2v8 soon. I'm taking a break bc I'm not sitting in 15- 30 min killer queues again

I hope this mode will never kill 1v4 and become permanent. That would be a disaster because the Q times are a problem. Since I'm not going to put myself through that again, I'm going to take a break (once the mode is live) until the spook is over because I don't like this arcade mode.
See you around
Im with you! I'm taking a break as well. I don't want to live though 15min queue times again... I only was able to get like 3 matches a night last time. Not worth it
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What time are you playing and in what time zone? My killer queues are nearly instant in the evenings - US eastern time zone. Killer queues are definitely longer if you're playing during "off-peak" times like mornings and early afternoon when people are working/in school and less likely to be playing SWF
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I'm on EST and my queue time was no where instance at the times I usually play at which are anyway between 9pm to 11pm. I experienced 15min wait times for both modes pretty much. 2v8 was little faster but I hated playing the mode with randoms as killer so I mostly stayed with normal mode.
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Are you talking about the time when 2v8 was a thing? My Killer queues are also instant in the evening/night (and long during the day), but during 2v8 they were very, very long all the time.
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Seems that when 2v8 is out, it's the bat signal to stop playing the game until it's over. 15 minute queues just aren't worth it. It sucks because it affects normal matches, too.
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Something doesn't sound right here if you are playing US eastern time zone. 9-11 PM is peak SWF time and in my 6 years of playing I've NEVER had more than like a minute of wait time for killer during those hours. I'm talking about normal mode, not 2v8. I mean, just now to test it I queued up for killer a few times and it took 20 seconds or less each time to get into a lobby.
I believe that you had long waits for 2v8, as queue times for killer were always super long no matter what time of day.
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I will not open this game until this mode ends. A lot of time waiting, we have tunnel already, yes, 2v8 has tunnel too. as survivor u go with the worst teammates ever because the MMR is complete broken and the 1v4 mode go to the same way. So every people wanted another styles and another modes, but, honestly, its enough, lighs out, oni, chaos shuffle, 2v8 and repeat after weeks, months, whatever, its too much, these mode were to be a entusiams things, but, a lot of people hates them already. light out version 2 was a flop, chaos shuffle version 2 was a flop, 2v8 version 2 will be a…..
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I am dreading it. I wish we could just fast forward to November 27th.
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I cant wait. I am so excited! Its such a fun and popular game mode.
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During the last 2v8 both modes had 15 min queues times for killer…Like right now yeah queues are fine but after tomorrow when 2v8 starts back up the queue time for Killer will most likely be 15mins again just last time. Trust I remember very well that I had to wait between 15 to 20 mins just for a normal 1v4 match during the last 2v8. I stop playing after few night of only getting like 5 matches bc the wait times was so bad.
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2v8 Killer was the most fun I've had playing that role in years. I didn't mind sitting in queue for 5+ minutes. I'm glad it's coming back.
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Also going to be hopping off DbD for a while.
Not interested in 15 minute queues again.
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There's probably a good chance they've completely dropped SBMM this time around because of the queue times. They'll also give crazy good bp incentives imo to play 2v8. I'm going to give it a shot like I did last time. I wasn't a big fan of it but we'll see this time. I have a backlog of other games I need to get through if I don't enjoy myself.
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I felt burned out by 2v8 by the time it ended, but I'm really looking forward to its return. I only played killer a single time because of the que times though and just played survivor.
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Enjoyed it for about a day or two maximum last time. Got old extremely quickly for me with the complete lack of variety it had. I'll give it a chance but will likely be a couple of week break for me from the DBD grind if queue times are destroyed in the normal mode.
It's a shame because during the Halloween sale I found out I'd managed to accumulate nearly £30 store credit on the PlayStation Stars thing on the phone app. Bought 7 or 8 licensed characters I didn't have with £20 of Auric Cells and was enjoying using my new survivor perks in builds and new killers. Even managed to get the Myers Evil Incarnate achievement last night, as well as his adept!
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I think a lot of people are not realizing that this thread is specific to the 2v8. Not everybody has eight friends that they can play with. Plus, the 2v8 is not fun for survivors.
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You think there was MMR in the last version? It didn't seem to be activated to me because I got some pretty new Killers and Survivors in a lot of my games. I was even able to max out my boldness points in a few trials by looping the Killers (this almost never happens in my regular games).
Towards the end of the event the mode started to feel a lot sweatier though. It stopped being so fun after the strategy of double teaming Survivors emerged and there was nothing you could really do against that.
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Yeah, that and the fact killers worked out how the cages spawned and the quicker ones would show up at the opposite side of the map to interrupt the unhook. This won't get any better with Blight in it and Billy also able to insta down now. This will happen straight away rather than a week or so in like last time. I really have a bad feeling about this 2v8.
The first time I enjoyed it for 2 days, this time killer queues will be probably as bad if not worse and survivor will be boring very quickly without being able to create an infinate number of different builds to play around with.
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Cant say for certain obviously, but since they did release kill rate stats for it I assumed they had SBMM running. It probably didn't have a huge impact though when I think about it, considering playing with a friend can put you in a higher or lower bracket than you should be anyway.
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Interesting. If I remember correctly, last time 2vs8 was out, my queue times for the normal 1vs4 mode on killer were still pretty quick and normal.
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Just play survivor. That’ll alleviate long queue times for other killer players at least, and if enough people do it eventually you might also get a chance to play killer in a reasonable amount of time.
I’ve gotta say I find it interesting how 2v8 identifies just how unpopular the survivor role is. When given the option people seem to prefer playing as killer—in both queues. Wonder why that is.
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That can't be.
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They'll also give crazy good bp incentives imo to play 2v8. I'm going to give it a shot like I did last time.
To be fair, the good incentive was to make Survivors play in the mode. It was not there from the start and more of a reaction to the bad Killer Queue Times.
Since we play on the same Servers, I cannot really believe that. The queue times for 1v4 were not as bad as in 2v8, but the 400% incentive was not enough to bring enough people to 2v8, but enough to move Survivors from 1v4, which also resulted in longer queue times in 1v4 for Killer.
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Why would anyone play survivor to crawl on the ground for minutes after a Huntress used an aura and sniped the survivor? They didn't do much to improve survivor gameplay.
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The trick is to queue up then go to thr bathroom, have a smoke and chat with family
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Ah I see - you're talking about queue times for normal mode while the 2v8 mode is active. That makes more sense now. Normally, when 2v8 mode is not active, I have super fast queues for killer in the evenings.
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Yeah sorry, I thought that was a given since the topic of this thread is about long queue times for killer while 2v8 is active. Yeah, in normal dbd without 2v8 around, killer queues are amazing but when 2v8 is active killer queues for both modes are horrible. This is why I said I be will be taking a break from the game till 2v8 is over.
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Totally random, but did you play survivor today as a Sable on Yamaoka?
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No, I haven't played at all today. I don't usually log in till late in the evening(its 5:10pm now). That said I most likely wont log in today since I been hearing killer queues are already bad XD
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I am feeling the longer queue times this time around, at least today. But last time I didn't really. Maybe I played towards the end of 2vs8 mode and a lot of people went back to 1vs4 at that point, I don't know. I just remember playing 1vs4 while 2vs8 was active and was happy that I didn't have to endure long queue times.
It's interesting to see that seemingly a lot of people choose to play killer now that they have the chance to play with their buddies. Of course this is surely also because of the novelty of being able to play killer with a friend, but in my opinion it also shows that the survivor role needs to be made a bit more attractive in general, not only in 2vs8.
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It was for me. But maybe I played towards the end of the 2vs8 mode, where many people stopped playing 2vs8. Not sure. I just remember plaiyng 1vs4 when 2vs8 was out and thinking to myself that I am glad to not have to endure long killer wait times like in 2vs8.
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yes, the Qs are terrible again. I haven't even played yet. I just watch a few streams, that's it. 😔
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That’s the regular way. MMR only waits a few seconds before it expands, and then every X seconds from then. The issue is that there aren’t enough people queueing as survivor and that’s not something quick match or MMR can fix. You need people queueing as survivor.
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then play the other side lol
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no thanks
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then don’t complain about killer queue times. There’s not enough survivors to go around for all the killers
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They have every right to complain…maybe they don't like playing Survivor and only want to play killer? I know that is how I feel. I hate playing Survivor in general and prefer Killer. The issue here is that 2v8 long queue times aren't affecting just the 2v8 mode but it affects the normal mode as well. If it was just 2v8 killer queues that were long then I and most likely others wouldn't complain as much bc we just simply don't have to play that mode and just play 1v4 but that's not how it is. No matter what mode we play we have to suffer through 15+min queue times.
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then play survivor and stop complaining. And you can see how the other side is affected
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No I will not and I will continue to complain. I have all the right to complain and you can't stop me :P
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this is the problem with killers. They don’t play the WHOLE OTHER SIDE of the game and will NEVER UNDERSTAND how the other side even works or struggles with. And no you can’t complain. Because there’s ANOTHER. ROLE.
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Not enough survivors. If they add bots to the beginning of the game, people will complain too. Can't really "fix" the problem, just have to deal with it.
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They won't, killer is the easy role but they want to win 100% of the time. Its much easier to complain to the devs than playing survivor so they'll continue to buff killer and nerf survivors. It has always worked as BHVR is servants to them so it's like a cycle of gratification.
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No, I don't play Survivor bc it's ######### boring. Btw we only talking about 2v8 here…I usually do play Survivor in normal 1v4 but I still prefer Killer bc it's actually fun and challenging. So sue me if I don't want to play the role I have the least fun on. I have every damn right to complain esp about a mode I personally hate and a mode that also affects the part of the game I want to play the most which is 1v4 killer. If the queues was normal for 1v4 when 2v8 is active I wouldn't complain at all. How dare both of you two tell me as someone who has paid for the game, the dlcs, and skins to not complain.
Also no one talking about balancing here. We complaining about how 2v8 affects killer queues in the whole game and makes queueing for killer miserable. I dont care if they giga buff survivors in 2v8, I dont play the mode so ######### it. I just want to play 1v4.
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Honestly I think the better solution is 2v4 and make killers basekit power then buff survs with more hookstates or stronger kits. This would make queue times in general a lot better I'm not sure if people would enjoy the novelty as much without massive maps and 8 survs though.
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I play 50:50 and have been doing so for a very long time. So stop saying such nonsense. 1vs4 is affected by Q time, which is bad, and I don't like 2v8, end of discussion
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This mode is DOA. It was not fun past the first couple days last time. It is not fun this time. Surv side is overbuffed. Killer side is undertuned to busted depending. Does not feel good to wait 20 minutes for an 8 minute match.
I think I genuinely enjoyed Lights Out 2.0 and Chaos Shuffle 2.0 more than this. Just drop this mode, it will never be good and it actively makes the rest of the game less enjoyable due to bad queue times.
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I only play for 2v8 lol I cant stand 1v4 its so boring to me
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I agree with you wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, there are some who prefer this mode. That is a pity
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I don't see how, the novelty wore off in one week the first time around.
Notice also how almost all of the people saying they like it here all have a history of seeming more Survivor sided, or to be more of Survivor mains. No surprise there - when you make the game overtuned for one side, of course that side likes it more. But the game suffers for it.
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Might as well. The killer teammates I've been getting have been absolute garbage. Both roles, actually. Nobody knows how to play. The devs have let this completely uneducated, unskilled (yet still demanding balance changes) type of fan base fester, to where even in a fun new mode, you can't escape them. I'm done.