ClockworkJink Member Posts: 15
edited November 2024 in General Discussions

I Just noticed last match my BOON totem of healing has been nerfed so badly it's a flopping gag perk now.

It doesn't stack with med kits? It disables them.

OH I'M SORRY! Does chuckies perk disable if a killer has BBQ, and chillie? Does any killer perk, OR addon disable with a perk? Tf no it doesn't! (Anther rant for later killer vision needs capped at 4 Seconds, not 8-10).

You have to run around a map, and find REALLY hard to locate totems JUST to enchant the boon, to use it both players have to WILLINGLY go to the boon, and yet you can't even heal YOURSELF with it, let alone use a medkit.

Yet killers can stack ANTI HEAL out the A.

This is UNREASONABLE. Reverse the nerfs, give back the totems TRUE function. Make it heal EVERYONE regardless of circumstances.

It is COMPLETELY the killers job to make sure a survivor doesn't escape a chase long enough to heal. It's inexcusable to permanently punish survivors because the ALREADY OVER POWERED killers can't do their job.

Before anyone says I'm a survivor main, I'm a rank 10 bloody ghostface, and I am not even perked up. I decimate bully squads, and he has NO special tricks to end a chase faster. (Yes I've tried the new killers, they're absolutely disgustingly over kitted, and there isn't even a word for HOW over kitted they are, it's insane).

There's ZERO excuse to ruin the totem this badly.

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