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I Just noticed last match my BOON totem of healing has been nerfed so badly it's a flopping gag perk now.
It doesn't stack with med kits? It disables them.
OH I'M SORRY! Does chuckies perk disable if a killer has BBQ, and chillie? Does any killer perk, OR addon disable with a perk? Tf no it doesn't! (Anther rant for later killer vision needs capped at 4 Seconds, not 8-10).
You have to run around a map, and find REALLY hard to locate totems JUST to enchant the boon, to use it both players have to WILLINGLY go to the boon, and yet you can't even heal YOURSELF with it, let alone use a medkit.
Yet killers can stack ANTI HEAL out the A.
This is UNREASONABLE. Reverse the nerfs, give back the totems TRUE function. Make it heal EVERYONE regardless of circumstances.
It is COMPLETELY the killers job to make sure a survivor doesn't escape a chase long enough to heal. It's inexcusable to permanently punish survivors because the ALREADY OVER POWERED killers can't do their job.
Before anyone says I'm a survivor main, I'm a rank 10 bloody ghostface, and I am not even perked up. I decimate bully squads, and he has NO special tricks to end a chase faster. (Yes I've tried the new killers, they're absolutely disgustingly over kitted, and there isn't even a word for HOW over kitted they are, it's insane).
There's ZERO excuse to ruin the totem this badly.
Before anyone says I'm a survivor main, I'm a rank 10 bloody ghostface
That says it all.
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Meaning? Ghostface is absolutely low tier. Yes he's silent, but only until someone with Brian's looks at him, meaning he's just a normal killer with basically no ability.
Come at me.
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I mean yeah the devs clearly hate survivors because they nerfed a perk that gave survivors teams free unlimited healing that only required a single perk slot for one of the 4 survivors. That was so much fun for M1 killers to deal with.
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This is bait.
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IT CHIMES. Are you deaf. It takes three seconds to find the totem, and step on it.
ALL HEALS ARE FREE. Stop letting players escape.
The player has to spend 10 seconds REBLESSING A TOTEN that can easily be stepped on mid chase, that was already annoying to find in the first place. Stop lying.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
you can have old CoH when Killers get old Undying
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Killers have Chucky perk they don't need #########.
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What Chucky perk could you possibly be talking about? Please tell me you aren't talking about that absolute trash perk Hex: Two Can Play. Nowhwere near as strong as Circle was and is now.
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The problem is the old version made injures completely worthless and you should know that with your increadible "rank 10" ghostface (doesn't say anything btw, you always reach rank 1 sooner or later, so if you're still at 10 you ether played it feels like 3 matches or lost a lot more than you won), ghostface is a killer that lives from his instadown to a huge chunk but he also needs passive preassure by injured people to be as effective as possible. Besides that the main problem wasn't only the speed but also that only one person had to bring it, it was basically 3 times selfcare for free without a huge downside especially because totems still don't get destroyed basekit and you just have to rebless them, not even talking about totems at second story that you won't even stomp if you want preassure xD
Well in the end you see the function of coh at the moment wrong, it's meant as a place to heal for the team that's why you see people in range. It's meant that you go into the radius and get revealed for others survivors, then they have the chance to come to you and heal you quicker. With soloq that works a lot worse but that could maybe be fixed by revealing the aura of people looking at coh so you can see if someone comes to you.
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Circle of Healing can only have the same level of strength it originally had if killers get Shattered Hope basekit. Then it is fair.
The perk was never the problem. The Boon mechanic around it was the problem.
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Whenever a survivor breaks me out of power I will now forever more have to shout "God damn it Brian!" 🤣
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huge pass, undying ruin meta sucked to play as.
i genuinely avoided running it in favour of pop because it was inconsistent AF. you never got the value you needed vs ppl you needed this value. but it surely as hell worked vs average solo q archive farming bots.
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Multiple things
The CoH nerf was well over a year ago, and you only noticed it now?
CoH was stupidly strong, singlehandedly eliminating hit-n-run playstyles. You realise the latter, but then fail to realise how stupid strong a perk has to be for that to be possible.
“Rank 10 Ghostface.” Ranks haven’t existed for a few years either. And besides, if you’re referring to actual ranks, you were only halfway there. If you’re referring to prestige, that’s really funny.
Post edited by GentlemanFridge on5 -
Are you talking about Friends Til The End, Batteries Included or Hex: Two Can Play?
Hex: Two Can Play is a meme perk.
Batteries Included is nice to have but not very consistent (it also requires you to go to a part of the map, that you generally don't want to be in).
Friends Til The End isn't very good either. It's only useful on killers with high mobility anyway (otherwise, you'd use BBQ and get better value) and even then you would need to get a quick M1 on that survivor or else it's a worse BBQ again. Also, Friends Til The End warns you that that it's in play. So you know the killer's position and you also know that they will try to go for you next. That's a lot more than could be said for CoH.
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Yeah, boons should only have that kind of power if they can be permanently broken, like hexes. Making shattered hope basekit was my preferred solution to the CoH problem before they nerfed it.
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To be fair, Circle of Healing was fine before the most recent Nerf. IMO it was too weak at this point to run it anyway and even then people who ran Boon-Perks and were blessing Totems where not helping a Team.
The current version of CoH is just awful. And with that it makes every Boon-Perk basically unplayable.
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This would only be reasonable if
a) The Totems cannot be used for Pentimento and
b) All other Boons would be significantly buffed (with old CoH as well)
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Return the Self Heal now that No Quarter exists.
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With the state of boons atm, I don't think it's necessary.
But if boons were buffed, agreed on the no Pentimento bit, but I think it would be justified even if the only strong boon was OG CoH. OG CoH was problematic, as setting up multiple healing zones around the map that could be re-lit ad infinitum was not okay.I even think that if you make breaking the boon totem take a little bit longer and you could justify making shattered hope basekit without significantly buffing boons.
But again, all this is theoretical. As is, boons are little more than an afterthought.
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Or they can just give self care strength in shadows healing speed and rework strength in shadows into something else but then killers will no doubt qq nerf nerf nerf.
Heal nerfs and lightburn only indirectly buff legion and wraith and my hate for them 1000x fold. Wraith went from easy to simply brain dead no skill stress relief.
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I think we should do it.
Make Shattered Hope basekit and revert CoH back to its first version. The survivor meta could use a little help, because you know something isn't right when the best perk we have is WoO.
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While I agree that change would be interesting, WoO is not the best meta perk lmao. Deliverance, deadhard, ds, background player, ub can literally win a match.
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I may have expressed myself poorly here.
I didn't mean to say WoO is the strongest perk we have, just the one that is most popular, that is seen the most as part of the meta.
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WoO is popular because information is valuable and WoO gives tons of it at all times.
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Circle of Healing was busted nonsense that deserved what it got, and current CoH is perfectly usable.
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"Perfectly useable" as much as many other Trashperks for Survivor. As I said, the version right before the most recent Nerf was useable, but IMO already too weak to actually be effective.
But I dont care too much, the less people are running CoH on my Survivor-Teams the better.
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It is just weird, ya know?
In the past it was considered a beginner perk, now it is one of the few decent perks survivors have.
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Anything in killer rule books that is garbage to survivors is still good to killer mains , we hear the same thing with mft, iron will( before its recent but now mediocre buff,distortion, adrenaline, and so on.
Said perks I have not seen not one person using them in months unless its a person who take a break only come and ask oh what happen to this perk? The cheap saying they add is its still good as a swf is such a stale excuse too.
We all ( my swf)rather just use strength in shadows or hell self care at that point instead of circle of garbage and waste less time booning or looking for each other.
People seem to underestimate how time efficient it is for someone to heal themselves over trying to look for people to heal them its as bad as booning.
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WoO as a "beginner" perk has always been a lie as far as I'm concerned. Constant perfect awareness of every resource around you, of course it's good when vaults and pallets are the most valuable things survivors have. it's good for everyone, which is why every game I see two or three survivors running it.