Why is nurse allowed to be broken?

Why is every killer subject to balance changes, nerfs, buffs, etc. and then they allow Nurse to live completely outside of this reality? It's like she is in her own game or something, separate from everyone else.
She is absolutely ridiculously overpowered, there is NOTHING you can do to counter her, and nobody seems to care. Nobody asks for nerfs. The devs don't bother. It's like a criminal who everyone knows is robbing people but the police turn a blind eye.
nurse has been nerfed over and over and over and over and over
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She is far from OP. Is she sometimes hard to deal with? Yes…There's a difference though. Also Nurse has had many changes and nerfs. She use to have 6 blinks sooooo……
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What do you mean far from OP? Do we play the same game? She is top 1 most powerful killer in pretty much everyone's list.
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Did you forget that every single m1-perk doesn't work on her? That was a nerf that she didn't even receive that long ago, also her blink distance addons don't exist anymore aswell as her recharge addons.
Saying she never gets nerfed is just lying to yourself, she's still really strong but long not as strong as she was xD
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With the lowest kill rate, becsuse she's incredibly difficult to play well.
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Only if you know how to use her. She takes a lot of skill to use, she's temperamental on multi floored maps, she use to have 6 blinks instead of 2. She's not impossible to go against and shes been nerfed more times than I can count.
Skill issue maybe? Everyone struggles to go against at least 1 killer.
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For the record she now has a charge meter and her ability is considered a m2 attack.
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You're just being disingenuous. Go watch any tier list or whatever on youtube that is using strength as a metric (as opposed to fun or whatever other metric). You know she is at the top 1 or 2 (mostly 1) for every single one of those. I don't know why you're arguing as if that's just me. Just disingenuous man. Why?
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You've made accusations against BHVR but yet you have made 0 constructed feedback on your own post as to how you would solve this "issue" you are experiencing. How am I suppose to take your seriously?
Yeah - let me go to youtube as a form of "Data" I am being realistic and because it doesn't align with what you believe to be true about Nurse I am being "Disingenous" I didn't deny she was strong or annoying to go against…But your claim is that she is Overpowered. I feel that is a false claim. She isn't going around the map one shotting everyone instantly hooking survivors. She still has to get 2 hits. If she was that OP as you claim BHVR would have made changes to her by now….
Oh wait. They did. They nerfed her blinks, they nerfed the lunges, the fatigue was barely noticeable, they nerfed the addons..What more do you want? Honestly.
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Not in any significant way. Her Nerfs were always just slaps on the wrist.
"She is not strong" is objectively false.
Several reasons probably. With Nurse around the Devs can use her against any Pay2Win-allegations - the strongest Killer in the game is free, after all.
Second reason is most likely the backlash. Killers would really complain a lot if Nurse would receive a significant Nerf at some point. Because she is so "skillful" and "hard to play".
And third reason, probably because the Dev have no idea how to change her without her being broken (current state) or super-weak. Because it would have to be a Rework, simple Nerfs will not work since they are either not enough or too severe.
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You didn't deny she was strong but your whole passive aggressive narrative of "skill issue???" implying it's me when you are aware that everyone and their mothers rank Nurse at the top, but conveniently chose to forget so you could be passive aggressive.
That's what makes you disingenuous.
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So difficult that playing her for 50+ games means you can go against 90% of all players.
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No matter how many nerfs she receives, her position on fan made tier lists is basically honorary. Even if they made her so difficult to play that NO ONE can land a hit, she's being placed on tier lists solely based off potential rather even individual ability of the tierlist creator. Someone who can't get a kill with Nurse to save their lives will still place her in the same spot.
Tier lists in general also don't really mean anything. You can look at tierlists all day and notice Hag jumps all over the place. Somehow 2 separate tier lists that would place Hag as the worst killer and an A grade killer both have merit when placing Nurse?
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Yeah lets just ignore common sense here to defend nurse being S-tier for ages.
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Lets pretend she is an unbeatable god and hasnt been nerfed multiple times.
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lol you're just another killer main whining about how behavior needs to nerf survivors. But yet won't even admit that nurse is the strongest character in the game. And she is a LITERAL game breaking design. She doesn't need to follow the basic physics of the game like EVERY other killer HAS to do.
please play against a good nurse player before speaking. matter of fact play survivor before speaking. you telling this forum that your pretending that she's a god is all I need to know of what skill level you are. There's no pretending. She is single handedly THE strongest killer in the game. There's no denying that FACT. She's LITERALLY THE REASON WHY PREDATOR HAD TO BE NERFED.
so don't sit there and say she's not strong, when in fact she's THE STRONGEST.
everyday that goes by I feel more and more ashamed to call myself a killer main when killer's like you exist that wont even admit that nurse needs a rework or a nerf or something because of how strong she is.
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It makes sense when look how BHVR balances the game, not only do they want killers to be a power role over other players but there is two standards to balancing dead by daylight. One is survivor is designed around all four being experienced and skilled and making no mistakes. On the other hand, killers are balanced assuming the player is extremely bad and making a ton of mistakes. Nurse highlights that clearly. You see this also clearly in the 2v8 mode and why there is overabundance of people wanting to play the easiest and clearly overpowered role. It's basically 1v4 multiplied by two and that is a real mess.
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read his first sentence.
Why is every killer subject to balance changes, nerfs, buffs,
He is not saying nurse has not received nerfs. he is ask why do OTHER killers receive negative changes when they're worse than nurse? For example… Why is deathslinger instant scope not ok but nurse is ok? Why is Onryo's get her condemn gutted when nurse exists? Why does Demo receive iri add-on and lifeguard whistle nerfs but nurse exists? why does pig get nerfs? Why does wraith get nerfs? Why does knight get nerfs? why does trickster need +2 blades? the list goes on.
other killers become worse and worse while nurse stays the same.
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I missed that part - my bad - I agree on that regard 100% yes. Thank you for pointing that out.
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"lol you're just another killer main whining about how behavior needs to nerf survivors."
oh wow you know me so well! I am impressed. Except - I have never once made a post on the forums mentioning a nerf to Survivors. Not once.
I love all the assumptions you're making….truly though. Impressive.
I also never said she wasn't strong so read again. I am simply saying how many more nerfs is she gonna get until enough is enough? If she was THAT game breaking BHVR would have done something about it by now…
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impressive how your backtracking now on what you’ve said. And the reason they haven’t done anything is because they favor killers. If they were unbiased then the escapes rates and kill rates would be equal. But somehow 60/40 split is unbiased. Impressive truly
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They should either:
- Remove her absymally big lounge
- Make her unable to turn 360* or even 180* after blink.
+ Optionally do something about stunning her because it's silly that if you stun her in fatigue it doesn't do anything. (literally I've used head on vs Nurse, got Exhausted from it and didn't stun her because you have to timeout stun perfectly and wait for her fatigue to wear off, literally what is this).
That's it, problem solved.
Nurse is immune to pallets and to outplay her you need to break line of sight.
This killer is literally without any counterplay with her stuff, Nurse should guess where the survivor is and if she guesses wrong, she shouldn't be able to still hit someone.
- You see her blinking to the left - you go right - she hits you
- You run away from her, then towards her - she hits you
- You go behind some wall, behave unnatural, doesn't matter where are you running to - she. still. hits. you.
I don't care with "boo hoo this killer is soo weak", if you learn how to play her, you are basically unbeatable.
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Scroll up - you can see I didnt backtrack at all if you were paying attention. I actually made it very clear.
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What are you all talking about?
What nerfs?
Last time we got nerfs was TWO YEARS AGO and this nerf just made her basic attack into special attack.
So where are those nerfs that she apparently got?
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You're right. There are 0 nerfs on there. Not a single one
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I like the fact that you are using some kind of elementary school childish response instead of pointing nerfs that she got.
Ah, yes. Because in last like… 5 years - she didn't get any.
Why are you posting here? Just for the sake of arguing with other users, even when you aren't right?
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I am not the one going for insults. There are 7 nerfs on the document you just listed in the last 5 years. Are we going to pretend they don't exist?
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Okay so let me see if I understand the nurse defenders right: They acknowledge nurse is strong, likely THE strongest. But since you cannot tap into that realm unless you are skilled then it is okay and should stay as it is. And everyone who is unlucky enough to find themselves against a skilled nurse should just accept they got the short end of the stick and that's that. Bad luck on the matchmaking! I mean, lockers, breaking LoS, etc etc are all there but if the nurse is truly skilled it won't help you. The end.
Is that the argument? And if not, how did I misinterpret it?
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Again - what feedback would you provide to fix this? Whats the solution?
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Yes, and also remember to play game despite all of this and not try to unhook yourself, because you are in such game to entertain 4000+ hours Nurse player and not to actually win.
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There is one here:
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- Make her unable to turn 360* or even 180* after blink.
I am cool with this but then that means it has to go for ONI too.
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Why is a complete rework so off the table?
Something like making her unable to 360 for instance would probably not really hurt the 4k hours nurse player, and just make her even worse for beginners. So end of the day the issue is still there, aka the skilled nurse players are still going to stomp the life out of everyone. Meanwhile the unskilled nurse player will suffer more. In short a change like this would basically affect the opposite of what you'd ideally want to target.
Ideally you'd want to target her ceiling being so high it allows people to hit a point where the game is all but over when it starts. I don't see how this can be targeted without just completely reworking a power that is just breaking the fundamentals of the game.
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The rework is the scariest thing here in DBD. BHVR has a bad record when it comes to Reworks. I.E Trickster, Skull Merchant, Sadako, Twins, Freddy…
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If survivor breaks line of sight (1), she overblinks (2) and survivor decide to double back (3), she shouldn't be able to come back and hit him (4).
Something like making her unable to 360 for instance would probably not really hurt the 4k hours nurse player,
It would because they would have to guess and they would have little wiggle room with estimating where survivor is
and just make her even worse for beginners.
There are 37 other killers that players can try, not everyone should start with Nurse.
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I think it is more a case of Nurse being broken relative to the skill, or lack thereof, of the average survivor.
I mained Nurse for years and I have to say the majority of survivors are absolutely clueless, so much so I actually would get my ass kicked when I faced actual good survivors simply because I became so lazy and complacent from versing clueless survivors over and over, when I faced actual good survivors it caught me by surprise and I was unfit due to lazy matches prior.
A good Nurse is very difficult to deal with but in my experience most of the Nurses I verse cant even land a hit on me but my team mates go down instantly. So to me the problem with Nurse is that the majority of the player base are casuals who are not equipped with the skills to deal with her.
So for that reason I would like her changed a bit, as I personally stopped playing her as it gets boring winning over and over against survivors who have no ability to counter you.
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Why is a complete rework so off the table?
Bad record, I'd say.
They don't usually end well, as DBD's history has proven to us:
Freddy? Worst one in the history of DBD.
Hillbilly? Everyone hated overheat.
Sadako? So bad it got reverted.
Twins? No need to explain this one.
Sure, maybe someone can point me towards Leatherface. Or the patch that got rid of Old Legion. But the fact remains that reworks always have a high chance of failing.
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I think what you mean to say is not OP, but flawed in design. A common problem with DBD kilers. Killers are designed to kill, survivors are designed to die. Huge gap between killers and survivors. It's less so the OP killers that devs are worried about, and more so the ones that suck.
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So they have something to point to any time somebody tries to say the game is pay to win.
The game IS pay to win if you want to win with a killer you like, hence why a lot of the licensed killer characters suck until you apply perks from other licensed killers.
Is it lame? Yes.
Will they knock it off? Probably not.
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Well Nurse is always going to be the strongest killer in the game no matter what. Her being able to ignore defenses is what it is. If they change that about her it realistically removes her identity. But I literally don't see why people complain about her when she's rarely played/seen. You'll see a Nurse once every 15-20 matches. It's not like she's being played every single game. She's definitely not unbeatable. Plus Nurse has been changed multiple times throughout the years. They try to make her less powerful by not allowing her power to synergize with curtain perks. So Nurse being how she is will just be allowed no matter how people complain. Plus I also hate how every time a perk gets buffed, people always lean to "How good will this be on Nurse" or "This will be op on Nurse this won't make it live" it's like... Bro other killers who are weaker will benefit more from this change but nope it always has to be based around Nurse. I blame content creators honestly. They make vids and showcase how to do all these unnecessary things with the stronger killers in the game which influence things and start a movement in-game.
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Her existence justifies the existence of the survivors` potential in efficiency with using perks&resources balanced for weaker players.
Killer side is inherently more competitive than survivor side and that eventually leads to people not being content with having zero agency in some of the games whatsoever. Nurse is one of those killers people who want their skill consistently rewarded eventually flock to.
She is also allowed to exist like that because she's only overpowered on a very high skill level and otherwise proves herself to be a nonissue - stats are a clear example of that. Most nurses suck and do not live up to the name she has.
It doesn't mean she won't get nerfs, but none of the nerfs she could get would ever probably change the core way she works.
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Do you looped her like every other killers In the game?
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It is funny, whenever Stats show high Killrates, there are mental gymnastics done why the stats are not true or not relevant. But when it comes to Nurse, the stats are the ultimate proof that she is not completely busted.
That every player on this planet who does a Tier Lists puts her into the Top of S-Tier and rates her as the strongest Killer in the game (regardless if Survivor- or Killer-Main) without any discussion or need of explanation seems to not count. They must all be wrong I guess.
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Here again - lowest Killrate is the only thing, because with Nurse, Killrate SUDDENLY matters. But not with every other Killer.
Her difficulty is also really overrated. Sure, you feel like the dumbest person on earth when trying her out for the first time, but it only takes a few hours to play her well enough to win the majority of the games. And if you reach that point the only question is how much you want to limit yourself to make the game remotely interesting and not completely one-sided. (e.g. how many Slowdown-Perks do you pick on her, do you use Add Ons, are you slugging a lot, tunneling, stuff like that)
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Why is her kill rate so low then?
If she's so easy to play well, and so OP, why does she not have the highest pick rate and highest kill rate?
Stats don't lie, most people cannot play Nurse.
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She has the highest skill floor of all the killers in game so her skill ceiling is also that much higher in nurse mains.
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I wonder who has been nerfed more often Nurse or Skully 🤔
To OP, I think Nurse by herself is fine in her current state, especially after the last change the devs made to her. Though how her powers can synergize with some of the perks can make her too OP at times. Disregarding perks, great Nurse mains are still going to be great with her, and for others she might be a bit more difficult to get used to.
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Why is her kill rate so low then?
Several reasons:
- free character, meaning that inexperienced players have instantly access to her. Plus the fact that Nurse does not really play DBD; so everything a new player could have learned on Trapper or Wraith will not be transferable to Nurse (unlike for example Billy, who is also not that easy to learn, but can be played as a pure M1-Killer)
- steep learning curve - as said before, it takes a bit of time to get used to her and all those games contribute to her low killrate.
- console players - probably not a big influence, but you can expect many games on console lower her killrate, because she is hard to play on console. And this over all skill levels, a beginner will do even worse on Console compared to PC. And even a good Nurse on Console will most likely be less good than a good Nurse on PC due to the hardware.
- People dont just play to win but to have fun - if you dont just play the Killer which wins you the most games, you will probably not play Nurse all the time. So even if players are good with Nurse, the amount of those players who rather play other Killers is high. Meaning there are less people to increase her Killrate. You dont see popular content creators play Nurse that much, because it is not really exciting. E.g. if you ask me, I would not say that Nurse is my favorite Killer, but probably the Killer I get the best results in. I would rather play Billy over Nurse all the time. Or even some B- or C-Tier Killers, since they are more exciting to play. So the killrate of other Killers is more influenced by good Killer Mains than the killrate of Nurse.
Just saying that her Killrate is low, so Nurse is not busted is just way too easy and wrong thinking. With every other Killer reasons are found or made up why the Killrate cannot be that high, but with Nurse the raw numbers are fact and Nurse is weak because of that.
That every Content Creator who creates a Tier List puts Nurse at the Top and declares her the best Killer is meaningless apparently - even if there is not even any discussion or reasoning given at this point like with other Killers, where you can argue if for example Billy or Blight are better or if Ghostface is better than Sadako or other things like that. The reason why Nurse is always labelled as the best is simply "It is Nurse" and if it is THAT easy, there is a reason for it.
But yeah, the kiLlrAtE.
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I never said that she wasn't a strong killer or that having the lowest kill rate means she's the weakest killer.
We're all well aware Nurse is at the top.
The point is her place at the top is deserved, it's warranted BECAUSE of her learning curve and because of her kill rate.
That doesn't mean she's busted and broken, it means she's supposed to be strong.
She's far from impossible to deal with, which is made apparent due to her low kill rate. She requires a different approach, both to play as and play against. That's what most people don't appreciate.
There is absolutely no way you can nerf her enough to bring her in line with other killers without also making her a complete joke with a 1% kill rate.