Some items and addons are still waiting for necessary changes

Hi! It's 2 years soon from big medkits changes and I'm really surprised we didn't see any item/addon change since this time. And I want to point out on some things which need changes really bad for far FAR too long.

1. Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe

I honestly don't understand how this addon still in the state it is and didn't recieve any meaningful changes for so many years, because this thing obviously from dbd era, when everything was beyond stupid and broken.
Opportunity to save 24-32 seconds AND progress your objective at the same time, should I explain anything else here? Even old BNP was fairer, so why we still have this in the game in current state? I mean, with medkit changes it didn't change, arguably it's even stronger than before.
I refuse to believe you designed Moment Of Glory and was like "Yeah, we have medkit addon which do same thing x10 times better and doesn't need any pre-work, so it's definately fine".
My suggestion:
– Now can be activated only if medkit has 24 charges for self-healing and 16 charges for altruistic healing.
– Medkit no longer disappears, instead charges deplete over time.
– Healing 50% of health state over time and instantly remove Haemorrhage status effect after use.

2. Blood Amber key's addon

Not sure if I need to explain why constant, unrestricted killer's aura reveal on a button on any second you want isn't even remotely fair. It was beyond stupid, but after Eyes of Belmont release Blood Amber has no rights to stay as it is. I've never been called a cheater as many times as when I use this addon, and I'm not even super strong looper.
My suggestions:
– Reveal killer's aura outside of 24 meters from you, depletion rate is +100%.
– Stay as it is, but depletion rate is +400%, so it will be much more restricted. (lazy solution)
– Can't be activated in chase and stay as it is.

3. Commodious toolbox (and other Event toolboxes)

By far most superior toolbox. Why should you choose any other, unless you are going to sabotage?Just put on BNP and Wire Spool and shave off 1/4 time you need to do a gen.
My suggestion:
– I honestly think toolboxes need bigger overhaul, but if not, just make it only 20 charges. I would delete Mechanic's toolbox on top of it, I don't know why it exists.

4. Broken and Dull key

I don't understand why many people say that Broken Key is useless and not Dull Key. I mean, yeah, you can't escape in hatch with it, but people seems like to refuse to keep in mind that keys have different utilization. I love to use Broken Key with Gold Token, it's like buffed Bond on button, very usefull in soloq, but yeah, if it can't give you anymore free 3-man escape after 4 gens done, survivors will say it's useless, as with many many other things. But anyway, I think keys should have some slight buffs:
– Broken key now shows you aura of other teammates in 20 meters from you, without need of triggering Mind Channel.
– Dull Key now always shows you aura of Obsession and buffed to 12 seconds of usage.
– Some keys addons need rework to make their effects more unic and interesting.

Thank you for you attention!


  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I think Blood Amber is one of the more unique survivor items and should be left well alone, maybe make it an iridescent even. It already has a downside, I don't think we should tamper with it as it doesnt effect those in undetectable. I'd rather keys be made into actual aura reading items, especially broken ones to have more duration, I'd use them a lot more.

    Maps are the ones that need love too, they should do more, maybe increase bless time etc with certain addons in exchange for charge.

    Syringe? I'd not miss it if it was gone, I feel the nerf it recieved has put it in the right place for an iridescent addon. Unlike gel dressing which is very ??????? inspired.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Maps doing their job fine, I don't know what else they can do. But extremely short range is my problem with them. I think it should be 16 meters by default, so you can run something else except double range addons. I would also increase Ultra Rare map's charges to 30.
    Maybe they can make it so you interact with every thing which is tracking on the map 10% faster.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,302

    I disagree with you about the Blood Amber, I think it's mostly fine and the issue is that it's the only thing making Keys even slightly comparable to the good items like Flashlights and Medkits.

    No argument about Toolboxes. I'd love the gen repair speed to be reworked into an entirely different effect, and the various kinds of Toolboxes just condensed a little bit. We don't need as many as there are, it's arbitrary clutter imo.

    As an aside, wasn't the Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe changed when Medkits were? Now that Medkits have the speed penalty, doesn't that mean the Syringe does too, because it's affected by anything adjusting your healing speed in either direction? Not to say it isn't still absurdly good and a potential target for changes, but I think it did actually get nerfed proportional to the item it's associated with.

    Another aside- most of the time when I see people saying the Broken Key is useless, it's in the context of chest loot, where it literally is. Without addons, that item has literally no actual, mechanical effect - things like the green Map and the Dull Key may be functionally useless in that what they do isn't useful in 90+% of scenarios, but they do have a literal mechanical function even without addons. Still, yeah, Keys as a class need love, they barely do anything without addons and even the addons only bring them up to actually being worth bringing. More power in the item itself, and an addon overhaul, would do wonders.

    Speaking of, Maps need love too. They're so horrendously addon-dependent to actually do their job, and even then they don't do everything you'd reasonably expect— for instance, there is no way of making your Map reveal Chests unless you bring the perk Detective's Hunch. Chests are like, one of the two static map objects survivors would actually want to seek out, alongside Totems, and Maps just flat out don't reveal them, it's madness. Same deal here, more power in the item itself, reshuffling of addons.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    so just nerf all survivor items? stypic needles and red syringe have 0 requirement to be used and produce high impact without negligent downside. i think i'd remove downside of destroying your item and add downside that med-kit loses its self-care functionality. the add-on is consumed on activation.

    the other stuff is more hazy.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    I rather wish the developers would give Syringes a hole rework but I highly doubt they will ever do this (like with this addon you no longer lose progress due to Haemorrhage when healing yourself), so your suggestion might be the best middle way. The current version is so stupid strong. Being able to heal midchase because 24sec is easy manageable and also being better/easier to use than many other perks is so stupid. Also outside of chase don't spend 24 or 16sec for healing and sit on gens is huge.

    Blood Amber is such a funny Addon. We live in a metagame where different players call every aura perk on the killerside wallhacks, skill issues ect but at the same time survivors have this addon that is basiclly uncountable wallhacks with which you can look like a cheater. I like to use this addon too when I play survivor because you drive some killers really insane when every mindgame they do don't work and you win every 50/50. Many aura reading tools on the survivorside are really strong chase tools but this one is so insane because neither you nor the killer need to do anything (drop or break pallet).

    Toolboxes need a general rework but especially this toolbox because it is way too strong. 20 charges is fine.

    I like the idea for broken key and could get slightly more range because it will only help SoloQ, especially for these players that want information but don't have the perk space.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815
    edited November 2024

    The current version is so stupid strong.

    Worst part it became even stronger in terms of time saving since medkits nerf and almost didn't changed in terms of 3rd health state in chase. Yes, slightly more risky, but overall at the same place as before: predrop 1 or 2 pallets, use exhaustion, here you are, 3rd health state.

    We live in a metagame where different players call every aura perk on the killerside wallhacks, skill issues ect but at the same time survivors have this addon that is basiclly uncountable wallhacks with which you can look like a cheater.

    Yeah, it's super fun to read from the same people, who want to nerf aura reading on killers and "oh no Zanshin removes mindgames, it's bad design (troubleshooter doesn't exist btw)" that constant, unrestricted killer's aura reveal on a button on any second you want "is fine". It's just self reporting at this point, literally all you need to know about biases in this community.

    I like the idea for broken key and could get slightly more range because it will only help SoloQ

    Please don't forget it's permament aura without needing to press button and keys have range addons, so I think it's fine with 20 meters. Bond is really useful and have Bond on steroids on 2/3 of the map just with 1 item can be strong even for swf on comms.