Guide class should be in normal mode
See the Aura of any unfinished Generator in your vicinity. Anytime you’re repairing a Generator, your teammates will see the Aura of both you and the Generator you’re repairing. The Guide also has a small Tech Radius, which gives teammates a Great Skill Check Bonus and reduced repair noise.
Active Ability: Guides can trigger their Active Ability to give nearby teammates a temporary repair speed boost.
Unlock Ability: When you complete a Generator, gain a 5% repair charge for every Survivor in your Tech Radius. Those charges will be applied to the next Generator you repair.
Add this to 1vs4. Tired of soloq being a dumbster fire.
No thanks. We don't need to add instant gen progress for free like that.
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Then give us this or are you gonna say no bout it too?
See the Aura of any unfinished Generator in your vicinity. Anytime you’re repairing a Generator, your teammates will see the Aura of both you and the Generator you’re repairing. The Guide also has a small Tech Radius, which gives teammates a Great Skill Check Bonus and reduced repair noise.
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Well, I can't give you anything, I don't work at BHVR unfortunately.
The skill check bonus is also free repair progress. Greats got nerfed from 2% to 1% for a reason, no need to put them to 4%.
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The repair progress bonus is the equivalent of ~25% increased gen speed, I couldn't even imagine them adding that as a perk which is then massively buffs to subtle cheating or extremely skilled players (this is partially sarcasm because its basically the same numbers that hyperfocus ramps up to)
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you can actually simulate it with better together, visionary, technician and friendly competition, it´s very cool… this gave me an idea
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Absolutely not. Gens should never be as fast in normal mode as they are in 2v8.
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I was going to suggest this too. Maybe I'd swap out Friendly Competition for Prove Thyself, though. I've already added perk load outs to my main Survivors to resemble my favourite class (Scout) for the regular mode. Iron Will + Urban Evasion + Alert + Still Sight, Inner Focus or Any Means Necessary, if you're wondering.
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i was actually making a post on how to make the classes in 1v4 using perks haha, and thanks for the idea too :)
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Already have this as a talent, potential energy, only a different activator.
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Come to think of it, you could also use Object of Obsession (or Treacherous Crows when it's live) in a Scout class build if you're a confident looper. But I'm not, so those perks have too many down sides for me.
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oh i completely forgot about the new invocation, it´s probably the closest thing we´ll have
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It's not free, though. You need to spend 1.5% of progress for 1% on Potential Energy.
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and guide requires a hook state and people on you when you finish a gen. Out of 2v8 that's not a good tactic as a survivor.
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Deja Vu, Prove Thyself, Wiretap, Hyperfocus
You're welcome
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Stop asking for free stuff. Killers don't even ask for base Pain Res, even though they sure need it.
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Great idea. Gen times are so fast that killers cannot finish their chases quick enough, so we need to nerf maps to the point where a survivor basically can't loop anymore. And your idea is to give survivors even more gen speed?!
At that point we can just make 2 separate game modes. One where killers walk around and just pick up and hook survivors and one where survivors just play a skill check simulator.
Games need to take longer, not shorter. For both sides.