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How did behavior fail twice in a row

Member Posts: 50
edited November 2024 in General Discussions

Seriously I mean how in the hell did behavior not fix the lobby wait time for killers in the 2v8 mode I mean it's ridiculous and to make matters worse all those quests can't even be done on the killer side and if you struggle playing survivor oh well

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  • Member Posts: 451
    edited November 2024

    This cant be fixed, cause this gamemode is super annoying to play as survivor on a fundamental note. And if noone wants to play on one side thats how it ends for the other side.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Please tell me, what they should have done?! I’m very interested in your answer!

  • Member Posts: 3,586
    edited November 2024

    I think the issue is lack of interesting mechanics for Survivor tbh.

    Each Killer has their own power which acts and reacts to the other Killer's power, plus 4 classes, leading to more diverse gameplay. Meanwhile Survivor just has really basic classes, like they feel more akin to a normal match of DBD in terms of design. If Survivor had more classes or interesting aspects, more diversity, gameplay mechanics that encourage engagement, etc, it would definitely have wider appeal, but in it's current state, it's just boring compared to Killer.

    Furthermore, teammates in 2v8 are a bigger issue than in 1v4. It's generally easier to get 3 friends together for 1v4, finding 7 friends for 2v8 is just naturally harder, and there is more of a chance for gaps to be there, leading to issues where you have useless teammates, people who last 2 seconds in chase, etc. Basically, SoloQ issues are made worse, and SWF is harder to form and you will most likely have some SoloQ elements in your matches.

  • Member Posts: 391

    They failed in making survivor fun. Killers are too unbalanced strong and more fun to play and so the devs failed.

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    I think it would help a bit if in each lobby they added a couple of bots for the survivors. Queue times would reduce for sure.

  • Member Posts: 158

    it's really easy add new baseline mechanic that ain't currently in the game like jumping climbing pushing some shelfs to block a entrances legit something new rebuilding the pallet is the closes thing the game got to that in forever

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    They gave killer side a bunch of new stuff (3 more killer options plus 4 classes) but only slightly tweaked the survivor classes from last time and added abilities - abilities that aren't something that will draw people to the survivor side from killer. Giving the side that is already more popular new things to encourage more people to play that side while giving the side that needs players basically nothing was definitely an odd decision.

    There's only 2 challenges that are survivor only, play as a trial as Guide class and play a trial as Medic class. You could be the very worst survivor and be dead before the first gen is completed, you will complete those 2 survivor challenges since you don't have to do anything but play in a trial and not DC. They should actually put more survivor only challenges in the tome to encourage more to play the survivor side. The more people that leave the killer queue to play survivor the better the wait times will get for killer.

  • Member Posts: 395

    You need survivors and clearly not enough people are playing that role to keep up with demand. Also I play some but it's so chaotic it's starts giving me a headache and I go back to regular matches.

  • Member Posts: 64

    My friend and I don't play 2v8 survivor unless the BP bonus is at least 250%, a lot of people are asking for an increase as well, seems like a simple fix to just increase it but BHVR are stingy af

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    While I wholeheartedly agree with your suggestion, if 250% isn't enough to get people to fill up the queues, I doubt there's any number that will (maybe filled with a bunch of new players who just need BP but I imagine much of the player base is like me where BP means nothing).

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I don't see how the queue times are long. It's a garbage mode that isn't designed for killer to win on. You play well, and get nothing for it, because you give the survivors extra gen speed (which default gen speed is crazy enough), and then you're expected to patrol 3 gates and 3 hatches. The survivors just have to play bad, or that's it.

  • Member Posts: 504
    edited November 2024

    I'm trying to play regular 4v1 as killer and barely managing to play 3 games an hour with these queue times. It's insane

  • Member Posts: 222

    Allow players to raise rank by playing 2vs8. Playing this mode gives us less time to rank up this month.

    Never let the bonus BP go lower than 250%.

    Allow a lobby to have 2 bots.

  • Member Posts: 50
    edited November 2024

    That's the thing is maybe they should've put survivor only quests and make it more interesting like do 1 match as Meg and unlock a free head or t-shirt yknow??? Create incentives to play survivor and at the same time use cosmetics that we abandoned and to top it off create challenges that are fun like use medic class to self revive once in a match and unlock like 15 rift tokens to help people lagging in the rift

  • I would have added specific survivor only quests that offer rift tokens for players who want to grind, added cosmetic options to the quests like special shirts and things for both sides and created some more mechanics for both sides to make it more fun

  • Member Posts: 637

    I mean, they tried for sure. I would say the mode is quite survivor sided and it is kinda expected for many to escape.

    But killers are still more fun. You have basically constant chase and it is still something new.

    Not really true for survivors, I would say average chase will be worse than 1v4, you have often games where your total chase is either none, or 10-20 seconds. I had many games where only thing I did was work on gen, or heal, then escape.

  • Member Posts: 3,558

    they didnt fail, they made a massively desirable game mode that has such a huge influx of players, that there just needs to be appropriate incentives/prerequisites to balance things out.

    Glass half empty is no way to live.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I personally really love the class system, it brings so much fresh air into the game, without having to deal with minutia. I really think that we should have a sort of class system in the base game, it feels so interesting and fluid and you know what to do. Playing with the classes alone makes it more interesting to me, but of course, the main draw of 2v8 is playing with two killers.

    The experience is not the same by a mile! Going against two killers isn't particulate interesting or "lets see how I can outplay them both at the same time", its usually a lost situation, no matter what. But going with two killers against 8 survivors and see what interesting combos or situations you can solve, well that is something new and intriguing. So 500% BP might be the best incentive :P

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    I've got 2 P100s and I'd go nuts for that much BP. I've been playing Survivor in 2v8 a bit because of the short queues and higher BP, it's a pretty great rate.

    Granted I'm trying to P9 every single killer atm but still.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    Hey, me too! Both survivor and killers. I've got the vast majority of survivors done and like…3/4 of the killers done. Slowly but surely getting everyone to P9

  • Member Posts: 336

    They should offer IRI shards to play survivor. BP gets boring when there are no perks or any prestige outfits left

  • Member Posts: 325

    I thought killer queues would be quicker by now. It's not fun playing as killer. Gens pop left and right so quickly it's just not fun anymore, at least for me. If that's fun for you - then like more power to ya. I was excited for 2v8 to come back because it was a lot of fun, even with the long wait times. But I"m not going to wait 20 minutes for a killer game where gens keep getting done left and right after 5 hook states and you get 1-2, maybe 3 kills.

  • Member Posts: 894
    edited November 2024

    Problem is in doing this, they made the game unfun for more casual Killer players like me. I just do not wanna wait 20 minutes so me and my friend can be genrushed in 8 minutes and get no Kills because the mode is THIS Survivor sided. It's also information overload, my poor ADHD/Autistic brain cannot HANDLE this. It's not fun for someone like me at all. :(

    This is, incidentally, also why we can't have a 50/50 kill to escape rate in the main mode. Because it would feel like this. Bad.

  • Member Posts: 374

    Me and my friends prefer playing 4v1 with cobblers or bloody party.

    I would be playing 2v8 if incentive was higher or we could bring our cobblers into it.

    Also allowing to bring items would be a good move.

  • Member Posts: 338

    Yesterday I was already seeing survivor lobbies start to fill up more slowly. Since Tuesday they've been instantly at 8.

    The problem is the mode gets boring very quickly. As last time, it was fun for a day or two but the same killers over and over and same 4 classes over and over equals no variety or depth.

    With perks you have almost infinite combinations available if you wish and you have to think way more in the normal mode. 2v8 is DBD lite. 400% bonus couldn't keep a lot of people interested last time, less this time certainly won't. I can't wait for the mode to end and really hope it isn't extended for 3 weeks again like last time so we can get back to the normal mode again with normal queue times.

    As last time

  • Member Posts: 894

    This is basically why I don't enjoy it. In retrospect 1v4 has more depth, interest, agency, control, potential, and fun for me. 2v8 is just too light and breezy for me to really feel like I'm stuck in and having any fun. Either side.

    It feels pointlessly too chaotic as Killer, and too easy for me as Survivor. So I simply will never ever play it past a few days, or if there is a tome. I cannot be persuaded to enjoy it, the only thing that maybe would help me like it is if my Mains got in. But they're all licenses, so that's basically never going to happen.

  • Member Posts: 557

    They should have implemented a repeatable daily quest for the duration of the event where if you escaped 3 times on survivor, they gave you 50 auric cells. If the event is 2 weeks, that's 700 auric cells. That's $7 dollars worth of value if you log in every day and play the mode to win.

  • Member Posts: 2,111

    I mean, pretty obvious. The playerbase population just isn't big enough for the game to support the game mode. If every time the game mode is released, you're effectively forcing people to stop playing DBD entirely until the game mode is over, it's probably a sign to realize it's best to not implement the gamemode until the population is healthier.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2024

    All I know is i'm ready for this game mode to go away. I can't even play the normal game because the queues are so long. It isn't even driving up player numbers by a large amount anymore if you believe steam charts. It's just dragging the normal game mode down at this point. You can't keep sacrificing the base game for this novelty game mode. Especially not now that we're in the realm of diminishing returns. The only way this multiple game mode experiment is going to work in the long term is if you make the game free to play and massively boost the population.

  • Member Posts: 338

    It's dying a painful death. Sitting in lobbies with 6 survivors and 2 killers all ready to go and no survivors join for 2 minutes on the day the 2nd tome is released is all you need to know. And 150% BP bonus isn't going to solve anything. Scouts and Escapists running to the killer to get killed just so they can complete the two challenges to play a match using those classes.

    Another week of this to go as well. It's just harming the game at this point.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    I believe they need to remove this mode and come up with something else. While I know that a lot of people enjoy this mode, it's negatively impacting the main game. Players will eventually tire of the long queue times and may end up quitting the game altogether. Bringing this mode back for just two weeks isn't beneficial; it's causing frustration among players during that time. Steam numbers didn't seem to change much like when the first iteration of the mode was released; it needs to be scrapped, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I know for a fact I am not playing DBD at all right now. The mode is a snooze, and it's literally impacting the rest of the game.

    Literally, just make it its own game. It shouldn't be a mode, let alone permanent. The people who like it are mostly Survivors seeking easier wins and people who want the easiest possible version of DBD anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    Anyone complaining about the 'killer' queue times need to stop: you're showing your ignorance.

    In a mode that houses 10 players, you think the team with 2 will be fast? Even if its thought about for a moment, its a matter of math that I wholly believe can make sense to people here.

    Killer is the more sought after spot with most in this mode, so naturally the wait time will be larger the more people want to queue as killer. If the wait times are long and you're still waiting, do as people who complained about being slugged to death: go get a bagel, read a book, get laid or even adopt an animal that needs your love!

    This is never going away. The mode, in and of itself, creates this problem.

  • Member Posts: 761

    I agree but, they could make the incentives to 400% for survivors instead 250 or less, last night, for me, the survivor bonus in 2v8 was just on 50%, so…

  • Member Posts: 102

    I think the opposite would be true. I wouldn't willingly queue up with crummy bots on either side, and I don't think many people would. Wait times would just increase unless you can get a full lobby of bots. But, again, who would want to play against a whole team of bots? No thanks.

  • Member Posts: 460

    Last 2v8 was 400% and it still had the same issue. it needs to be 500%+

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    A couple bots wouldn’t hurt. 2 or 3 at most until someone can load in to take the spot.

    They can increase the skill of the bot too since they have dumped them down. I prefer a bot of an actual player at times. At least they do gens and are psychic lol

  • Member Posts: 338

    Any game that only has one or two different modes and needs to use bots to fill lobbies has a major problem. The devs need to be very careful with 2v8 or it could be the downfall of DBD.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Any amount of BP is not enough because the draw of the mode isn't, and never will be, 8 Survivors at once.

  • but think about this for example how come we have to wait like 10 minutes to get killer matches when most people don't like playing characters like Trapper or Deathslinger cause of the amount of time to setup or how hard it is to manage a snowball even with 2 killer most people manage to at least get 4 people out ending in a draw

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