no other antiloop options till your power comes back, that's why Spirit is now weaker as well.

    The "good headphones" thing is a myth. Yes it helps, but i can assure you a lot of people play already with headphones (hell i would say that most people do it) and Spirit is still ranked at the top most of the time. By having headphones doesnt make Spirit far worse of all sudden. If it did, Spirit would be a low tier killer, as headphones basically "countered" her. You can still catch people even if they are aware of the sound, and you have a much easier time doing it than Dracula due to being invisible, having easier time to juke pallets (if people camp a thrown pallet you will not hit them as Dracula's Bat form) and being faster than Dracula.

    And Scott Jund isn't the only one putting Dracula over Spirit, I've seen even some comp players doing it as well so Spirit is indeed getting outclassed by Dracula, you're just refusing to see it.

    There are some comp players that see Dracula above Spirit. There are also some comp players that see Spirit over Dracula. The "i am refusing to see it" can also be applied to you.

    I mantain what i said. Against better players Spirit has an easier chance as she has more lethality than Dracula. If you play both of them extremely well, its easier to juke out Dracula than Spirit. Throw a pallet and camp it, now Dracula has two options:

    • Either break the pallet and go into next loop because he cant M1 after transforming from Bat form
    • Change into Wolf or Vampire form and go into the standard mindgames with the survivor to hit with his M2. Bonus points if it has high obstacles as he will not be able to Hellfire

    At the meanwhile Spirit has always been easier to hit on pallets, even with the directional sound.

  • Member Posts: 531

    I cant wait for the devs to release the next dev blog so we see how useless they going to make bat. I have no doubt in my mind that they going to slap a heavy Nerf to bat bc all the complaining and give Wolf nothing. Dracula going to be a killer with three weak powers that are just copies of other killer's power. I still hate this is the direction they decided to take the dark lord, to make him into a copycat killer with no power to call his own. Plz devs never do a venra or dracula again…I'd rather have a killer with one strong power than a killer with 3 lame/weak powers :-/

  • Member Posts: 87

    And yet against actual top tier comp players Dracula ate Spirit up, which as a main of both of these killers it was a pretty predictable result, just like I kept saying in this post. Especially the no add-ons comparison, a 110% speed killer with a nasty 15 seconds cooldown on her power has anything but lethality xd.

  • Member Posts: 431

    What i find interesting is what people have been saying about Spirit of all sudden compared to before.

    Before Dracula exist: "Spirit is still top 5 killers in the game, even after the directional audio nerf"

    After Dracula exist: "Nah Spirit is not that good and is easily counterable"


    But the best part is that in the same video you are sending me, Scott is literally saying "Dracula is just a tiny bit better than Spirit", and by you pointing that Spirit is a 110% speed killer with 15 seconds cooldown that has no lethality you seem to say that Spirit is also "not even that good", so… by Dracula being a "tiny bit better than Spirit" means that he also is not that good. No nerfs needed then, buff both Dracula and Spirit i suppose?

  • Member Posts: 750
    edited December 2024

    dracula and spirit have similar gameplans, but different ways to approach it.

    spirit is a simple and unified form of dracula's tracking and chase with mindgame potential and emphasis on reading survivors, preventing them from executing a plan as much as possible.

    dracula is more complex with emphasis on cutting off options and applying pressure via. having access to tools that suit a job accordingly. both meet in the middle on controlling the survivor they're chasing.

    as you would expect, this all boils down to preference at the end of the day. numbers only contribute so much to what a player feels comfortable doing and what suits their playstyle best.

  • Member Posts: 87

    It's called power creep, since then stronger killers have been released, others have been buffed and Spirit's counter perk IW has been buffed back into meta, so I don't know what's so shocking that she may have fell down a couple places on people's tier lists. Even on Otz's new tier list she fell off top 5:

    Also the no lethality argument was relative to her comparison with Dracula, of course against low or mid tier killers she still has much better lethality overall but I wasn't comparing her with those.

  • Member Posts: 431

    My guy, you are totally fixated about the "Spirit vs Dracula" thing. I just forgot about this discussion but you keep quoting me everytime weeks after the last time.

    And in fact, this list proves that Spirit is still on the very strong side (which you claimed she was "not very good").

    This comparison is mostly dead already and doesnt make any sense anymore. They are different killers. They have different powers. In fact, i am 100% sure that if Dracula could see the survivors in Bat form, people would have never compared it to Spirit. People only compare because they do not see them and are not able to attack them, but their powers work differently.

    Maybe Dracula is better than Spirit? Sure. Also Dracula is better than Trapper. And Dracula is better than Freddy. But i dont see the "Dracula vs Trapper" or "Dracula vs Freddy" discussion.

    Please, just let it go already. Both are killers on the stronger side, if anything this means that both should be nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 1,959

    Dracula is only stronger because Bat Form is not his only form.

    If he had Bat Form and Vampire Form without Hellfire only, he would be worse than her.

    That's it.

  • Member Posts: 531

    Honestly, I don't care if Dracula is better than Spirit. I still like Spirit better and honestly I do better as Spirit. Bat is to loud for me and I can't even hear survivors' footsteps in it even with the so-called "50% louder sounds effect" bat has. Also I like killers who have one power and not 3 or 4. Imo Dracula and Lich were annoying killers bc they both have a bunch of powers clam into them and I much rather BHVR make killers who have one power I have to learn. Also don't even get me started on Wolf…Wolf is a disappointment and I hate how it controls and I'd rather play Wesker any day.

    Overall yeah Dracula may be slightly stronger than Spirit but I still prefer playing her and she isn't even bad, she is still a A tier killer. This is coming from a HUGE Castlevania fan as well but imo I HATE what they did to Dracula.

  • I have more trouble facing spirit than Dracula. Hearing for me can be an issue sometimes

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