Real solution to DCs FINALLY

Bloodweb and shrine got locked for 1/3/24/72 hours after 1/2/3/4 DCs within 1 week reset
I don't think people will stop dc'ing whatever punishment you give them. They dc because many reasons but the core reason is they're not having fun.
What makes you think the fear of being banned will make them play a game in which they're not having fun?
They'll just wait to get banned or stop playing.
They need to fix whatever issues the game has that is making them DC. That's the only solution.
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To increase fun, fixes are not the solution to DCs either, need a more radical deep approach like game modes
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thats a pretty good idea though punishment needs to be way harder like 4-5 dcs shrine is locked for a week
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Thanks, pretty good idea so far, just need to play A bit with the numbers as u said
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Permanent BAN! BUT you can buy the game again!
meanwhile i love DC againts LEGIONS.
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@BACKSTABBER won't happen fog streamers do it. Plus the game is buggy as hell and people are getting kicked out during the loading screen.
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Cant patch immaturity, but they can be forced to play together. Let them shortchange each other for awhile.
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Since you can always just suicide on the hook disconnecting really shouldn't ever happen unless it's a technical problem/harassment/griefing (or any other reason except "the game isn't fun")
There will always be someone immature disconnecting because they don't like to play against X killer for X reason.
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Doesnt do anything
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Or just ######### on hook so you get the points, there is always someone complaining, people will DC cause of a certain killer, straight as that.
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Suiciding on hook is acceptable, DC NOT
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Imagine caring about bloodpoints, or leveling a character. Some people just play to have fun.
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I DC when a killer is tunneling or body camping. He shouldn’t get points for being a [bad word]
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That's total BS. Not having fun is no reason to DC, never. It's the most stupid excuse ever. People mostly DC because they are entitled af or just bad losers. You won't change anything if you DC because you don't like this and that, it's totally mental.
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"I DC when the killer uses tactics that work against me. Killers shouldn't be able to use tactics that are actually significant."
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I like it that way, makes the rest of the match easier. If anything I would like more Bloodpoints for the "Quiter bonus" and another bonus if all the 4 survivors disconect. I already consider 4 disconects a Flawless Victory :-)
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Its funny you say that because most people play games to have fun.
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A random perk is removed from your loadout and put back into the bloodweb for every 3 dcs in a day. This can be repurchased for treble the amount of bp than usual.
You will be matched with your kind more often too
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What? That's too cruel, maybe tentacruel
Players will simply uninstall then
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or maybe I dc'd because the killer's connection is hot garbage like your comment?