Fire up Buff prediction for January

Fire up alongside all of Quentin's perks and remember me are all slated for changes. I am curious on Quentin's perk changes since most of them are alright except pharmacy which can just be reverted to it old self. Remember me is probably going to have its obsession exception removed or changed. Fire up however is a fun perk. It is the only perk to effect pick up and dropping survivors which is pretty neat. I think fireup might get a buff. Some I would like to see would be

1- Add opening locker speeds to it. Combing this with that trickster addon and iron maiden will make a funny but impractical locker speed build.

2- Increase 4%to 5% because when 4 gens are popped and your on your last one it should be at least on par with the perk that gives you 20% from the beginning. When the 5th gen pops instead of getting a 5% stack you get a 10% stack for a max 30%.

This would make you feel "Fired up" in the end game. For instance picture yourself in the endgame and everyone's on death hook but all alive fire up would make picking up survivors much faster prevent flash saves and make the end game not feel hopeless. Idk if its overpowered but considering other perks that can be in this slot like NOED and No way out it would be at least fun. Imagine combing buffed fire up, dark arrogance, bam, and superior anatomy for a 110% to vaulting. What do you guys think of this? Any issues I failed to mention.


  • angrychuck
    angrychuck Member Posts: 132

    I didn't even know fire up affected pick up speeds, honestly really like that.

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 266

    you could make it 10% per gen done and it STILL wouldn’t be great.

    This is how it should’ve been from the beginning. Losing 1/5th of your objective should not give a measly 4% action speed increase.

  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 426

    well idk about that if the perk did 10% it would outclass dark arrogance and brutal strength in only 2 gens done. Most games 2 gens pop by the first chase. But yeah 4% is weak maybe it can be higher than just 5%

  • fixblitzskin
    fixblitzskin Member Posts: 426
  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024

    Maybe keep the perk as is, but add this. So during the game, you get slight buffs, and during the endgame you get a big one.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    I'm against haste perks in general. Mft perfectly showcased that.

    A status effect like hast should never be given out easily and especially not without any effort.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 461

    Unfortunately the faster pick up dropped being useful as soon as the 0.4 second flashlight window got added

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    my expectations for killer perk changes are rock bottom.

    attitudes like that will not promote any perk variety on killer side. your response effectively bans any chase oriented builds from being relevant in the game.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664
    edited November 2024

    So any chase related perks have to include haste now?

    Edit: haste given out for free?

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 4,082

    I assume they'll buff the numbers and put it on a 60 second timer or something, like Machine Learning.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    My buff would be:

    -add recovering from missed basic attacks

    -an extra 10% is added on top of the normal bonus for 30 seconds after a hook

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    I don’t usually agree with @radiantHero23 but at least he’s consistent. He is a killer main but doesn’t like haste for either side. And tbh he’s right, we don’t need more haste-based perks for either side. It’s just too much of a disaster.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i did not say that. i said i am saying that for killer to consider changing their build play-style into something different than this large laundry list of game-delay perks:

    Haste perks are main potencial of chase builds for killer. besides bamboozle which is plaster fix to bad window design and slow-burner brutal strength, there isn't much for killer in relationship chases builds. arguably the most chase oriented builds in the game in my opinion right is Franklin demise+Weave attunement which gives aura's in loops for killer based off survivor's inability to manage their item. but that is like Opps, we made chase build, better get rid of that one.

    A lot of the perks in the killer game encourage efficient soft-tunneling like aura perks, 3 gen like gen-kick perks, early hard-tunneling like gen-blocking perks but don't really promote killer for playing offensively and playing loose. Part of why playing playing loose and offensively is rarely seen on killer is because there simply aren't any killer chase perks that promote that gameplay style on killer end that are perceived as popular/good choices. The reaction you expect whenever you suggest out of the box is @GeneralV reaction or @ReverseVelocity reaction.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,916

    There's out of the box and then there's conceptually busted.

    You're basically suggesting the killer version of (old) Made for This, which was incredibly busted. Your idea is just inherently flawed, and not even theoretically, it's been tried and tested.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Movement speed is tricky to balance.

    That is mostly due to the impact they have on chases, and the amount of time that is or isn't dedicated to one specific survivor in chase. Due to their impact, movement speed perks or powers cannot be oppressive.

    That is why people complained about MFT. That is why Oni has to build up his power. That is why I believe Wesker is poorly designed.

    Fire Up giving the killer haste would be oppressive.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    tested on survivor. the problem with made for this is that made for this was universal tunneler modifier that applied to entire team. survivors could stay injured and all survivor would have made for this which would punish all killers for doing any chases.

    typically for survivor, a modifier like this should be more centered around people that are closer to death hook which incentives killer to go for fresh hooks over death hook people because death hook people are harder chases. I'll end on that for survivor.


    For killer, it is been tested on skull merchant and for the most part, it was successful on killer end. Skull merchant was unanimously known for being a killer that had a poor chase capacity prior to her changes and encouraged killer to play as inactively as possible to simply kick gens until server closes. If the player decided to chase survivor's, they're immediately lose but killer player was attempting to be as resilient as possible from losing. BVHR reworked skull merchant to gain claw traps which would apply a long term haste bonus. this would encourage player to setup up claw traps to gain cross-map haste and setup up drones outside of playing turbo defensive from very start of the game. it would enable skull merchant to play more offensively despite being a defensive trap character. For the most part, it was successful for killer.

    The problem is that when a killer is actively applying pressure, survivor would simply disconnect because they didn't enjoy the match. As a result, BVHR axed skull merchant. I am going to go back to this killer after i talk about few other killers.

    Let's talk about another killer. Clown. Clown is a killer that has a particular ability called haste bottles. haste bottles with Cigar box last 8 seconds and clown has 6 bottles by default. if we were to say that clown uses only haste bottles entire game, you can get 8 seconds x 6 bottles of ammo totally a 48 seconds of haste. While there is a reload time for clown, you can be speed-up for 48 whole seconds in the chase. The haste isn't permanent but it might as well be permanent because of how long it lasts. The first question to ask is whether clown conceptually is a broken killer? Your post suggests that. I don't see anyone talking about this and there are not many mass disconnect reporting on him. For reference, the way clown plays is that he spams yellow bottles in his gameplay and than during his haste duration, he has to insert a slow-effect at correct time to get large burst of speed. that is realistically his chase power. Similar to how skull merchant can have long-term haste and can insert a slow effect onto 2nd survivor, Clown does something similar.

    Ok, going outside of particular killers, there are many killers at this stage in dbd that gain large amount of speed in burst fashion. For example, chucky has Slice & Dice which moves at 200%+ speed every 10 seconds. even if we account 10 second cooldown, you get like 3-4 meters of relative distance for pressing ability. that is like 10% haste on average for map mobility. it is important to note that relative burst speed in loops or between loops is more important than total distance gain. Spirit is another killer that also has 5 seconds of 200% speed with her mother daughter ring and has similar green add-on for recover to gain similar mobility results. Dracula is new edition to roaster and he is also has bat form to move around map and has relative speed increases towards bat form and wolf form pounce. The most notorious killer to talk about is Nurse that has burst gap-closing tool in chase for all loops but than she also skips building objects where for example, a killer has to walk around building to enter a building while nurse just blink through it which is easily in 30%+ haste category. You can go down list. blight's another killer with unrivaled mobility. I said i would come back to skull merchant. All these killers don't have to do anything to get their ability work but than we have Skull merchant that has to setup traps to get lock-on tokens and spend personal time to get measily 3% haste. Apparently that is too broken and requires survivors to disconnect constantly.

    So your right. it has been tested before on killer and a lot of killer that it has been tested on are able to play more offensively and have more flexible wins in their gameplay. For reference, the reason why people are talking about fire-up is because fire-up is possible gateway perk to killers exploring non-aura tunnel builds, non-generator delay builds and focus on pure offensive play. A killer might consider to run perks like Fire-up+Brutal strength+Enduring+Spirit fury. One would wonder if BVHR is perhaps attempting to slightly shake up the meta for killer? I mean they're changing freddy who is arguably worse m1 killer in the game and Myer's who is arguably most m1 killer in the game? Maybe there is something in their changes.

    At the same time, you and @radiantHero23 might be right. perhaps it is just regular perk update.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Im aware of that.

    I do think that you can design good chase perks. However, a status effect like haste should never be given out easily due to how strong it is.

    A good example is play with your food. It provides a very strong effect, however, this is locked behind heavy restrictions to keep its power in place.

    Perks like Stbfl and blood favour showcase that a chase perk doesn't have to include the haste status to he effective.

    Dissolution with a few tweaks could also become a decent chase perk.

    The problem is haste. Not the idea of a chase perk.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i'd consider stbfl more of exposed perk. that's technically chase perk but you don't see expose type perks that much either. Sometimes you see occasional mangled but it usually has very little impact due to the debuff expiring. dissolution and blood favour are jokes perks because you can outrun duration of the perk by running forward or looping windows.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    I think it would be neat if Fire Up also applied to successful and missed basic attacks. Sure it would make for a really potent combo with STBFL, but that's two slots you are giving up for an effect that you have to first get stacks to benefit from (and that survivors can counter to an extent by having the Obsession take hits), and that only gets to be really potent in the lategame. Even in general it can obviously be said that killers that regularly use M1 attacks are some of the weaker ones, and they would benefit the most from perks like this. I think STBFL is a very healthy perk as it gives M1 killers the chase strength, snowball potential and endgame threat levels that they otherwise can lack to an extent or another, and this would only add to that.

    Alternatively they could indeed also simply buff its numbers, although 5% is still too conservative for my liking. Kid you not even 10% could be feasible, although I know that is much beyond what BHVR (and many players) would be comfortable with. But 8% would be perfectly alright. Yes it would make for a potent combo with perks like Brutal Strength or things that increase window vaulting speeds, but those again are mostly relevant for M1 killers who if anything deserve potent chase combos like this, especially considering they are spending another perk slot on it, forgoing some slowdown perk for it. And again considering that it only gets to be really potent after 3+ gens have been completed, so it has a self-balancing effect of not enabling a killer to snowball too much too early on.

    Remember Me could also do with a number increase. Such as 10 seconds per stack, up to a maximum of 60 seconds. Since it's the Obsession that has to lose health states for the tokens, needing 6 would actively discourage tunnelling as you can only at most get 4 if you never let them heal. And letting the Obsession heal and finding and downing them again multiple times in a match is also far from reliable. And you are only using 3 perks for the duration of that. Sure you can use other perks that switch the Obsession around, but then you are investing even more slots into perks that are really not great.

    Blood Warden could be buffed by either making it so that it activates if you hook a survivor at any point after the last gen has been repaired (i. e. 99%-ing gates does not play around it anymore, instead upon opening a gate Warden will activate and block said gate for 60 seconds), or making consecutive hooks block the gates again, such as 30 seconds for the second hook, 15 for the third.

    Vigil could simply be 40%.

    Pharmacy could increase med-kit charge efficiency by 100%.

    Wake Up! could at the very least also reveal other survivors' auras to you when they are opening an exit gate, as well as perhaps its opening progress by ways of its aura intensity. Although gate-opening progress is probably something they are looking to include on the survivor activity HUD at some point.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,916

    I think I could get behind a similar idea. I wouldn't only want it to activate in the endgame because honestly it's a nice perk as it is, just underwhelming.

    If they made it 5% per stack, and an extra +25% when the Exit Gates were powered, I think that'd be really neat.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    Stbfl is an exposed perk??? Stbfl will not make you down people after one hit. Stbfl will make the survivor HAVE to take the next loop and not the 2nd or 3rd loop. Most of the time they will make it somewhere. They just cant choose very freely, where that somewhere is. Thats the strenght of Stbfl. It makes people have to do quick decisions and you would be suprised how many people in this game are not capable of doing that.

    Both dissolution and blood favour can be great on certain killers. They are just not perks that you can just slap on every killer and get value. Personally I think perks should be like that to enable perk variety.