Well guess trying to be a good sport isn't a thing
I was facing a ghost face who DCed since they weren't having a good match gens flying and very few hooks but I mean also it was Vecna's map. So I send them a gg because hey they played fair and tried. Their response was basically saying to shut it and so on even though all I said was GG. The number of times I've DCed and people said gg but seriously why not just ignore the message if your that upset or just say gg back.
If the Ghostface DCed they certainly did not have a good game. So even if your intentions are well or you just say "gg" all the time, it can come up as mocking the other side.
If a player DCs or if a Killer gets like 2 Hooks the whole game or the Survivors dont even get a Gen done, a "gg" really sounds more like being a bad winner than anything else IMO.
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Do you think it was a Good Game for them?
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I usually respond with BG, after a game like that. Don't need to go into specifics with them, but hopefully allude to the fact that I had no control in the match and got rolled, after not even playing bad. Before anyone starts, results do not equate to performance.
A more appropriate GG would be when both sides had fun/experience. At least some back and forth, you know. Not 1 side getting destroyed the whole time. This is the only game of the genre where it's accepted as normal to let the 1 (in the 1v4) experience that. Predator, you can take pot shots at soldiers until they're weak enough to kill. Klowns, both sides are teams, so there could be a swing either way at any point. Friday (RIP soon), you can focus down the weak teammates and guard multiple objectives at the same time (relatively).
So I don't knock people for saying GG. It just isn't a GG a lot of the time. And that goes for survivor matches as well, but that's another story.
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It's usually up to the loser to say GG first. That's a sign of a good sport, especially if they're telling you that you played a good game. Innocent mistake you made, but in a day when saying GG can be considered a taunt, it's best just to leave it, because if they wanted to talk, they'd just go AFK and say something post-game. If they left upset, they probably don't want to talk about it either, at least not right away. But hey, you learn from it. Not everyone reacts the same as you.
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I play anonymously on PS5. I'm not interested in hearing anyone's opinions on the game after it is over, good or bad. But if I were to be open to post game chat then I definitely wouldn't be in the mood for a GG after everyone involved knows it wasn't a good game. The polite thing to do is say nothing in that situation. Even if you honestly had the best of intentions (which I frankly doubt), anything you say could be misconstrued into rubbing salt into the wound.
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How would people here take a 'glnm!' in that situation?
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When there's nothing good to be said, nothing is the goodest you can say.
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I did have good intentions. I say gg because I had fun sure he DCed but it was fun facing him. I don't start basically mocking him and saying why DC because then it would be a bit hypocritical since I'm guilty of DCing.
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It's still unfortunately a bit tonedeaf, no matter what your intentions were. Saying GG to someone who's clearly frustrated and getting their ass kicked is rubbing salt in the wound, as they did not have a good game, and many people will do this intentionally to rub it in. The Ghostface was unable to determine your intentions and wasn't in a good enough state of mind to interpret it charitably; since they already felt attacked that game, it's not surprising they read your GG as mocking.
If you want to reach out to someone in that situation, wish them a better next game.
6 -
I wonder if something better in that situation would be something along the lines of:
"I really appreciate you playing fair, not tunneling and stuff! :)"
I know that regardless of the outcome of my survivor matches, the match can be fun as long as the killer doesn't do things that ruin the game for people. And I appreciate it when my survivors say they enjoyed matches with me!
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My dude, YOU had a good game. THEY did not. Saying gg after someone disconnects is just rubbing salt in the wound of a game that was already awful. The best thing you can do after a game like that is to just not say anything at all. Just go on to the next round.
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From their perspective, they had a crap game and wanted to move on. Sadly, they quit. They then get one of the survivors going "gg", which they may very well take as a mocking statement. "Gg" doesn't have any explanation to it - no emotional hints as to the meaning - and I believe some also use "gg" as short for "Git gud". Because it has nothing to clarify the motivation, and bearing in mind that the Killer had quit, I can see they may have taken this as a form of mockery.
I fully believe that you meant it in good faith. It's just sometimes the room needs to be read better, and an understanding that letters are more a convenience to shorten phrases and save time, when words are far more important.
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Oh, absolutely. Some people are just very upset and won't want to hear from the (perceived) aggressor no matter what, but you've got the right of it - praising them for some cool or funny thing they did during gameplay or thanking them for playing fair is the best way to reach out, depending on the situation. Even praising their cosmetics if there's really nothing else and the match was a shitshow from the start. Or apologizing, if your survivor teammates were BMing the killer while they lost. I've been on both sides of that equation and I can't understate how much that counted for me when I had a survivor reach out and express distaste for teammate BM, because during the match it always feels like you've got a unified force laughing at your expense.
To be honest, I find that GG, even when used in the fairest possible light (you say it after you lost), is pretty cursory and stale. Even saying "Good game!" does far more to convey sincere meaning than "gg."
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I mean so as a killer main literally 97% percent of the time, when I get steam rolled and they send a ggs I usually respond back ggs wp unless they were just unbearable you know. I can admit when I get outplayed or when I make too many mistakes. My issue is the sore winners, that come in and start talking trash. A simple ggs from a team that just cooked me isnt a trigger for me, they probably just came off a terrible game and played my match really well so it was in fact a good game. I have very few games where the win con was completely out of my reach.
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I don't know I don't want to sound like a 50 year old dad who's pulling a how do you do fellow kids move. But a lot has changed in dbd that I'm not used too. So me saying gg is just because a lot of other people have done it even if I had a garbage game and decide to pull the plug on it they say gg or gg wp. I don't know maybe I have to just not say it anymore. For the love of anything I faced a Chucky a while back who slugged people on the ground the entire match I mean gens weren't flying they just wanted to slug I guess. I said GG because I was wanting to show good sportsmanship and boom got banned from their twitch chat. I don't know maybe saying gg just shouldn't be a thing for me anymore knowing some people will think I'm saying "get good".
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To be fair, when tempers flare saying GG and meaning "Garbage Game" is probably a good self help trick xD
"Yep, GG indeed" xD
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Yeah I feel that I've been there, I literally gave someone a shout out in my live stream because they actually looped so well. Went to the stream to support them and tell them ggs and immediately banned. It's kind of crazy. I was born late 80's so this mindset of being mentally hurt by losing/winning in a video game is weird to me. After losing to Mike Tyson in punch out about million times it kind of humbles when it comes to games lol. Even if people arent being good sports and type gg I still perceive it as a ggs you know.
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Exactly. If I get cooked and they say gg it feels like an insult only. But it’s through text so no intonation can be discernible, but it still seems that way
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I usualy dont say anything at all until the opposing side says gg first. U never know how they are feeling after the round and implying it was a good game for you simply could be a taunt to them