Final tunnelling solution

Shoulder the burden, new surv perk, allows to transfer a single hook stage to the teammate you unhook once per trial as long as you aren't dead on hook too.

WYT, guys?



  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,225

    If everyone brings this perk, Killer needs to get at least 6 hooks before able to kill anyone.

    So I guess tunnelling is dead, but at the costs of 4/16 Survivor Perks. I would say that's a win.

    That 20 second expose is literally a joke unless killer camps, and is a M1 Killer.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Definitely seems to be a good anti-tunnel perk on paper, curious to test it out.

    I'd be wary of considering it the ultimate end to tunnelling, though. Whatever that looks like, it'll have to be a basekit feature, not a perk.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 460

    If you find yourself a lot being the better survivor of the team and being hooked rarely because of it, this perk rocks.

    I think it will be significantly less useful un SoloQ, but that's a SoloQ issue :(

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,225
    edited November 2024

    Just to let you know, that's basically Make your Choice, but only 1/3 the duration. How many times Killers get downs with that perk?

    Not to mention only M1 Killer can benefits from it.

    Edit: I just remembered it doesn't have 32 meters requirement, so maybe it's more dangerous than I thought.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    doesnt that make it better because it increases the likelyhood of killer aggroing on YOU giving you the situation with the most control?

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410

    i count hooks to make sure i dont tunnel so this kinda sucks for me

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    Love the idea behind it though I'm not the biggest fan of the exposed. I'm fine with screaming since the the idea is taking aggro but the exposed is too much; make it oblivious or something else instead.

    I'm also more annoyed everyone on Reddit is claiming this was 100% Otz's idea when everyone and their mother has brought this perk idea up for years. -_-

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    It shouldn't have either a scream or Exposed. It would still be questionable for solo queue with the lack of coordination but it might be useful if there were no tells it was used. As it is it's decent for SWFs but it will be limited utility for solos.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited November 2024

    I don't think it needs the Expose, as that's just going to encourage proxy camping. It also doesn't really help when the killer is both tunneling AND camping.

    If it loses the scream as well... well as someone who likes to spread hooks and is usually disappointed when I eliminate a survivor too early, I'd appreciate the telegraph. If not survivor hookstates on the killer HUD.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I think it would be nice if they replaced the exposed with aura reveal for a few seconds.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Also a good idea. It would better indicate who made the unhook and allow you to track hookstates.

  • himheart
    himheart Member Posts: 113

    BHVR made the same mistake again. Instead of reworking abusable mechanics, they try to fix them with perks. Camping - use Reassurance, tunneling - Decisive Strike / Off the Record, slugging - Unbreakable, and now they introduce this one. So if you want to survive - use full meta to counter every possible scenario (and then they nerf meta because it's a meta).

    Btw yet another perk that buffs experienced and competitive SWF players, who are good in looping and will trade hooks 100% of the time, but will suck in solo q.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    The fact that it is a perk is cringe, even if it is available with iri shards as non licensed. Making new player grind even worse to unlock basic anti tunnel and QOL perks like new killers have to get their slowdowns. The 20 seconds of exposed will mean that killers will counter this by proxying the hook, and encourages survivors who got unhooked to bodyblock with basekit BT and use antitunnel perks offensively.

    I do like this perk, don't get me wrong, anything in a solo queue team's kit to help each other being tunneled is good, but realistically, you will just see proxy camping to confirm the tunnel or secure a free second stage on someone who uses it, and killers that don't tunnel will be seeing a survivor run to the hook mid chase, use this, and the unhooked guy bodyblocks with basekit BT, because you kinda have to or you give a free 2nd stage down. Expect to see an increase in "unfun" playstyles.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 603

    I agree with this, encourage taking aggro after unhook and not stealthing and letting the guy who got unhooked fend for himself. Perk would still encourage camping but you would not see it as much imo.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    Yes, I think the idea is taking aggro instead of just letting the unhooked survivor be killer bait.

  • Prometheus1092
    Prometheus1092 Member Posts: 710

    I don't think it will have much effect on tunneling. Soloq players are the most selfish players in the game (as a generalisation). I doubt people will give up their hook stage to keep a random players in the game especially when they seem so adamant to get the hatch.

    It may be useful for swf but if 1 survivor doesn't last long in a chase while the others can loop better... They would be throwing away a hook stage. Just means the killer doesn't have to down the strong looper as many times.

    On top of that, survivors are already complaining about the increase in slugging due to basekit mori. If the perk had any effect then it would just further the need to slug. I mean why hook people if it makes it harder for the killer? Slug them and bypass the whole problem.

  • Vishlumbra
    Vishlumbra Member Posts: 224

    it’s terrible and also mmm the interaction with Make your choice is?

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 301

    this perk is pointless/useless is solo queue and potentially breaks the game in a strong swf . No killer is 12 hooking a good sfw unless you are knightlight playing nurse with full meta .

  • Vuk
    Vuk Member Posts: 53

    Worst perk they could make…

    - Wont benefit the solo survs, noobs or casuals.
    - Will make bully squads even worse.
    - Gonna encourage slugging.
    - Gonna encourage camping.

    (I mostly play solo and i wont be using it in any situation or benefit from it as no solo survs gonna use it and my casual group of friends dont have the necessary hability to use it, and as a killer this gonna be hell on earth, this DLC gonna be horrible).


    - Change it to the smoke grenade from the last event.
    - Change it to the party pallets from before the masquerade event.

    EVERYONE would enjoy any of these 2 perks and the DLC would sell even more.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    its definitely going to make bad or lowskilled survivors lose games because they wouldn't understand when to use it. which will definitely affect the people's perception of this perk even though it's very powerful.

  • NotVerySuss
    NotVerySuss Member Posts: 52

    tf is a killer supposed to do other than this at the end game? Should I patrol the gens while the exit gates are opened?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    Trading a hook stage can be of insane value. To give it a downside would not be unwarranted. But making it aura instead of exposed is not a good idea. With all the complaints about aura reading that would not be appreciated.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,150

    Honestly, I'm not sure I like this perk at all.

    I already know I will never see it in any of my SoloQ games (I can't even get a heal from some of my teammates, nevermind a hook state), where it would be the most useful.

    And I'm sure SWFs will use it to deny late / endgame kills in lots of my Killer games. I like to think I play fair for most of the trial, but I will sometimes camp and tunnel to secure Kills toward the end of a trial when there are only 1 or 2 gens left. I don't think Killers should be punished for that. Anti tunnel perks should only really be for countering early game hard tunnelling, imho.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393

    Well, if [insert perk] is a solution to a basekit mechanic it already missed the point.

    On average it'll incentivise proxy camping; it's even better than a trade. Make someone go from fresh to death hook within 20 seconds. Yum.

    The only situation where it actually benefits the survivor side is if the skill gap between them is so large that a surv who shouldn't be in that match because they're too good protects another surv who also shouldn't be in that match because they're not good enough. - For swf who know about these skill gaps that might be an option; a chase affectionado that gets left by the killer, who wants to find the potato, can keep that potato in the match for longer. ….. Which I think is not the way to go.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    >Well, if [insert perk] is a solution to a basekit mechanic it already missed the point.

    not when a mechanic is a legitimate strategy.

    the perk is very powerful as a rock/paper/scissors counterplay, on part with unbreakable or reassurance, the only difference is that due to the way it works, it takes skill to use and not throw the game with it.

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 238

    Unless you are a good looper it doesn't make sense to use this perk. The only thing you will achieve is taking the killer focus, you will get hooked quickly and find yourself in your second phase waiting to be tunnelled to your death. So no, don't expect the average DBD player to sacrifice themselves for a stranger.

    It will simply be abused in those situations where the killer has already give up after facing a strong premade and decides to at least kill one.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    My prediction is that you won't see this perk much. Its strong and really good to have but people won't drop their meta perks.. or distortion.

    I will take off my we'll make it and use this perk to help people who are possibly getting tunneled, but soloQ doesn't care about teammates.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    yeah, same. this perk takes game sense to use and most dbd players lack it. it's crazy strong when you use it at the right times.

    judging by this thread's replies, people want a perk that takes zero thought or risk to use and has no actual counterplay, they simply want a "delete tunnelling entirely" perk/mechanic and won't settle for anything less. which is a sad mentality, honestly.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393

    While devs have said in the past they consider camping, tunneling and squad slugging legitimate strategies, we have also learned that it doesn't come with a carte blanche (otherwise neither basekit bt, nor what they call afc would be a thing). There's a line. - The way I see it, this perk is only useful once that line has already been crossed.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    ?? can you be more cryptic please

    what is even your point here? the perk is bad because it works when the strategy is being implemented aka killer goes out of their way to tunnel which is bad exactly why?

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    As much as I agree that we have way too much aura reading these days, I think it would work for this perk specifically.

    Because it prevents you from using the recently unhooked survivor as bait. You're kinda supposed to take aggro for them.

    Alternatively, we can just remove the downside. That would also work. Many survivor perks are nowhere near as good as they used to be, having one strong perk without a downside wouldn't hurt.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393

    It's not at all cryptic. - "Camping, tunneling and slugging is part of the game" is not a black and white thing. It very much is "some forms of camping, tunneling and slugging are part of the game, while others are deemed too extreme and should be counter-able with basekit mechanics". Proof for that are basekit bt and afc.

    In my opinion, the cases in which the new perk actually does provide value are also the cases that fall into the category of "too extreme" and should therefore be counter-able with basekit mechanics.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Tunnelling is a legitimate strategy similar to how pre 6.1 DH for distance was a legitimate strategy. That it's allowed doesn't mean it doesn't give a disproportionate advantage to the person using it.

    Unfortunately, the only way to fix it in my opinion is to change base game mechanics. In the majority of public matches this perk is neither powerful nor useful and might be actively detrimental. If the Killer is planning on tunnelling a survivor and someone comes in and screams the Killer knows the screaming survivor is now down a hook stage and Exposed. By targeting the unhooker who should be pretty easy to hit at least once the unhooker now can't give a chase and will be either on death hook once hooked or dead if they had a hook state coming in. A tunnelling Killer with an ounce of sense will just tunnel the unhooker out instead now.

    4 person SWFs will get a large amount of utility from it as they can coordinate hook trades. However, they're a tiny proportion of matches and it's solo queue that needs help; not stacked SWFs. This perk is a band aid that doesn't even stem the bleeding for the group that actually needs it.

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    then your point is simply wrong because this perk doesn't counter extreme cases of tunnelling, just like UB doesnt counter extreme cases of slugging.

    extreme cases of tunnelling is when a killer gets a kill at 5 gens without survivor giving up. no amount of hook stage trades will aid that.

    however this perk will definitely help to guarantee a tunnelling killer without a kill on last gen doesn't get that kill. or to spread hookstages even more and counter bounce back / ping pong strat when killer targets only 2 survivors repeatedly.

    which brings me back to the thing I already mentioned in this thread - this perk is not an ultimate "delete tunnelling" button and that's why people won't bring it despite it being gamechanging

  • Toystory3Monkey
    Toystory3Monkey Member Posts: 895

    thats like me comparing using pain res dms and playing on garden of joy. you may be correct (doesnt mean you are or that I think you are) but these things are hardly comparable and that comparison only compromises your point.

    tunnelling cant be solved without changing base game mechanics, that's correct, and here's a follow up fact: you do not base game mechanics to change because removing tunnelling as part of it will inherently involve balancing the game around killer's inability to potentially remove survivor early.

    games where killers do not have to tunnel at all are usually stomp with fast chases or a lot of tunnelling or gen defending. and I dont think changing base game mechanics and not removing tunnelling as concept would be possible in that paradigm.

    if you want to cut out a pretty important part of killer's skill expression and ability to gain pressure, you'll have to make up for that elsewhere. do you really want chases to get even shorter? or gens to become longer? or have some other absurd mechanic to make up for killer not being able to tunnel? because realistically, just like this game is NOT balanced around only solo or swfs, this game is also not balanced around ONLY tunnelling or not tunnelling killers. removing that part of the equation will force devs to balance the game for only one part of the spectrum.

    this game hinges so ######### hard on survivors not playing to win and killers being chill, you cant even imagine the degree of that. "fixing" tunnelling is an example of forcing chill killers who play inefficiently to play efficiently. same kind of nonsense as adding VC to the soloqs.

    You do not want this game being forced to become even more competitive than it normally is.