General Discussions

General Discussions

Myers finally feel good

Member Posts: 197
edited November 2024 in General Discussions

The Shape - Basekit
  • Increased Evil Within I movement speed to 4.4 m/s (was 4.2 m/s)
  • Increased maximum stalk per Survivor to 20 points (was 10)
  • Decreased the amount of Evil Within required to reach Evil Within II to 3 (was 5)
  • Increased the Evil Within gain multiplier when stalking from afar to 1 (was 0.1)
  • Decreased the Evil Within gain multiplier when stalking from up close to 0.4 (was 1)
The Shape - Addons
  • Fragrant Tuft of Hair: Increased the Evil Within III requirement to 20 (was 10)
  • Lock of Hair: Decreased the Evil Within III requirement to 50% (was 100%)
  • Judith's Tombstone: Increased the Evil Within III requirement to 20 (was 10)
  • Tombstone Piece: Increased the Evil Within III requirement to 15 (was 7.5)
  • Scratched Mirror: Decreases Evil Within I movement speed to 4.2 m/s (NEW)

That changes hes see on PTB. And they are really good. Tier 1 not useless anymore, Myers cannot lose his power anymore cause increased stalk points. More stalk from a far. And tombstone addons save its uniqness but make them more fair in case of time wasting.

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  • Member Posts: 787

    Tier list doesn’t matter on dbd. Be glad that he got changed after years.

  • Member Posts: 11,763


    Your thoughts, my friend?

  • Member Posts: 197

    My main dissapointment is Judith version are even more trash than before and Tombstone Piece is still better solution. But he cant delete you at 5 gen anymore cause increased stalk point for reach tier 3. So 1st Tier 3 hel get with this addon at 3 gen not 5, so it still good way of balance. Anyway justice for judith version

  • Member Posts: 2,649

    You sure? Since he gains stalk literally 10x faster from a further distance now, if he sneaks up on two survivors on a gen in the beginning from a distance you don't think he will reach tier 3 in a little under 80 seconds?

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    So they basically killed his best Add-ons instead of reworking them. Wow.

    Now 1 Ultra Rare will take you just as long as double Iri. Myers took you before to stalk, and will be even slower when stalking from up close. His basekit changes seem really good, but they destroyed Tuft of Hair + Tombstone's. Could've just removed their effects and made something else, but as always.. number tweaks it is because it requires barely any work.

  • Member Posts: 197

    He cannot stalk 2 survivors at once, this bug called instatier3 was fixed long ago

  • Member Posts: 197

    To be fair they nerf his strongest addons and buff Lock of Hair (its not weak but have to much downside). I love this addon for 40 second long Tier 3 and now it became much more usable.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited November 2024

    You mean I'm actually better NOT walking towards survivors while I stalk, cause further = better?

    Stalking from afar like Myers does in the actual films!?

    21.6 seconds at max range to stalk up a Tombstone Piece kill that can be done on a single survivor?

    You can unironically get Evil Incarnate on Tombstone Piece!?

    I'm terrified.

  • Member Posts: 732

    I like the stalking from afar thingy. And the fact that now survivors have double overall juice to give you, so you don't run out of power as fast as before. But I feel he could still use some QoL changes (like being able to pop your power by pressing a button instead of having to 99%). And his add-ons need further changes imo. Not a fan of Tombstone Piece remaining pretty much the same.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I'm happy you like them, my friend. I agree with what you said about Tier 3, but overall I think they knew what should / shouldn't be done to Myers.

    As for Tombstone Piece, I'm happy it remained. Even if it causes a few problems, it IS a good fit for the character.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    A fault of mine is that I don’t do good with numbers. Can you tell me, does the change to his movement speed affect his movement speed with Scratched Mirror? Is it slightly buffed, nerfed or the same?

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Thank you good sir, I was ready to throw a tantrum, my anger has been abated. Sad it wasn’t buffed a tiny bit, but I understand why it hasn’t.

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  • Member Posts: 197

    Its actually good thing this addons save they uniqness but get nerfed a little bit

  • Member Posts: 440
    edited November 2024

    I don't see how these are good changes. They changed everything except the problem, which is the ability to 99% Tombstone and suddenly kill someone who you haven't stalked the entire game.

    Judith's Tombstone also got unnecessarily nerfed. Only Tombstone piece needed a nerf. Judith's is not a good add-on, it's fun to use but requires to stalk all 4 survivors before you have a power, which is way too bad of a downside. Now that it's nerfed, I don't expect Tombstone to be any less frustrating, rather I'd expect Myers' pickrate to drop.

  • Member Posts: 7,161
    edited November 2024

    You don't see how buffing his base kit is good changes?

    Piece is the more popular of the two tombstone add ons because it's easier to get going with no speed downsides when you hit tier 3. You can have someone dead at 5 gens. Why would you assume any of this would hurt his pick rate?

  • Member Posts: 440

    Myers' base kit is boring and has nothing unique. Nobody will play him basekit, even with the buff.

    The reason he's popular is because of Tombstone and the Mirror add-ons. Now that they obliterated Judith's Tombstone, half of the reason to play Myers is gone, hence his pickrate will drop. And this is a stupid change, because Judith's is by far the fun one for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 7,161
    edited November 2024

    No offense I am disregarding your first comment because that's personal opinion. There's a reason the community has been asking for years to buff his base kit and nuke the tombstone add ons. So I don't buy into your logic at all.

    Again Judith's tombstone is not even the most popular of the two. The piece is. Always has been.

  • Member Posts: 440

    Myers is currently the 7th most popular in the game, despite being a paid killer. Do you seriously think it will be the case if he becomes a killer whose only power is to expose survivors? When there are killers like Plague or Hillbilly who have almost the same effect, but are much more interesting to play, free, AND much stronger?

    The community has not been asking to nuke the Tombstone add-ons they asked to nuke Tombstone piece. Check Otzdarva's Tier-list, he rates Judith's Tombstone as completely average.

  • Member Posts: 440

    So you can disagree with Otzdarva's opinion but in this case it's pretty apparent you have never played this killer to make yourself an opinion at all… Again, Judith's Tombstone is not Tombstone Piece. While Tombstone Piece allows you to quickly stalk and insakill survivor who you haven't seen in the entire game, Judith's Tombstone usually take 4 gens to charge up fully and by the time you have it everyone hides in lockers, no more "instakill". It's fair to say this playstyle is not to your taste but not acknowledging the difference between both add-ons is questionable as their playstyles are completely different. Judith's also has a -9% speed penalty which is huge and pretty much forces you to use PWYF.

    Try it and you'll quickly reconsider. The reality is, Judith's is not a very good add-on.

    And FYI even if you play only survivor this change will be detrimental. As it stands on PTB, Judith's Tombstone got nerfed a lot more than Tombstone Piece, so the logical result will be that more people will play Tombstone Piece.

  • Member Posts: 9,436



  • Member Posts: 440
    edited November 2024

    It's not "rude" to say you have never played a killer, come on. Seems like I was wrong assuming this, but when your name is "Dwight_Fairfield", that you disagree with Otz and you say you want to "nuke" an average add-on because you basically don't care, it seems logical to assume this. Also to be clear, I'm not talking about the "unfun" aspect, that one is a valid criticism, but the strength of the add-on however is at this point objective: you will not find a single top player that tells you Judith's is good.

    why would anyone care that they nerfed it if its not good anyway? 

    Because it literally goes against the whole premise of doing balance changes? We should nerf things that are strong, not things that are already weak.

  • Member Posts: 222

    Not every game is a competitive hardcore competitive pro game, having Myers delete a survivor is fun and fits the character. I am not sure about how it´s going to feel stalking from afar to get more than stalking close, idk, seems weird.

  • Myers is a special case where people don’t really care about him being weak. They find him fun regardless because people feel like they are playing the actual character. Any buff he gets are just a plus.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I'm happy for any change, but the Tombstone add-ons haven't been dealt with well for me. They still have the potential to take someone out straight away, which needs to be removed.

    I have no issue with them granting a Mori on last hook, like The Executioner can do if a survivor is tormented. I'd also be happy for them to add an additional ability, such as maybe seeing generator progress auras at certain points whilst stalking, or silencing the changes in tiers whilst surpressing the TR whilst in tier 2.

    Unfortunately, they left the problem "within" for these add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Actual lore accurate Myers that means I don't have to be up in their butts to get value from 99ing someone. I can play him like Ghostface, hang back, stalk, and finalize coming in for the kill just like he does in the films. And his power limit is effectively gone, he tiers up more, gets his power more. All he needs now are some addons improved, fixing Tier I, and making him not lose stalk at all but these are good compromises I will happily trade out tombstone items for. I hardly even use those.

    BHVR ate.

  • Member Posts: 894

    i feel like Ghostface, Pig, and maybe the new Killer are this way. Fun is important, the Killer doesn't always need to be strong as you point out here.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I thought your main was... well, yourself, my dear friend.

    Do you play Myers?

  • Member Posts: 347

    That's exactly the mindset BHVR wants everyone to have, lol. It's been almost 8 years, and the best they could come up with were basic number tweaks that everyone knows probably took an intern a few days to whip up. The same thing happened with Twins, Sadako, Skull Merchant, and probably Freddy too. But hey, at least he got changed, right?

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    kinda expected that. i knew they wouldn't really improve him and only make his instant kill add-on worse. almost all of changes were focused on making his instant kills worse and they might made his base-kit also worse in process. i cannot remember the last time i ever ran out of stalk with myer's. it's not really thing. you need to not get any downs for multiple evil within 3's for that to occur. to me, it looks more like they listen to new player changes.

  • Member Posts: 603

    4.4ms at tier 1 is a huge change. It's a tiny number tweak but it makes his early game so much better when you are struggling for stalk at the start. Makes so many loops and interactions so much easier to gain stalk on. As for the distance change, it is going to hurt early game at high levels, but it does fit with the theme of stalking from afar. Playing on an indoor map where survivors run when they see you and you have to stalk up close at loops is going to take forever. Will have to play the PTB to see how it feels.

  • Member Posts: 222

    It’s completely counter intuitive buffing his speed at EW1 but forcing you to stalk from afar. What’s the point of no terror radius? Idk

  • Member Posts: 298

    exactly , i was expecting the ability to hold onto power like oni instead of allways needing to 99% tier 2 . Faster pallet break speeds and maybe even survivor carrying times in tier 3 . Having the entire draw of t3 being instadown and a slightlly longer lunge is just not enoufh . Billy can basically instadown up close always while having insane map pressence/mobility and not needing to build it up via stalk .

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